

HashIconNameDescriptionMatchmakingDestinationPlacePGCR Image
69981056Cold BootRestart the dormant array to balance the Cosmodrome power grid.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
511839752SchismWork with Shaw to find his missing teammates.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
3836310890VendettaEnter the Superconductor chamber and find Shaw.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
3906017155A Guardian RisesFight through Old Russia and make your escape.Max 1 players
Party: 1 - 1 players
1928961926CosmodromeMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
603986551Risk/RewardSearch the Cosmodrome for a secret stash. Find it to claim your reward.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
174131855The DisgracedDefeat the shamed Hive Wizard Navôta in the Cosmodrome.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
2136458564Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptThe DisgracedMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
2136458567Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroThe DisgracedMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
2136458566Nightfall: The Ordeal: LegendThe DisgracedMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
2136458561Nightfall: The Ordeal: MasterThe DisgracedMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
2136458560Nightfall: The Ordeal: GrandmasterThe DisgracedMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
3381711459The Ordeal: Grandmaster: The DisgracedThe DisgracedMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
1684420962The DisgracedDefeat the shamed Hive Wizard Navôta in the Cosmodrome.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
1149313001Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
3094493720Veles Labyrinth: LegendLegend Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment Hive Champions: Barrier, Unstoppable Hive Modifier: Fire Pit Destination Modifier: Memory of a Golden Age Burn: Desolate ChargeMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
3094493727Veles Labyrinth: MasterMaster Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment, Extra Champions Hive Champions: Barrier, Unstoppable Hive Modifier: Fire Pit Destination Modifier: Memory of a Golden Age Master Modifier: Chaff Burn: Desolate ChargeMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
2936791996Exodus Garden 2A: LegendLegend Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment Fallen Champions: Barrier, Overload Fallen Modifier: Scorched Earth Destination Modifier: Memory of a Golden Age Burn: Forlorn MiasmaMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
2936791995Exodus Garden 2A: MasterMaster Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment, Extra Champions Fallen Champions: Barrier, Overload Fallen Modifier: Scorched Earth Destination Modifier: Memory of a Golden Age Master Modifier: Attrition Burn: Forlorn MiasmaMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
2856932809The Dreaming CityA long-hidden stronghold sacred to the Awoken of the Reef.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Dreaming CityThe Dreaming City
1254422902The CorruptedHunt down one of Queen Mara's most trusted advisors and free her from Taken possession.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Dreaming CityThe Dreaming City
2416314397Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptThe CorruptedMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Dreaming CityThe Dreaming City
2416314398Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroThe CorruptedMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Dreaming CityThe Dreaming City
2416314399Nightfall: The Ordeal: LegendThe CorruptedMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Dreaming CityThe Dreaming City
2416314392Nightfall: The Ordeal: MasterThe CorruptedMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Dreaming CityThe Dreaming City
2416314393Nightfall: The Ordeal: GrandmasterThe CorruptedMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Dreaming CityThe Dreaming City
3100302962The Ordeal: Grandmaster: The CorruptedThe CorruptedMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Dreaming CityThe Dreaming City
723056533The CorruptedHunt down one of Queen Mara's most trusted advisors and free her from Taken possession.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Dreaming CityThe Dreaming City
1711185200The CorruptedHunt down one of Queen Mara's most trusted advisors and free her from Taken possession.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Dreaming CityThe Dreaming City
416678694Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
The Dreaming CityThe Dreaming City
2707682597European Dead ZoneMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
European Dead ZoneEarth
3725993747Lake of ShadowsStem the tide of Taken flowing into the European Dead Zone from beneath the waves.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
European Dead ZoneEarth
1258914202The Arms DealerShut down the operations of an ironmonger providing weapons to the Red Legion.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
European Dead ZoneEarth
1753547897Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptThe Arms DealerMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
European Dead ZoneEarth
1753547898Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroThe Arms DealerMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
European Dead ZoneEarth
1753547899Nightfall: The Ordeal: LegendThe Arms DealerMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
European Dead ZoneEarth
1753547900Nightfall: The Ordeal: MasterThe Arms DealerMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
European Dead ZoneEarth
1753547901Nightfall: The Ordeal: GrandmasterThe Arms DealerMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
European Dead ZoneEarth
1446478334The Ordeal: Grandmaster: The Arms DealerThe Arms DealerMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
European Dead ZoneEarth
3109193572Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptLake of ShadowsMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
European Dead ZoneEarth
3109193575Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroLake of ShadowsMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
European Dead ZoneEarth
3109193574Nightfall: The Ordeal: LegendLake of ShadowsMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
European Dead ZoneEarth
3109193569Nightfall: The Ordeal: MasterLake of ShadowsMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
European Dead ZoneEarth
3109193568Nightfall: The Ordeal: GrandmasterLake of ShadowsMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
