Hash | Icon | Name |
2095269642 | Chosen Helmet | |
736915157 | Chosen Gauntlets | |
3921462643 | Chosen Chest Armor | |
2854162411 | Chosen Leg Armor | |
661159596 | Chosen Class Armor | |
171376424 | Chosen Mobility | |
2733137352 | Chosen Resilience | |
468503550 | Chosen Recovery | |
1367504465 | Chosen Discipline | |
2418695301 | Chosen Intellect | |
4049438484 | Chosen Strength | |
4103945922 | Near and Deadly | |
68920152 | Far and Fatal | |
2531103850 | Explosion and Detonation | |
3803268774 | Near-Death Experience | |
1795252832 | Far-Flung Fatality | |
2359721382 | Chosen Destruction | |
2094300651 | Splicer Regalia | |
2558269306 | Splicer Discipline | |
2061214628 | Splicer Intellect | |
3878572751 | Splicer Mobility | |
120223501 | Splicer Recovery | |
3956206551 | Splicer Resilience | |
4016124523 | Splicer Strength | |
820034617 | Splicer Armory | |
820034616 | Splicer Captain's Armory | |
820034619 | Splicer Vandal's Armory | |
820034618 | Splicer Kell's Armory | |
2882179094 | Blades | |
4241574843 | FWC Armory | |
4241574842 | FWC Favored Arms | |
4241574841 | FWC Close Range | |
863684483 | Sol System Archive | |
863684482 | Longshot | |
863684481 | Shock Trooper | |
1369775308 | Helmet of the Lost | |
554115599 | Hands of the Lost | |
1353290737 | Breastplate of the Lost | |
4195831429 | Legs of the Lost | |
349860254 | Token of the Lost | |
4010453682 | Mobility of the Lost | |
4031646308 | Recovery of the Lost | |
1930510154 | Resilience of the Lost | |
991951711 | Discipline of the Lost | |
2999429147 | Intellect of the Lost | |
909886694 | Strength of the Lost | |
2224292148 | Wayfinder's Precision | |
3787693840 | Wayfinder's Concussion | |
3671133894 | Wayfinder's Impact | |
40745957 | Wayfinder's Accuracy | |
582653067 | Wayfinder's Blast | |
1286075317 | Wayfinder's Strike | |
3485425485 | Fragile Prismatic Lens | |
3733028043 | Season of the Chosen | |
3733028044 | Season of the Splicer | |
3733028045 | Season of the Lost | |
4127351382 | Umbral Focusing | |
112006587 | Chosen Helmet | |
622359432 | Chosen Gauntlets | |
1562599728 | Chosen Chest Armor | |
3648081350 | Chosen Leg Armor | |
32628351 | Chosen Class Armor | |
814131353 | Chosen Mobility | |
1323813539 | Chosen Recovery | |
3470018505 | Chosen Resilience | |
2485085416 | Chosen Discipline | |
2777842114 | Chosen Intellect | |
3695237405 | Chosen Strength | |
3397067805 | Near and Deadly | |
2851269055 | Far and Fatal | |
3393908485 | Explosion and Detonation | |
1001505359 | Near-Death Experience | |
606844533 | Far-Flung Fatality | |
3328606991 | Chosen Destruction | |
952778671 | Chosen Implements | |
4209582999 | Worldly Armor | |
1658071472 | Chosen Regalia | |
3505464530 | Chosen Helmet | |
3810294781 | Chosen Gauntlets | |
2180161259 | Chosen Chest Armor | |
4274802899 | Chosen Leg Armor | |
3751709348 | Chosen Class Armor | |
2317363168 | Chosen Mobility | |
1497312342 | Chosen Recovery | |
2020533472 | Chosen Resilience | |
701070585 | Chosen Discipline | |
1859941165 | Chosen Intellect | |
1051497580 | Chosen Strength | |
1356064705 | Worldly Weapons | |
2153770186 | Chosen Arms | |
3110117194 | Near and Deadly | |
1752725824 | Far and Fatal | |
1214475170 | Explosion and Detonation | |
1853928926 | Near-Death Experience | |
3829144824 | Far-Flung Fatality | |
1822113422 | Chosen Destruction | |
2669905782 | Chosen Implements | |
1337715085 | Chosen Implements | |
