1057841511 | | Prime Zealot Suit | | Collectibles Prime Zealot Helm Prime Zealot Gloves Prime Zealot Cuirass Prime Zealot Greaves Shattered Vault Cloak
| |
209595943 | | Interlaced Set | | Collectibles Interlaced Mask Interlaced Grips Interlaced Vest Interlaced Strides Interlaced Cape
| |
956723100 | | Couturier Set | | Collectibles Couturier Mask Couturier Grips Couturier Jacket Couturier Slacks Couturier Cloak
| |
3291541572 | | Illuminus Set | | Collectibles Classified Classified Classified Classified Classified
| |
433530920 | | Lightkin Suit | | Collectibles Lightkin Mask Lightkin Grips Lightkin Vest Lightkin Strides Lightkin Cloak
| |
542765043 | | Kabr Suit | | Collectibles Battlecage of Kabr Kabr's Brazen Grips Kabr's Wrath Kabr's Forceful Greaves Light of the Great Prism
| |
4183582499 | | Interlaced Set | | Collectibles Interlaced Helm Interlaced Gauntlets Interlaced Plate Interlaced Greaves Interlaced Mark
| |
3088345256 | | Couturier Set | | Collectibles Couturier Helm Couturier Gauntlets Couturier Blouson Couturier Joggers Couturier Mark
| |
1094241312 | | Sunstead Set | | Collectibles Classified Classified Classified Classified Classified
| |
478158972 | | Lightkin Suit | | Collectibles Lightkin Helm Lightkin Gauntlets Lightkin Plate Lightkin Greaves Lightkin Mark
| |
1143031224 | | Hezen Suit | | Collectibles Facade of the Hezen Lords Gloves of the Hezen Lords Cuirass of the Hezen Lords Tread of the Hezen Lords Fragment of the Prime
| |
1141714210 | | Interlaced Set | | Collectibles Interlaced Cover Interlaced Gloves Interlaced Robes Interlaced Boots Interlaced Bond
| |
2553804221 | | Couturier Set | | Collectibles Couturier Cover Couturier Gloves Couturier Longcoat Couturier Hightops Couturier Bond
| |
4067284877 | | Celestine Set | | Collectibles Classified Classified Classified Classified Classified
| |
286120871 | | Lightkin Suit | | Collectibles Lightkin Cover Lightkin Gloves Lightkin Robes Lightkin Boots Lightkin Bond
| |
1154828558 |  | Vault of Glass | Beneath Venus, evil stirs… | Presentation nodes | |
1882524088 |  | Titan | | Collectibles Vex Mythoclast Fatebringer Corrective Measure Hezen Vengeance Vision of Confluence Found Verdict Praedyth's Revenge Bitterpearl Infinite Reflections Vaultstrider Battlecage of Kabr Kabr's Brazen Grips Kabr's Wrath Kabr's Forceful Greaves Light of the Great Prism
| Vault of Glass
1791987244 |  | Hunter | | Collectibles Vex Mythoclast Fatebringer Corrective Measure Hezen Vengeance Vision of Confluence Found Verdict Praedyth's Revenge Bitterpearl Infinite Reflections Vaultstrider Prime Zealot Helm Prime Zealot Gloves Prime Zealot Cuirass Prime Zealot Greaves Shattered Vault Cloak
| Vault of Glass
508124809 |  | Warlock | | Collectibles Vex Mythoclast Fatebringer Corrective Measure Hezen Vengeance Vision of Confluence Found Verdict Praedyth's Revenge Bitterpearl Infinite Reflections Vaultstrider Facade of the Hezen Lords Gloves of the Hezen Lords Cuirass of the Hezen Lords Tread of the Hezen Lords Fragment of the Prime
| Vault of Glass
2117137807 | | Season 14 | | Collectibles Firebreak Shell Kosmos Shell M3-D1 Shell Long Haul Shell Aoki/Faas Shell Redline Shell Classified Classified Classified Zeroneiro Shell Classified
| Ghost Shells
3006680603 | | Season 14 | | Collectibles Skull Crasher Electric Slap Ionic Spear Classified Security Breach
| Finishers
4171924503 | | Season 14 | | Collectibles Vitreous Entrance House of Light Entrance Harpy Entrance Classified