European Dead ZoneEarth
207226563The Ordeal: Grandmaster: Lake of ShadowsLake of ShadowsMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
European Dead ZoneEarth
2318521576Lake of ShadowsStem the tide of Taken flowing into the European Dead Zone from beneath the waves.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
European Dead ZoneEarth
3240321863The Arms DealerShut down the operations of an ironmonger providing weapons to the Red Legion.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
European Dead ZoneEarth
2605774474Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
European Dead ZoneEarth
1813752023EuropaRathmore Chaos, Jupiter's MoonMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
3270200327Darkness's DoorstepTrack Variks's distress signal.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
343231615The New KellRace towards the Fallen City of Riis-Reborn and prevent Eramis from further wielding the Darkness.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
2730753804Rising ResistanceHelp Variks set up a secret Fallen comms network to communicate with other House Salvation refugees.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
103710490The AftermathHelp the Vanguard investigate the Vex presence in the Fallen city to gain a tactical advantage over House Salvation.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
3627106226Sabotaging SalvationHelp the Vanguard destabilize what remains of House Salvation by sabotaging an important Fallen weapons factory.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
949315777Europa SabotageHelp the Vanguard destabilize what remains of House Salvation by sabotaging an important Fallen weapons factory.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
3362656479Empire Hunt: The TechnocratDefeat Eramis's technology expert, Praksis, the Technocrat.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
3095855876Empire Hunt: The WarriorDefeat Eramis's military commander, Phylaks, the Warrior.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
2364451451The Kell of DarknessDefeat Eramis, the Kell of Darkness.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
2226120409The GlasswayPrevent ancient and powerful Vex from escaping the Glassway on Europa.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
2930649307The GlasswayPrevent ancient and powerful Vex from escaping the Glassway on Europa.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
1787238303Empire Hunt: The TechnocratDefeat Eramis's technology expert, Praksis, the Technocrat.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
5517247Empire Hunt: The Technocrat: AdeptDefeat Eramis's technology expert, Praksis, the Technocrat.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
5517244Empire Hunt: The Technocrat: HeroDefeat Eramis's technology expert, Praksis, the Technocrat.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
5517245Empire Hunt: The Technocrat: LegendDefeat Eramis's technology expert, Praksis, the Technocrat.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
5517242Empire Hunt: The Technocrat: MasterDefeat Eramis's technology expert, Praksis, the Technocrat.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
1221473220Empire Hunt: The WarriorDefeat Eramis's military commander, Phylaks, the Warrior.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
4173217516Empire Hunt: The Warrior: AdeptDefeat Eramis's military commander, Phylaks, the Warrior.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
4173217519Empire Hunt: The Warrior: HeroDefeat Eramis's military commander, Phylaks, the Warrior.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
4173217518Empire Hunt: The Warrior: LegendDefeat Eramis's military commander, Phylaks, the Warrior.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
4173217513Empire Hunt: The Warrior: MasterDefeat Eramis's military commander, Phylaks, the Warrior.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
2135920336Empire Hunt: The Dark Priestess: AdeptDefeat the new leader of the Fallen, Kridis, the Dark Priestess.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
2205920672Empire Hunt: The Dark Priestess: AdeptDefeat the new leader of the Fallen, Kridis, the Dark Priestess.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
2205920675Empire Hunt: The Dark Priestess: HeroDefeat the new leader of the Fallen, Kridis, the Dark Priestess.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
2205920674Empire Hunt: The Dark Priestess: LegendDefeat the new leader of the Fallen, Kridis, the Dark Priestess.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
2205920677Empire Hunt: The Dark Priestess: MasterDefeat the new leader of the Fallen, Kridis, the Dark Priestess.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
3965479856The GlasswayEramis activated the Vex portal once built by Clovis Bray. The Exo Stranger asks for your help in stopping the Vex incursion to Europa.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
376759502The GlasswayEramis activated the Vex portal once built by Clovis Bray. The Exo Stranger asks for your help in stopping the Vex incursion to Europa.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
3812135455Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptThe GlasswayMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
3812135452Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroThe GlasswayMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
3812135453Nightfall: The Ordeal: LegendThe GlasswayMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
3812135450Nightfall: The Ordeal: MasterThe GlasswayMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
3812135451Nightfall: The Ordeal: GrandmasterThe GlasswayMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
4197461112The Ordeal: Grandmaster: The GlasswayThe GlasswayMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
3329390423The GlasswayEramis activated the Vex portal once built by Clovis Bray. The Exo Stranger asks for your help in stopping the Vex incursion to Europa.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
289368916Stealing StasisWork with the Drifter to steal a Fallen prototype for a Stasis-wielding Grenade Launcher.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
1022114229Reforging the PastSave the Clovis AI from the Vex before it's too late.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
334765595Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
2344594060Darkness's DoorstepComplete the "Darkness's Doorstep" mission.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
3927228301Darkness's DoorstepComplete the "Darkness's Doorstep" mission.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