1201100302 | Worldly Armor | |
1289177911 | Chosen Regalia | |
3770815653 | Chosen Helmet | |
2181171120 | Chosen Gauntlets | |
3401382618 | Chosen Chest Armor | |
1587497106 | Chosen Leg Armor | |
3246019587 | Chosen Class Armor | |
1408025031 | Chosen Mobility | |
388881393 | Chosen Recovery | |
4216436935 | Chosen Resilience | |
428460884 | Chosen Discipline | |
4158762432 | Chosen Intellect | |
104568347 | Chosen Strength | |
2695968556 | Worldly Weapons | |
3721659693 | Chosen Arms | |
3965549741 | Near and Deadly | |
413317415 | Far and Fatal | |
2367079893 | Explosion and Detonation | |
2561008617 | Near-Death Experience | |
267757071 | Far-Flung Fatality | |
4187114169 | Chosen Destruction | |
659493677 | Splicer Gear | |
2186043204 | Splicer Gear | |
2911084052 | Splicer Gear | |
120409276 | Splicer Armory | |
2563644147 | Splicer Regalia | |
1720937010 | Splicer Regalia | |
3461906546 | Splicer Discipline | |
2239909189 | Splicer Discipline | |
170651708 | Splicer Intellect | |
3136771211 | Splicer Intellect | |
2152062199 | Splicer Mobility | |
1392909678 | Splicer Mobility | |
3710100373 | Splicer Recovery | |
1475055352 | Splicer Recovery | |
1474239391 | Splicer Resilience | |
2699511046 | Splicer Resilience | |
375439315 | Splicer Strength | |
3900233106 | Splicer Strength | |
222120865 | Splicer Armory | |
1097951116 | Splicer Armory | |
222120864 | Splicer Captain's Armory | |
674075911 | Splicer Captain's Armory | |
222120867 | Splicer Vandal's Armory | |
512392642 | Splicer Vandal's Armory | |
222120866 | Splicer Kell's Armory | |
204236245 | Splicer Kell's Armory | |
1441548942 | Blades | |
10645177 | Blades | |
140920275 | FWC Armory | |
886564754 | FWC Armory | |
140920274 | FWC Favored Arms | |
572602277 | FWC Favored Arms | |
140920273 | FWC Close Range | |
2873229596 | FWC Close Range | |
2817513915 | Sol System Archive | |
505197002 | Sol System Archive | |
2817513914 | Longshot | |
970272957 | Longshot | |
2817513913 | Shock Trooper | |
3394458772 | Shock Trooper | |
2481381709 | Engram of the Found | |
282198173 | Worldly Armor | |
1811550529 | Armor of the Lost | |
2864315956 | Helmet of the Lost | |
2627627831 | Hands of the Lost | |
1476466409 | Breastplate of the Lost | |
1395301869 | Legs of the Lost | |
4241462038 | Token of the Lost | |
3808144394 | Mobility of the Lost | |
2857824137 | Mobility of the Lost | |
1104314300 | Recovery of the Lost | |
3368530883 | Recovery of the Lost | |
1765680706 | Resilience of the Lost | |
4270634097 | Resilience of the Lost | |
3755407719 | Discipline of the Lost | |
879817010 | Discipline of the Lost | |
586704419 | Intellect of the Lost | |
2268562038 | Intellect of the Lost | |
1694014430 | Strength of the Lost | |
1961643653 | Strength of the Lost | |
3578153571 | Worldly Weapons | |
974355046 | Tools of the Hunt | |
704064991 | Tools of the Chosen | |
2424958941 | Tools of the Splicer | |
2587920271 | Tools of the Lost | |
981822620 | Wayfinder's Precision | |
2033308120 | Wayfinder's Concussion | |
2633878974 | Wayfinder's Impact | |
24976941 | Wayfinder's Accuracy | |
2731728632 | Wayfinder's Accuracy | |
270646643 | Wayfinder's Blast | |
3007212102 | Wayfinder's Blast | |
1701106861 | Wayfinder's Strike | |
4184360568 | Wayfinder's Strike | |
427354848 | Engram of the Found | |
2911323631 | Engram of the Found | |
646811310 | Engram of the Found | |
919901818 | Engram of the Found | |