| Transmat Effects
2079005407 | | Season 14 | | Collectibles Firebreak Warden Kosmos Lightbeam M3-D1 Valkyrie Long Haul Cruiser Aoki/Faas SL-65 Redline Torpedo Classified Classified Vaultstrider
| Ships
3030939317 | | Season 14 | | Collectibles Riis Racer Firebreak Rescuer Kosmos Starling M3-D1 Angelos Long Haul Wagon Aoki/Faas Mk. VII Redline Hotshot The Lone Howl Classified Classified
| Sparrows
1777644015 |  | Achilles Weaves a Cocoon | | Triumphs I: Eggcloth II: Hollowhot III: Bannercloth IV: Scattercape V: Watercloth VI: Superconductor VII: Time Is a Fabric VIII: And Also Light
| The Light
2745818827 |  | Pathfinding | | Triumphs Pathfinding I. A Path's End II. Lost III. Searching IV. A Guiding Hand V. Forward
| The Light
2175373739 |  | Beneath the Endless Night | | Triumphs I - ACCEPTANCE II - FRACTURES III - Gifts from the Shore IV - Conspirators V - SABOTAGE VI - UNDERSTANDING VII - Ripe VIII - GILDED KNIVES IX - PREDICTION X - MEMORIAL
| Dusk and Dawn
3032254529 |  | Season of the Splicer | Claim rewards hidden deep in the Vex network. | Presentation nodes Splicer Mastery General Events
| |
3929313731 |  | General | | Presentation nodes | Season of the Splicer
933409053 | | General | | Triumphs Splicers' Armament Decoded Root Kitted Malwear Paradromic Power Way of the Splicer
| General
584254786 |  | Splicer Mastery | | Presentation nodes - Quests
- Activities
- Gear
- Prismatic Lenses
| Season of the Splicer
1134387311 | | Quests | | Triumphs Walk the True Path Power in Your Hands Nocturne Ether Weaver Access Granted Clear the Cache Umbral Decipherer Umbral Hacker Beneath the Great Machine completed Path of the Splicer I Path of the Splicer II Path of the Splicer III Path of the Splicer IV Path of the Splicer V Path of the Splicer VI Path of the Splicer VII Path of the Splicer VIII We Are Enough
| Splicer Mastery
2826444925 | | Activities | | Triumphs Force Delete Safe Mode Quick Access Data Miner Virtual Fighter Conflux Influx Marked for Deletion Lossless Compression Quick Hack Brute Force Daybreak Unpredictable True Variable
| Splicer Mastery
529389631 | | Gear | | Triumphs Wire Cutter Short Circuiter Stylish Splicer Stalking Splicer Modded Out
| Splicer Mastery
3807851309 | | Prismatic Lenses | | Triumphs Splicer Regalia Splicer Armory Splicer Captain's Armory Splicer Vandal's Armory Splicer Kell's Armory Blades Sol System Archive Longshot Shock Trooper FWC Armory FWC Favored Arms FWC Close Range Splicer Discipline Splicer Intellect Splicer Mobility Splicer Recovery Splicer Resilience Splicer Strength
| Splicer Mastery
589593316 |  | Events | | Presentation nodes | Season of the Splicer
760002588 | | Solstice of Heroes | | Triumphs Maximum Declination Flash of Daylight Partially Resplendent Cosmically Resplendent Refractory Warrior Solstice Cat Snacks
| Events
4111930674 |  | Exploration | Triumphs related to exploration. | Presentation nodes | Legends
3177164055 | | Cosmodrome | Triumphs related to Cosmodrome exploration. | Triumphs Veles Labyrinth Solo Legend Veles Labyrinth Solo Mastery Veles Labyrinth Flawless Solo Mastery Exodus Garden 2A Solo Legend Exodus Garden 2A Solo Mastery Exodus Garden 2A Flawless Solo Mastery
| Exploration
3472409870 |  | Raids | Triumphs related to raids. | Presentation nodes | Legends