2152400248Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
2629713707Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
1476821118Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
3372868559Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
214408538Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
701894232Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
383713146Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
2684507080Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
810647534Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
1343815931EuropaRathmore Chaos, Jupiter's MoonMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
683832156Darkness's DoorstepTrack Variks's distress signal.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
920112216Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
3076941090Destiny 2: Beyond LightContinue the Beyond Light campaign and unlock the power of Stasis.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
910380154Deep Stone CryptThe chains of legacy must be broken.Max 6 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
3976949817Deep Stone CryptThe chains of legacy must be broken.Matchmade
Max 6 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
1262994080Simulation: SafeguardSimulated Skill-Set Training: Test your defensive abilities amongst a Vex onslaught.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
2361093350Simulation: SurvivalSimulated Skill-Set Training: Survive the harsh weather as you take down the Vex.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
3784931086Simulation: AgilitySimulated Skill-Set Training: Test your dexterity as you move against the Vex.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
510295347Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
912873277Concealed Void: LegendLegend Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment Fallen Champions: Barrier, Overload Fallen Modifier: Arach-NO! Destination Modifier: Memory of a Frozen Conundrum Burn: Isolated FlamesMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
912873274Concealed Void: MasterMaster Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment, Extra Champions Fallen Champions: Barrier, Overload Fallen Modifier: Arach-NO! Destination Modifier: Memory of a Frozen Conundrum Master Modifier: Chaff Burn: Isolated FlamesMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
1648125541Bunker E15: LegendLegend Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment Vex Champions: Barrier, Overload Vex Modifier: Shocker Destination Modifier: Memory of a Frozen Conundrum Burn: Forlorn MiasmaMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
1648125538Bunker E15: MasterMaster Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment, Extra Champions Vex Champions: Barrier, Overload Vex Modifier: Shocker Destination Modifier: Memory of a Frozen Conundrum Master Modifier: Attrition Burn: Forlorn MiasmaMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
1070981430Perdition: LegendLegend Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment Vex Champions: Barrier, Overload Vex Modifier: Shocker Destination Modifier: Memory of a Frozen Conundrum Burn: Forlorn MiasmaMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
1070981425Perdition: MasterMaster Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment, Extra Champions Vex Champions: Barrier, Overload Vex Modifier: Shocker Destination Modifier: Memory of a Frozen Conundrum Master Modifier: Famine Burn: Forlorn MiasmaMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaCastalia Macula, Europa
2603051550A Mysterious DisturbanceTravel to the Moon and stave off the Hive resurgence alongside your fellow Guardians.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
2022716088In Search of Answers"In Search of Answers" completedMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
2354279177In the DeepSomewhere in the horrific depths of the Hellmouth lies the Hive Cryptoglyph. With it, Eris Morn can craft further Dreambane armor for your quest to find a way inside the Pyramid. The Cryptoglyph is yours to take from the Hive… if you can.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1517708944BeyondWhat secrets lie within the Pyramid? It sits in silence, waiting for you. Head to the Enduring Abyss, past the Pyramid's warding, and find a way inside.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
2580423606The Scarlet KeepInvestigate the recently erected Scarlet Keep and discover its dark purpose.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
3583612236The Scarlet KeepInvestigate the recently erected Scarlet Keep and discover its dark purpose.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
845208861A Mysterious DisturbanceTravel to the Moon and stave off the Hive resurgence alongside your fellow Guardians.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
3172067552In the DeepSomewhere in the horrific depths of the Hellmouth lies the Hive Cryptoglyph. With it, Eris Morn can craft further Dreambane armor for your quest to find a way inside the Pyramid. The Cryptoglyph is yours to take from the Hive… if you can.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
2294600711BeyondWhat secrets lie within the Pyramid? It sits in silence, waiting for you. Head to the Enduring Abyss, past the Pyramid's warding, and find a way inside.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
262479697Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
The MoonThe Moon
4151049723Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
3650494323Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
The MoonThe Moon
2815805011Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
2582501063Pit of Heresy: NormalDeep beneath Sorrow's Harbor, the Hive keep their darkest secrets.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
785700678Pit of Heresy: LegendDeep beneath Sorrow's Harbor, the Hive keep their darkest secrets.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
785700673Pit of Heresy: MasterDeep beneath Sorrow's Harbor, the Hive keep their darkest secrets.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
506197732The MoonMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
3076504012Nightmare Hunt: InsanityDefeat the Nightmare of the Fanatic.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
66809865Nightmare Hunt: Insanity: AdeptDefeat the Nightmare of the Fanatic.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
66809866Nightmare Hunt: Insanity: HeroDefeat the Nightmare of the Fanatic.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
