3981543480 | | Active Triumph Score | The Triumph score achieved from currently active Triumphs.
Tracks from Season 1 onward. |
3329916678 | | Total Triumph Score | The total of active and legacy Triumph Scores.
Tracks from Season 1 onward. |
673324377 | | Revenant defeats | Tracks the number of combatants defeated as a Hunter using the Revenant Stasis subclass.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
626613399 | | Behemoth final blows | Tracks the number of combatants defeated as a Titan using the Behemoth Stasis subclass.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
813571064 | | Shadebinder final blows | Tracks the number of combatants defeated as a Warlock using the Shadebinder Stasis subclass.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
2094013181 | | Auto Rifle Final Blows | The total number of final blows with Auto Rifles.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
3522276357 | | Bow Final Blows | The total number of final blows with Bows.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
2117204340 | | Hand Cannon Final Blows | The total number of final blows with Hand Cannons.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
982406257 | | Pulse Rifle Final Blows | The total number of final blows with Pulse Rifles.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
2599646044 | | Scout Rifle Final Blows | The total number of final blows with Scout Rifles.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
2012993124 | | Sidearm Final Blows | The total number of final blows with Sidearms.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
1165153680 | | Submachine Gun Final Blows | The total number of final blows with Submachine Guns.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
3124958797 | | Trace Rifle Final Blows | The total number of final blows with Trace Rifles.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
105734892 | | Fusion Rifle Final Blows | The total number of final blows with Fusion Rifles.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
1681554390 | | Grenade Launcher Final Blows | The total number of final blows with Grenade Launchers.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
139320435 | | Shotgun Final Blows | The total number of final blows with Shotguns.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
633604541 | | Sniper Rifle Final Blows | The total number of final blows with Sniper Rifles.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
2707112071 | | Linear Fusion Rifle Final Blows | The total number of final blows with Linear Fusion Rifles.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
401742412 | | Heavy Machine Gun Final Blows | The total number of final blows with Heavy Machine Guns.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
1200426430 | | Rocket Launcher Final Blows | The total number of final blows with Rocket Launchers.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
1619269474 | | Sword Final Blows | The total number of final blows with Swords.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
2464463405 | | Stasis Final Blows | [Stasis] Stasis |
224992350 | | Stasis Final Blows | Combatants defeated with Stasis damage this week. |
352659556 | | "Prophecy" completions | Completions of the dungeon "Prophecy."
Tracks from Season 11 onward. |
1099614108 | | "Prophecy" flawless completions | Flawless completions of the dungeon "Prophecy."
Tracks from Season 11 onward. |
954805812 | | "Deep Stone Crypt" completions | The total number of completions of "Deep Stone Crypt."
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
2466440160 | | "Deep Stone Crypt" Guided Games | The total number of "Deep Stone Crypt" completions using Guided Games.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
2330596844 | | "Deep Stone Crypt" carries | The total number of Guardians carried to their first completion of "Deep Stone Crypt."
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
3679202587 | | "Deep Stone Crypt" time | The fastest completion time for "Deep Stone Crypt."
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
2124794123 | | "Deep Stone Crypt" carries | The number of Guardians carried to their first ever completion of "Deep Stone Crypt" during this Season. |
1482973648 | | "Deep Stone Crypt" time | The fastest completion time for "Deep Stone Crypt" this Season. |
3343955936 | | "Deep Stone Crypt" carries | The number of Guardians carried to their first-ever completion of the "Deep Stone Crypt" during this week. |
546319 | | "Deep Stone Crypt" time | The fastest completion time for "Deep Stone Crypt" this week. |
136014172 | | Ordeal: "The Disgraced" Score | The lifetime high score for "The Disgraced" in Nightfall: The Ordeal.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
2883115929 | | Ordeal: "The Glassway" Score | The lifetime high score for "The Glassway" in Nightfall: The Ordeal.
Tracks from Season 12 onward. |
1530879351 | | Season 12: Wrathborn Defeated | The number of Wrathborn bosses defeated.
Expires at the end of Season 15. |
4030729505 | | Season 12: Weekly Weapon Defeats | The number of combatants defeated with Season 12 weapons.
Resets weekly.
Expires at the end of Season 15. |
648698823 | | Season 12: Highest Weekly Weapon Defeats | Highest weekly number of combatants defeated with Season 12 weapons.
Expires at the end of Season 15. |
2881588237 | | | |
1470603756 | | | |