132375837 | | Vault of Glass | Triumphs related to the "Vault of Glass" raid. | Triumphs Vault of Glass Tempo's Edge Flawless Vault of Glass Temporal Caches Pearl of Glass Vault of Clans Charged Glass Melted Glass Empty Glass Vault of Class Break No Plates Wait for It… Dragon's Den The Only Oracle for You Take Cover Out of Its Way Tempered Teleport Too Fast, Two Gorgons Strangers in Time Rabid Relic Ensemble's Refrain Eyes on Atheon Master Glasser Maestro Glasser
| Raids
1321008457 |  | Splicer | Complete all Season of the Splicer Triumphs. | Triumphs Walk the True Path Power in Your Hands Nocturne Modded Out Splicers' Armament Daybreak Short Circuiter Wire Cutter Virtual Fighter Brute Force
| |
3734352323 |  | Vault of Glass | Beneath Venus, evil stirs… | Triumphs Vault of Glass Vault of Glass Temporal Caches Pearl of Glass Vault of Clans Charged Glass Melted Glass Empty Glass Vault of Class Break No Plates Wait for It… Dragon's Den The Only Oracle for You Take Cover Out of Its Way Tempered Teleport Too Fast, Two Gorgons Strangers in Time Rabid Relic Ensemble's Refrain Eyes on Atheon Master Glasser Maestro Glasser
| |
2119135353 | | Season of the Chosen | | Triumphs Golden Reaper Golden Reaper Golden Reaper Golden Reaper Golden Reaper Cabal Contenders Explosive Entrance Proving Grounds Trifecta Contender's Ascent Contender's Ascent II Contender's Ascent III Contender's Ascent IV Contender's Ascent V Contender's Ascent VI Contender's Ascent VII Crash and Converge Crash and Converge Crash and Converge
| Past Challenges
1709491586 |  | Weekly | | Presentation nodes - Seasonal
- Week 1
- Week 2
- Week 3
- Week 4
- Week 5
- Week 6
- Week 7
- Week 8
- Week 9
- Week 10
| Seasonal Challenges
1243102869 | | Seasonal | | Triumphs Master of All
| Weekly
2412404671 | | Week 1 | | Triumphs Hello, World Maximum Override Ethereal Splicer I Sidearm Splicer Icebound Challenger's Aspiration Close-Range Calibration Drifter's Chosen Sacred Scorcher Vex Deletion Protocol
| Weekly
2412404668 | | Week 2 | | Triumphs Safe Harbor Theseus Protocol Crack and Decrypt I Auto Rifle Splicer Light Moon Rising Challenger's Cipher Mid-Range Calibration Dredgin' Up Victory Iron Sharpens Iron Anti-Cabal Sweep
| Weekly
2412404669 | | Week 3 | | Triumphs Breakthrough Expedited Expunge: Labyrinth Eliksni Ally I Pulse Rifle Splicer The Tangled Web We Weave Challenger's Apogee Long-Range Calibration Primeval Entourage Flourish of Power Ultimate Champion
| Weekly
2412404666 | | Week 4 | | Triumphs Provocation Draconian Protocol Ethereal Splicer II Fusion Rifle Splicer Trials of the Tinker Contender's Delve Precision Calibration High-Value Hunter Momentum Crash Vanguard Chosen
| Weekly
2412404667 | | Week 5 | | Triumphs Changing Views Expedited Expunge: Tartarus Crack and Decrypt II Grenade Launcher Splicer Apex Armorer Serenity of the Void Beyond Legendary The Undying
| Weekly
2412404664 | | Week 6 | | Triumphs Behind the Curtain Herculean Protocol Eliksni Ally II Shotgun Splicer Sling the Stone… Feels Good to Be Bad The Red Hat
| Weekly
2412404665 | | Week 7 | | Triumphs The Dark Network Expedited Expunge: Styx Ethereal Splicer III Machine Gun Splicer In It for Infamy Cadre of Contenders Conquest of the Mighty
| Weekly
2412404662 | | Week 8 | | Triumphs Before the Dawn Speedhack Crack and Decrypt III Vexterminator Primeval Patina Trial by Firing Squad Vanguard Vestments
| Weekly
2412404663 | | Week 9 | | Triumphs Elemental Armaments Path of the Scribe Eliksni Ally III Armory-Wide Calibration Elemental Splicing
| Weekly
445954461 | | Week 10 | | Triumphs Split Focus Threads of Light Explosive Calibration Elemental Gambit
| Weekly