66809867Nightmare Hunt: Insanity: LegendDefeat the Nightmare of the Fanatic.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
66809868Nightmare Hunt: Insanity: MasterDefeat the Nightmare of the Fanatic.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1862440533Nightmare Hunt: AnguishDefeat the Nightmare of Omnigul.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
2195531046Nightmare Hunt: Anguish: AdeptDefeat the Nightmare of Omnigul.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
2195531045Nightmare Hunt: Anguish: HeroDefeat the Nightmare of Omnigul.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
2195531044Nightmare Hunt: Anguish: LegendDefeat the Nightmare of Omnigul.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
2195531043Nightmare Hunt: Anguish: MasterDefeat the Nightmare of Omnigul.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1447080384Nightmare Hunt: DespairDefeat the Nightmare of Crota, Son of Oryx.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1086094029Nightmare Hunt: Despair: AdeptDefeat the Nightmare of Crota, Son of Oryx.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1086094030Nightmare Hunt: Despair: HeroDefeat the Nightmare of Crota, Son of Oryx.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1086094031Nightmare Hunt: Despair: LegendDefeat the Nightmare of Crota, Son of Oryx.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1086094024Nightmare Hunt: Despair: MasterDefeat the Nightmare of Crota, Son of Oryx.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1131960056Nightmare Hunt: FearDefeat the Nightmare of Phogoth.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
77280917Nightmare Hunt: Fear: AdeptDefeat the Nightmare of Phogoth.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
77280918Nightmare Hunt: Fear: HeroDefeat the Nightmare of Phogoth.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
77280919Nightmare Hunt: Fear: LegendDefeat the Nightmare of Phogoth.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
77280912Nightmare Hunt: Fear: MasterDefeat the Nightmare of Phogoth.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
2697497130Nightmare Hunt: IsolationDefeat the Nightmare of Taniks, the Scarred.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1344110075Nightmare Hunt: Isolation: AdeptDefeat the Nightmare of Taniks, the Scarred.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1344110072Nightmare Hunt: Isolation: HeroDefeat the Nightmare of Taniks, the Scarred.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1344110073Nightmare Hunt: Isolation: LegendDefeat the Nightmare of Taniks, the Scarred.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1344110078Nightmare Hunt: Isolation: MasterDefeat the Nightmare of Taniks, the Scarred.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
3174288738Nightmare Hunt: PrideDefeat the Nightmare of Skolas, Kell of Kells.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
3821020451Nightmare Hunt: Pride: AdeptDefeat the Nightmare of Skolas, Kell of Kells.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
3821020448Nightmare Hunt: Pride: HeroDefeat the Nightmare of Skolas, Kell of Kells.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
3821020449Nightmare Hunt: Pride: LegendDefeat the Nightmare of Skolas, Kell of Kells.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
3821020454Nightmare Hunt: Pride: MasterDefeat the Nightmare of Skolas, Kell of Kells.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
3263001354Nightmare Hunt: RageDefeat the Nightmare of Dominus Ghaul.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
2055076379Nightmare Hunt: Rage: AdeptDefeat the Nightmare of Dominus Ghaul.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
2055076376Nightmare Hunt: Rage: HeroDefeat the Nightmare of Dominus Ghaul.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
2055076377Nightmare Hunt: Rage: LegendDefeat the Nightmare of Dominus Ghaul.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
2055076382Nightmare Hunt: Rage: MasterDefeat the Nightmare of Dominus Ghaul.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
3132010863Nightmare Hunt: ServitudeDefeat the Nightmare of Zydron, Gate Lord.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1743972308Nightmare Hunt: Servitude: AdeptDefeat the Nightmare of Zydron, Gate Lord.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1743972311Nightmare Hunt: Servitude: HeroDefeat the Nightmare of Zydron, Gate Lord.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1743972310Nightmare Hunt: Servitude: LegendDefeat the Nightmare of Zydron, Gate Lord.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1743972305Nightmare Hunt: Servitude: MasterDefeat the Nightmare of Zydron, Gate Lord.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1830203238Faculties of the SkullEris Morn believes the Hive's wicked science can be turned against them. Help her investigate the Circle of Bones beneath the Moon.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
2141685396Choir of the DamnedFight your way into the depths of the Circle of Bones, survive the Aria, and defeat the Deathsinger, Ir Airâm. Then, bring her skull to Eris Morn.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
3458480158Garden of Salvation"The Garden calls out to you."Max 6 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
The MoonThe Moon
2497200493Garden of Salvation"The Garden calls out to you."Matchmade
Max 6 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
The MoonThe Moon
2047723007The Scarlet KeepInvestigate the recently erected Scarlet Keep and discover its dark purpose.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1495545952Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptThe Scarlet KeepMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1495545955Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroThe Scarlet KeepMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1495545954Nightfall: The Ordeal: LegendThe Scarlet KeepMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1495545957Nightfall: The Ordeal: MasterThe Scarlet KeepMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1495545956Nightfall: The Ordeal: GrandmasterThe Scarlet KeepMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
3449817631The Ordeal: Grandmaster: The Scarlet KeepThe Scarlet KeepMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
3643233460The Scarlet KeepInvestigate the recently erected Scarlet Keep and discover its dark purpose.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
3216122734Destiny 2: ShadowkeepNew nightmares have emerged from the shadows of our Moon. Called forth by haunting visions, Eris Morn has returned. Join her to slay these nightmares before they reach out beyond the Moon to cast humanity back into an age of darkness.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
