

3981543480Active Triumph ScoreThe Triumph score achieved from currently active Triumphs. Tracks from Season 1 onward.
3329916678Total Triumph ScoreThe total of active and legacy Triumph Scores. Tracks from Season 1 onward.
673324377Revenant defeatsTracks the number of combatants defeated as a Hunter using the Revenant Stasis subclass. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
626613399Behemoth final blowsTracks the number of combatants defeated as a Titan using the Behemoth Stasis subclass. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
813571064Shadebinder final blowsTracks the number of combatants defeated as a Warlock using the Shadebinder Stasis subclass. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
2094013181Auto Rifle Final BlowsThe total number of final blows with Auto Rifles. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
3522276357Bow Final BlowsThe total number of final blows with Bows. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
2117204340Hand Cannon Final BlowsThe total number of final blows with Hand Cannons. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
982406257Pulse Rifle Final BlowsThe total number of final blows with Pulse Rifles. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
2599646044Scout Rifle Final BlowsThe total number of final blows with Scout Rifles. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
2012993124Sidearm Final BlowsThe total number of final blows with Sidearms. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
1165153680Submachine Gun Final BlowsThe total number of final blows with Submachine Guns. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
3124958797Trace Rifle Final BlowsThe total number of final blows with Trace Rifles. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
105734892Fusion Rifle Final BlowsThe total number of final blows with Fusion Rifles. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
1681554390Grenade Launcher Final BlowsThe total number of final blows with Grenade Launchers. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
139320435Shotgun Final BlowsThe total number of final blows with Shotguns. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
633604541Sniper Rifle Final BlowsThe total number of final blows with Sniper Rifles. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
2707112071Linear Fusion Rifle Final BlowsThe total number of final blows with Linear Fusion Rifles. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
401742412Heavy Machine Gun Final BlowsThe total number of final blows with Heavy Machine Guns. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
1200426430Rocket Launcher Final BlowsThe total number of final blows with Rocket Launchers. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
1619269474Sword Final BlowsThe total number of final blows with Swords. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
2464463405Stasis Final Blows[Stasis] Stasis
224992350Stasis Final BlowsCombatants defeated with Stasis damage this week.
352659556"Prophecy" completionsCompletions of the dungeon "Prophecy." Tracks from Season 11 onward.
1099614108"Prophecy" flawless completionsFlawless completions of the dungeon "Prophecy." Tracks from Season 11 onward.
954805812"Deep Stone Crypt" completionsThe total number of completions of "Deep Stone Crypt." Tracks from Season 12 onward.
2466440160"Deep Stone Crypt" Guided GamesThe total number of "Deep Stone Crypt" completions using Guided Games. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
2330596844"Deep Stone Crypt" carriesThe total number of Guardians carried to their first completion of "Deep Stone Crypt." Tracks from Season 12 onward.
3679202587"Deep Stone Crypt" timeThe fastest completion time for "Deep Stone Crypt." Tracks from Season 12 onward.
2124794123"Deep Stone Crypt" carriesThe number of Guardians carried to their first ever completion of "Deep Stone Crypt" during this Season.
1482973648"Deep Stone Crypt" timeThe fastest completion time for "Deep Stone Crypt" this Season.
3343955936"Deep Stone Crypt" carriesThe number of Guardians carried to their first-ever completion of the "Deep Stone Crypt" during this week.
546319"Deep Stone Crypt" timeThe fastest completion time for "Deep Stone Crypt" this week.
136014172Ordeal: "The Disgraced" ScoreThe lifetime high score for "The Disgraced" in Nightfall: The Ordeal. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
2883115929Ordeal: "The Glassway" ScoreThe lifetime high score for "The Glassway" in Nightfall: The Ordeal. Tracks from Season 12 onward.
1530879351Season 12: Wrathborn DefeatedThe number of Wrathborn bosses defeated. Expires at the end of Season 15.
4030729505Season 12: Weekly Weapon DefeatsThe number of combatants defeated with Season 12 weapons. Resets weekly. Expires at the end of Season 15.
648698823Season 12: Highest Weekly Weapon DefeatsHighest weekly number of combatants defeated with Season 12 weapons. Expires at the end of Season 15.


4019514177Leviathan Carries
3989273142Eater of Worlds Carries
2853058495Spire of Stars Carries
971371169Scourge of the Past Carries
3474471069Crown of Sorrow Carries
443428026Leviathan Time Trial
2414312265Eater of Worlds Time Trial
2298204884Spire of Stars Time Trial
932134618Scourge of the Past Time Trial
2783204550Crown of Sorrow Time Trial
2198370946Leviathan Carries
758270301Eater of Worlds Carries
4266136872Spire of Stars Carries
1823226634Scourge of the Past Carries
183919710Crown of Sorrow Carries
2118006261Leviathan Time Trial
232187526Eater of Worlds Time Trial
3243017335Spire of Stars Time Trial
4160628381Scourge of the Past Time Trial
531522001Crown of Sorrow Time Trial
2345583117Contact Motes
2700725778Interference Completions
3719033237Prophecy Completions
146137481Prophecy Flawless Completions
1804346304Weekly Prophecy Completions
2080609366Daily Heroic Story


1572939289Age of Loss Triumph ScoreView diff
2540745635Weekly Flashpoint Challenge CompletionsView diff
740213466Lost Sector CompletionsView diff
26751835Heroic Public Event CompletionsView diff
432928867Lost Sector CompletionsView diff
1351929486Heroic Public Event CompletionsView diff
2262629298Season of the Worthy RankView diff

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