1546654288 | Worldly Armor | |
4140127148 | Armor of the Lost | |
3479510963 | Helmet of the Lost | |
3549597742 | Hands of the Lost | |
930497508 | Breastplate of the Lost | |
3843919360 | Legs of the Lost | |
1297436465 | Token of the Lost | |
1675068397 | Mobility of the Lost | |
3978502923 | Recovery of the Lost | |
722557813 | Resilience of the Lost | |
3870487614 | Discipline of the Lost | |
3655937346 | Intellect of the Lost | |
2697205225 | Strength of the Lost | |
3065362690 | Worldly Weapons | |
2130848225 | Tools of the Hunt | |
2955552454 | Tools of the Chosen | |
1229613072 | Tools of the Splicer | |
1578064214 | Tools of the Lost | |
1409628139 | Wayfinder's Precision | |
2066513903 | Wayfinder's Concussion | |
434933449 | Wayfinder's Impact | |
3299929792 | Wayfinder's Accuracy | |
2128196018 | Wayfinder's Blast | |
793670208 | Wayfinder's Strike | |
119098821 | Fragile Prismatic Lens | |
846786173 | The Voice on the Other Side | |
1933209701 | Intercepted Distress Signal | |
1540046410 | The Unclaimed Lightbearer | |
1794721818 | Lure Your Prey | |
1319464458 | Eliminate the Wrathborn | |
3582044526 | ||
876254616 | Gauntlets | |
3723639264 | Chest Armor | |
2193667631 | Class Item | |
1444892171 | Helmet | |
3896856758 | Legs Armor | |
4145656555 | Leviathan's Breath Catalyst Progression | |
1984457035 | Lure Mutations | |
4012678227 | Seasoned Hunter | |
1341397703 | Improved Seeker I | |
1341397700 | Improved Seeker II | |
739519966 | Power Hunter | |
305741893 | Mutation Mod Extractor | |
3334703727 | Reputation Boost I | |
3334703724 | Reputation Boost II | |
2884794607 | Victory's Wreath | |
185147220 | Live for the Hustle | |
494962924 | Consequence of Duty | |
4159406133 | Reputation | |
2442865784 | Reward Engram | |
3168670958 | Minor Recon Tip | |
3287422076 | Moderate Recon Tip | |
3428080418 | Major Recon Tip | |
1674141192 | Lure Mods and Upgrades | |
3017497134 | Game Hunts: Hive or Fallen | |
25491192 | Legacy: Cryptolith Lure | |
1167085653 | Legacy: Cryptolith Lure | |
1890989880 | Legacy: Cryptolith Lure | |
1802844809 | Legacy: Cryptolith Lure | |
903956423 | Cryptolith Lure | |
3117692226 | Cryptolith Lure | |
3009297611 | Legacy: Cryptolith Lure | |
561208526 | Legacy: Cryptolith Lure | |
1966913114 | Legacy: Cryptolith Lure | |
350799033 | Legacy: Cryptolith Lure | |
2235354906 | Legacy: Cryptolith Lure | |
3124685561 | Legacy: Cryptolith Lure | |
212745591 | Legacy: Cryptolith Lure | |
1600484082 | Legacy: Cryptolith Lure | |
4239270807 | Legacy: Cryptolith Lure | |
2039849490 | Legacy: Cryptolith Lure | |
1984918454 | Legacy: Cryptolith Lure | |
486401634 | Lure Charge | |
2669463438 | Armor Trophy Mod: All-Around | |
1311999377 | Armor Trophy Mod: High Stats | |
508892455 | Armor Trophy Mod: Discipline | |
2220407779 | Armor Trophy Mod: Intellect | |
2865860988 | Armor Trophy Mod: Recovery | |
1233250250 | Armor Trophy Mod: Mobility | |
1393636866 | Armor Trophy Mod: Resilience | |
2792234398 | Armor Trophy Mod: Strength | |
3630662117 | Prey Mod: Savek | |
3630662116 | Prey Mod: Savek | |
3630662119 | Prey Mod: Savek | |
3630662118 | Prey Mod: Savek | |
3630662113 | Prey Mod: Savek | |
3152953722 | Prey Mod: HKD-1 | |
3152953723 | Prey Mod: HKD-1 | |
3152953720 | Prey Mod: HKD-1 | |
3152953721 | Prey Mod: HKD-1 | |
3152953726 | Prey Mod: HKD-1 | |
4222449833 | Prey Mod: Dul Arath | |
4222449832 | Prey Mod: Dul Arath | |