2167139627Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
The MoonThe Moon
2999437600Nessus, Unstable CentaurFly directly to this Landing Zone.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
2534103059The Insight TerminusBreak into the ancient Vex installation.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
3913937556The Inverted SpireEnd the Red Legion expedition that's ripped open the planet's surface.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
1236031537Exodus CrashPurge the Fallen infestation of the Exodus Black.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
3029388708Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptThe Insight TerminusMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
3029388711Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroThe Insight TerminusMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
3029388710Nightfall: The Ordeal: LegendThe Insight TerminusMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
3029388705Nightfall: The Ordeal: MasterThe Insight TerminusMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
3029388704Nightfall: The Ordeal: GrandmasterThe Insight TerminusMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
554830595The Ordeal: Grandmaster: The Insight TerminusThe Insight TerminusMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
2599001915Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptThe Inverted SpireMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
2599001912Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroThe Inverted SpireMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
2599001913Nightfall: The Ordeal: LegendThe Inverted SpireMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
2599001918Nightfall: The Ordeal: MasterThe Inverted SpireMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
2599001919Nightfall: The Ordeal: GrandmasterThe Inverted SpireMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
281497220The Ordeal: Grandmaster: The Inverted SpireThe Inverted SpireMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
3233498450Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptExodus CrashMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
3233498449Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroExodus CrashMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
3233498448Nightfall: The Ordeal: LegendExodus CrashMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
3233498455Nightfall: The Ordeal: MasterExodus CrashMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
3233498454Nightfall: The Ordeal: GrandmasterExodus CrashMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
707920309The Ordeal: Grandmaster: Exodus CrashExodus CrashMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
291911094The Insight TerminusBreak into the ancient Vex installation.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
3704910925The Inverted SpireEnd the Red Legion expedition that's ripped open the planet's surface.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
2459768558Exodus CrashPurge the Fallen infestation of the Exodus Black.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
319766767Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
70223475The Tangled ShoreA patchwork wasteland on the edge of the Reef, in the Asteroid Belt.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
2587691997Warden of NothingHelp the Drifter restore order at the Prison of Elders.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Prison of EldersPrison of Elders
2096861577The Hollowed LairThe Fanatic has returned. Take him down and finish the job you started.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
3907785690BroodholdEradicate a Hive infestation seething in the depths of the Tangled Shore.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
265186829Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptBroodholdMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
265186830Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroBroodholdMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
265186831Nightfall: The Ordeal: LegendBroodholdMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
265186824Nightfall: The Ordeal: MasterBroodholdMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
265186825Nightfall: The Ordeal: GrandmasterBroodholdMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
89113250The Ordeal: Grandmaster: BroodholdBroodholdMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
557845330Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptWarden of NothingMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Prison of EldersPrison of Elders
557845329Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroWarden of NothingMatchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Prison of EldersPrison of Elders
557845328Nightfall: The Ordeal: LegendWarden of NothingMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Prison of EldersPrison of Elders
557845335Nightfall: The Ordeal: MasterWarden of NothingMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Prison of EldersPrison of Elders
557845334Nightfall: The Ordeal: GrandmasterWarden of NothingMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Prison of EldersPrison of Elders
3871967157The Ordeal: Grandmaster: Warden of NothingWarden of NothingMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Prison of EldersPrison of Elders
1493405720Warden of NothingHelp the Drifter restore order at the Prison of Elders.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Prison of EldersPrison of Elders
663301842The Hollowed LairThe Fanatic has returned. Take him down and finish the job you started.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
1666283939BroodholdEradicate a Hive infestation seething in the depths of the Tangled Shore.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
2125092300Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
2019961998The Empty Tank: LegendLegend Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment Fallen Champions: Barrier, Overload Fallen Modifier: Arach-NO! Destination Modifier: Memory of a Lonely Outpost Solo Modifier: Isolated FlamesMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
2019961993The Empty Tank: MasterMaster Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment, Extra Champions Fallen Champions: Barrier, Overload Fallen Modifier: Arach-NO! Destination Modifier: Memory of a Lonely Outpost Master Modifier: Chaff Solo Modifier: Isolated FlamesMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
3737830648TowerHome of the Guardians, where you can regroup, rearm, and form new alliances before venturing beyond.Matchmade
Max 26 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
The Last CityEarth
2999697936AdventWelcome to the Tower: the last bastion of humanity against the forces of Darkness.Max 1 players
Party: 1 - 1 players
The Last CityEarth
2023826195The AnomalyMare Cognitum, MoonMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
2361232192CauldronOcean of Storms, MoonMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
1008195646FragmentUnknown, The Infinite ForestMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
1429033007BannerfallThe Last City, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
1375350354Twilight GapLast City Perimeter, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
2505336188The Dead CliffsEuropean Dead Zone, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
2755115715Exodus BlueCosmodrome, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
2133997042Rusted LandsEastern Flood Zone, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
528628085Distant ShoreArcadian Strand, NessusMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
2296512046Endless ValeArcadian Valley, NessusMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
2081877020The FortressEuropean Dead Zone, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
503710612ConvergenceInfinite Forest, MercuryMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
780203647Radiant CliffsMercury's Past, Infinite ForestMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
2851089328PacificaTidal Anchor, TitanMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
1141558876Altar of FlameCaloris Basin, MercuryMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
279800038MidtownThe Last City, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
788769683Javelin-4Warsat Launch Facility, IoMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
1009746517WormhavenNew Pacific Arcology, TitanMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
2238426332The BurnoutVex Future, Infinite ForestMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
427041827Widow's CourtEuropean Dead Zone, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
231568238The AnomalyMare Cognitum, MoonMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
2831801307CauldronOcean of Storms, MoonMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
1433693863FragmentUnknown, The Infinite ForestMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
1155926620BannerfallThe Last City, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
111657329Twilight GapLast City Perimeter, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
2179766157The Dead CliffsEuropean Dead Zone, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
3105141574Exodus BlueCosmodrome, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
1647670007Rusted LandsEastern Flood Zone, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
1859189450Distant ShoreArcadian Strand, NessusMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
1827033571Endless ValeArcadian Valley, NessusMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
4024027903The FortressEuropean Dead Zone, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
579189135ConvergenceInfinite Forest, MercuryMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
4091391202Radiant CliffsMercury's Past, Infinite ForestMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
3285572159PacificaTidal Anchor, TitanMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
1867152431Altar of FlameCaloris Basin, MercuryMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
1066527483MidtownThe Last City, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
960911914Javelin-4Warsat Launch Facility, IoMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
2676369826WormhavenNew Pacific Arcology, TitanMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
247771251The BurnoutVex Future, Infinite ForestMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
906046314Widow's CourtEuropean Dead Zone, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Crucible
540869524Clash"The Crucible is a strange thing when you think about it. We die over and over, that we may live in the end." —Lord Shaxx Fight for Valor by defeating opponents.Matchmade
Max 12 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
1717505396Control"The key to victory is not simply capturing territory, but knowing exactly how and when to push your advantage." —Lord Shaxx Fight for Valor by capturing zones and defeating opponents.Matchmade
Max 12 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
929911366Countdown"I hope the remaining Red Legion can see this: weapons they brought to destroy us, used as mere toys in training exercises. Do be mindful of the blast radius, though." —Lord Shaxx Fight for Valor by detonating a charge, defusing the opposing charge, or el…Matchmade
Max 8 players
Party: 1 - 4 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
1957660400Elimination"This is the ultimate test of your skill as a fireteam, Guardians! Make me proud." —Lord Shaxx Fight for Valor by eliminating all opponents in this round-based mode.Matchmade
Max 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
4271742672Lockdown"Hold your ground. Yield to no one." —Lord Shaxx Fight for Valor by capturing and holding zones. Win rounds instantly by capturing all three.Matchmade
Max 12 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
3847433434Mayhem"Enjoy yourselves, Guardians. You've earned it." —Lord Shaxx Fight for Valor by defeating opponents. Abilities and Supers regenerate faster. Heavy ammo spawns more frequently.Matchmade
Max 12 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
935998519Momentum Control"You've been capturing zones and destroying your enemies for a long time, haven't you? Let's pick up the pace a bit." —Lord Shaxx Fight for Valor by capturing zones and defeating opponents. All weapons are more lethal, abilities replenish only on kills, a…Matchmade
Max 12 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
2259621230Rumble"It's you against the world. Make them remember your name." —Lord Shaxx Fight for Valor by defeating opponents. No teams. No allegiance. A free-for-all where the leader had better watch their back.Matchmade
Max 6 players
Party: 1 - 1 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
142028034Showdown"This combat drill will test you from start to finish. Stay on your game, lest you find yourself on the wrong end of the final showdown." —Lord Shaxx Fight for Valor by defeating opponents and preventing revives. Win the most rounds or face off in an elim…Matchmade