4222449835 | Prey Mod: Dul Arath | |
4222449834 | Prey Mod: Dul Arath | |
4222449837 | Prey Mod: Dul Arath | |
2316941630 | Prey Mod: Xillox | |
2316941631 | Prey Mod: Xillox | |
2316941628 | Prey Mod: Xillox | |
2316941629 | Prey Mod: Xillox | |
2316941626 | Prey Mod: Xillox | |
4210842269 | Prey Mod: High Celebrant | |
2693618443 | Prey Mod: High Celebrant | |
3947692146 | Prey Mod: High Celebrant | |
421960051 | Prey Mod: High Celebrant | |
798444980 | Prey Mod Slot | |
1293586548 | Weak Mutation Slot | |
1293586551 | Strong Mutation Slot | |
1357985020 | Reset Lure | |
159950601 | Trophy Mod: Reputation | |
2980095722 | Trophy Mod: Dormant | |
2980095723 | Trophy Mod: Dormant | |
1415844077 | Improved Seeker I | |
966017287 | Improved Seeker I | |
1415844078 | Improved Seeker II | |
2511967318 | Improved Seeker II | |
3108073652 | Power Hunter | |
2859950248 | Power Hunter | |
3131736909 | Seasoned Hunter | |
476194279 | Seasoned Hunter | |
4126270901 | Reputation Boost I | |
2015006943 | Reputation Boost I | |
4126270902 | Reputation Boost II | |
2735953582 | Reputation Boost II | |
3364652299 | Mutation Mod Extractor | |
3371610217 | Mutation Mod Extractor | |
306484308 | Trophy Mod: Stability | |
306484309 | Trophy Mod: Handling | |
306484310 | Trophy Mod: Reload or Charge Time | |
306484311 | Trophy Mod: Velocity or Range | |
2060759198 | Trophy Perk Veto Mod I | |
2060759199 | Trophy Perk Veto Mod II | |
2060759196 | Trophy Perk Veto Mod III | |
1891474611 | Trophy Perk Veto Mod IV | |
1891474610 | Trophy Perk Veto Mod V | |
1891474609 | Trophy Perk Veto Mod VI | |
723146156 | Recon Data | |
491261343 | Hunting Raiment | |
2482455663 | ||
1674867798 | Imperial Access Code | |
3444192145 | Barrier Passcode Fragment | |
1540346952 | Additional Bounties | |
495543611 | [Currency] Cabal Gold | |
4100615745 | Hammer Charges | |
3665749552 | War Table Reputation (Medium) | |
3854750270 | War Table Reputation (Large) | |
2209604931 | Chosen Engram | |
1526987203 | Chosen Engram | |
1388552219 | Lure Mods and Upgrades | |
656583727 | Hammer Enhancements | |
2036320425 | Proving Rune I | |
2036320426 | Challenger Medallion I | |
2036320427 | Red Legion Chest I | |
2036320428 | Tribute Chest I | |
2036320429 | Hammer Charge I | |
2036320430 | Cabal Gold I | |
2036320431 | Mission Focus I | |
2853165966 | Proving Rune II | |
2853165965 | Challenger Medallion II | |
2853165964 | Red Legion Chest II | |
2853165963 | Tribute Chest II | |
2853165962 | Hammer Charge II | |
2853165961 | Cabal Gold II | |
2853165960 | Mission Focus II | |
4184228563 | Proving Rune III | |
4184228560 | Challenger Medallion III | |
4184228561 | Red Legion Chest III | |
4184228566 | Tribute Chest III | |
4184228567 | Hammer Charge III | |
4184228564 | Cabal Gold III | |
4184228565 | Mission Focus III | |
1263992810 | ||
3585239264 | ||
1127431502 | ||
3149644635 | Bell of Conquests | |
346808223 | Hammer of Proving | |
828334396 | Vex Memory Fragment | |
2148982131 | Cabal Officer's Comms | |
205165427 | Light-disruptor Device | |
3424225003 | Cabal Consignment Manifest | |
2689557052 | Challenger's Spoils | |
3289289336 | (Salvager's Salvo Ornament) Pyretic | |
2806924603 | (Salvager's Salvo Ornament) Toxicology | |
2385221379 | (Salvager's Salvo Ornament) Panacea | |
2825640475 | Cabal Gold Boost I | |
2825640474 | Cabal Gold Boost II | |
2825640473 | Cabal Gold Boost III | |