Max 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
2081353834Supremacy"Secure those crests, and send a clear message of dominance to your opponents. Just don't forget to give them back after the match. We're not monsters." —Lord Shaxx Fight for Valor by defeating opponents and securing the crests they drop. Recover friendly…Matchmade
Max 12 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
3964389183Survival"Outlive your foes, and there can be no possible outcome but victory." —Lord Shaxx Fight for Valor by depleting your opponents' shared life pool, then eliminating them.Matchmade
Max 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
2865450620Glory: Survival"Outlive your foes, and there can be no possible outcome but victory." —Lord Shaxx Fight for Glory by depleting your opponents' shared life pool and then eliminate them.Matchmade
Max 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
1481972458Freelance Glory: Survival"Outlive your foes, and there can be no possible outcome but victory." —Lord Shaxx Fight for Glory by depleting your opponents' shared life pool and then eliminate them.Matchmade
Max 6 players
Party: 1 - 1 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
559852413Private MatchCreate a custom PvP match with your fireteam, and best your comrades for personal glory… and bragging rights.Matchmade
Max 12 players
Party: 1 - 12 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
3959500077Private MatchCreate a custom PvP match with your fireteam, and best your comrades for personal glory… and bragging rights.Matchmade
Max 12 players
Party: 1 - 12 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
1804061891Private MatchCreate a custom PvP match with your fireteam, and best your comrades for personal glory… and bragging rights.Matchmade
Max 12 players
Party: 1 - 12 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
2923123473Private MatchCreate a custom PvP match with your fireteam, and best your comrades for personal glory… and bragging rights.Matchmade
Max 12 players
Party: 1 - 12 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
2642713583Private MatchCreate a custom PvP match with your fireteam, and best your comrades for personal glory… and bragging rights.Matchmade
Max 12 players
Party: 1 - 12 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
1543557109Private MatchCreate a custom PvP match with your fireteam, and best your comrades for personal glory… and bragging rights.Matchmade
Max 12 players
Party: 1 - 12 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
3530889940Private MatchCreate a custom PvP match with your fireteam, and best your comrades for personal glory… and bragging rights.Matchmade
Max 12 players
Party: 1 - 12 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
3076038389Private MatchCreate a custom PvP match with your fireteam, and best your comrades for personal glory… and bragging rights.Matchmade
Max 8 players
Party: 1 - 12 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
900558033Private MatchCreate a custom PvP match with your fireteam, and best your comrades for personal glory… and bragging rights.Matchmade
Max 12 players
Party: 1 - 12 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
708182471Private MatchCreate a custom PvP match with your fireteam, and best your comrades for personal glory… and bragging rights.Matchmade
Max 12 players
Party: 1 - 12 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
2143799792Private MatchCreate a custom PvP match with your fireteam, and best your comrades for personal glory… and bragging rights.Matchmade
Max 12 players
Party: 1 - 12 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
1164220121Emerald CoastEuropean Dead Zone, EarthMax 8 players
Party: 1 - 4 players
1855216675New ArcadiaHellas Basin, MarsMax 8 players
Party: 1 - 4 players
1731870079Legion's FollyArcadian Valley, NessusMax 8 players
Party: 1 - 4 players
1575864965Deep SixNew Pacific Archology, TitanMax 8 players
Party: 1 - 4 players
135431604GambitDefeat the enemies of humanity, collect their Motes, and bank them to summon a Primeval. First team to destroy their Primeval wins.Matchmade
Max 8 players
Party: 1 - 4 players
The DerelictGambit
2526740498Private MatchCreate a custom Gambit match with your fireteam. Bang knuckles with your crew for personal glory and bragging rights.Matchmade
Max 8 players
Party: 1 - 8 players
The DerelictGambit
130729504Emerald CoastEuropean Dead Zone, EarthMax 8 players
Party: 1 - 4 players
2130440698New ArcadiaHellas Basin, MarsMax 8 players
Party: 1 - 4 players
2025531336Legion's FollyArcadian Valley, NessusMax 8 players
Party: 1 - 4 players
2765472278Deep SixNew Pacific Archology, TitanMax 8 players
Party: 1 - 4 players
3445454561The AnomalyMare Cognitum, MoonMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
3259269858CauldronOcean of Storms, MoonMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
2905719116FragmentUnknown, The Infinite ForestMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
2260508373BannerfallThe Last City, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
4242091248Twilight GapLast City Perimeter, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
3693498538The Dead CliffsEuropean Dead Zone, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
3284567441Exodus BlueCosmodrome, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
2573753320Rusted LandsEastern Flood Zone, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
236451195Distant ShoreArcadian Strand, NessusMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
1326470716Endless ValeArcadian Valley, NessusMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
2585183686The FortressEuropean Dead Zone, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
1486201898ConvergenceInfinite Forest, MercuryMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
2903548701Radiant CliffsMercury's Past, Infinite ForestMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
3689256790PacificaTidal Anchor, TitanMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
719373386Altar of FlameCaloris Basin, MercuryMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
3992911032MidtownThe Last City, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
604276217Javelin-4Warsat Launch Facility, IoMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
3262177163WormhavenNew Pacific Arcology, TitanMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
1218789994The BurnoutVex Future, Infinite ForestMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
1448047125Widow's CourtEuropean Dead Zone, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
1683791010Iron Banner"There will come a day when the Tower falls again. Our ability to hold territory is paramount." —Lord Saladin Capture zones to increase points for each opponent defeated. Capture all three to lock the zones and hunt your opponents.Matchmade
Max 12 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
3283279668Freelance: Iron Banner"There will come a day when the Tower falls again. Our ability to hold territory is paramount." —Lord Saladin Capture zones to increase points for each opponent defeated. Capture all three to lock the zones and hunt your opponents.Matchmade
Max 12 players
Party: 1 - 1 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
1698366223The AnomalyMare Cognitum, MoonMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
4241102524CauldronOcean of Storms, MoonMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
2084703922FragmentUnknown, The Infinite ForestMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
3862259699BannerfallThe Last City, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
1714585558Twilight GapLast City Perimeter, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
945166984The Dead CliffsEuropean Dead Zone, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
114977383Exodus BlueCosmodrome, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
3121385670Rusted LandsEastern Flood Zone, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
2795317697Distant ShoreArcadian Strand, NessusMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
1960008274Endless ValeArcadian Valley, NessusMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
2593576304The FortressEuropean Dead Zone, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
2879074472ConvergenceInfinite Forest, MercuryMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
3832247147Radiant CliffsMercury's Past, Infinite ForestMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
1543755844PacificaTidal Anchor, TitanMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
105227112Altar of FlameCaloris Basin, MercuryMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
64172690MidtownThe Last City, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
176316743Javelin-4Warsat Launch Facility, IoMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
3903167001WormhavenNew Pacific Arcology, TitanMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
1229253616The BurnoutVex Future, Infinite ForestMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
2399854375Widow's CourtEuropean Dead Zone, EarthMax 6 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
588019350Trials of OsirisCompete in a fireteam-required event version of Elimination. Earn as many wins on a ticket as you can. Three losses and you're out.Matchmade
Max 6 players
Party: 3 - 3 players
The CrucibleThe Crucible
26292464Lighthouse SimulationUnique reward space for the best of the best. You must be found worthy by achieving 7 wins with no losses to gain access.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
51616726Lighthouse SimulationUnique reward space for the best of the best. You must be found worthy by achieving 7 wins with no losses to gain access.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
1938168574Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
3659906967Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
The MoonThe Moon
741064647Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
524493250Trail of the HuntedJoin Osiris on the Moon in his hunt for vengeance.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
2006224668CryptolithTransmitter used by Xivu Arath to convert beings into Wrathborn.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Dreaming CityThe Dreaming City
1896351774The Wrathborn's LairActivate to engage the Wrathborn in its lair.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Dreaming CityThe Dreaming City
1340699222Track the WrathbornFollow the Hive Wrathborn's tracks to the lair of Dul Arath, Retainer to Xivu Arath. Modifiers active: • Martyr • Void and Arc damage increasedMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Dreaming CityThe Dreaming City
1340699221Track the WrathbornFollow the Hive Wrathborn's tracks to the lair of Dul Arath, Retainer to Xivu Arath. Modifiers active: • Martyr • Empath • Match-Game • Void and Arc damage increasedMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Dreaming CityThe Dreaming City
519856941Track the WrathbornFollow the Hive Wrathborn's tracks to the lair of Xillox, Oppression of Xivu Arath. Modifiers active: • Fire Pit • Solar and Knockback damage increasedMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Dreaming CityThe Dreaming City
519856942Track the WrathbornFollow the Hive Wrathborn's tracks to the lair of Xillox, Oppression of Xivu Arath. Modifiers active: • Fire Pit • Empath • Match-Game • Solar and Knockback damage increasedMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Dreaming CityThe Dreaming City
2681700050CryptolithTransmitter used by Xivu Arath to convert beings into Wrathborn.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
981727632The Wrathborn's LairActivate to engage the Wrathborn in its lair.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
998164660Track the WrathbornFollow the Fallen Wrathborn's tracks to the lair of Savek, Betrayer for Xivu Arath. Modifiers active: • Hot Knife • Solar and Arc damage increasedMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
998164663Track the WrathbornFollow the Fallen Wrathborn's tracks to the lair of Savek, Betrayer for Xivu Arath. Modifiers active: • Hot Knife • Scorched Earth • Match-Game • Solar and Arc damage increasedMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
3931434239Track the WrathbornFollow the Fallen Wrathborn's tracks to the lair of HKD-1, Instrument of Xivu Arath. Modifiers active: • Arach-NO! • Arc and Knockback damage increasedMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
3931434236Track the WrathbornFollow the Fallen Wrathborn's tracks to the lair of HKD-1, Instrument of Xivu Arath. Modifiers active • Arach-NO! • Scorched Earth • Match-Game • Arc and Knockback damage increasedMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Tangled ShoreThe Tangled Shore
588829540Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The Last CityEarth
2158644986Max 9 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
3014390952The Ordeal: GrandmasterGrandmasterMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
743628305Vanguard StrikesThe Vanguard seeks Guardians to undertake high-priority missions against the City's enemies.Matchmade
Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Strike PlaylistStrike Playlist

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