3162004883 | Legacy: Hammer of Proving | |
173631486 | No Challenger Medallion | |
836920398 | Etched Challenger Medallion | |
836920399 | Pierced Challenger Medallion | |
836920396 | Darkened Challenger Medallion | |
836920397 | Radiant Challenger Medallion | |
663790043 | Avarice Rune | |
674466093 | Glimmering Rune | |
674466092 | Kinetic Rune | |
674466095 | Emissive Rune | |
2277622850 | Key Code | |
4087244436 | Ether | |
4016134203 | Decrypted Data Cluster | |
1593716591 | Decrypted Data Trove | |
1845055986 | Additional Bounties | |
3336898017 | Null Composure Ornament: Inferno Heraldry | |
2982871838 | Null Composure Ornament: Smith's Touchmark | |
1387518726 | Null Composure Ornament: Coordinated Offensive | |
1339304676 | Splicer Gauntlet Upgrades | |
3989719222 | Codestrider | |
3989719221 | Override Efficiency | |
3989719220 | Deletion Exclusion | |
3989719219 | Ether Filter | |
3989719218 | Halt and Open Fire | |
3989719217 | Memory Expansion | |
3989719216 | Vulnerability Exploit | |
771491057 | Signal Booster | |
771491058 | Override Efficiency II | |
771491059 | Deletion Exclusion II | |
771491060 | Ether Recirculator | |
771491061 | Halt and Open Fire II | |
771491062 | Memory Expansion II | |
771491063 | Vulnerability Exploit II | |
1890198828 | Wirewalker | |
1890198831 | Override Efficiency III | |
1890198830 | Deletion Exclusion III | |
1890198825 | Ether Purifier | |
1890198824 | Halt and Open Fire III | |
1890198827 | Memory Expansion III | |
1890198826 | Vulnerability Exploit III | |
1298329135 | Codebreaker | |
775645166 | Corrupted Access | |
3586778046 | Corrupted Data | |
2019736994 | Paradrome Cube | |
3015837029 | Decrypted Data Boost I | |
3015837028 | Decrypted Data Boost II | |
3015837031 | Decrypted Data Boost III | |
264891313 | Legacy: Splicer Gauntlet | |
976208166 | Key Code Crafting | |
1776826742 | Key Code | |
810700797 | Codestrider | |
810700798 | Signal Booster | |
810700799 | Wirewalker | |
3031194871 | Splicer Technique | |
2238986705 | Override Efficiency | |
2238986706 | Override Efficiency II | |
2238986707 | Override Efficiency III | |
2345179323 | Splicer Technique | |
1345517682 | Deletion Exclusion | |
1345517681 | Deletion Exclusion II | |
1345517680 | Deletion Exclusion III | |
1777866858 | Splicer Technique | |
544257812 | Ether Filter | |
544257815 | Ether Recirculator | |
544257814 | Ether Purifier | |
1071170184 | Splicer Technique | |
2596972019 | Halt and Open Fire | |
2596972016 | Halt and Open Fire II | |
2596972017 | Halt and Open Fire III | |
3200201313 | Splicer Technique | |
3740455106 | Memory Expansion | |
3740455105 | Memory Expansion II | |
3740455104 | Memory Expansion III | |
2730177434 | Splicer Technique | |
2083844068 | Vulnerability Exploit | |
2083844071 | Vulnerability Exploit II | |
2083844070 | Vulnerability Exploit III | |
2367399928 | Splicer Technique | |
2173050281 | Codebreaker | |
1526659971 | Splicer Technique | |
532632899 | Corrupted Access | |
1800484497 | Splicer Technique | |
1776857076 | Decrypted Data | |
3012636759 | Corrupted Key Code | |
151849635 | Parallax Trajectory Spike I | |
151849634 | Parallax Trajectory Spike II | |
151849633 | Parallax Trajectory Spike III | |
2341108675 | Parallax Trajectory Boost I | |
2341108674 | Parallax Trajectory Boost II | |
2341108673 | Parallax Trajectory Boost III | |
1048382053 | Additional Bounties | |
1853064274 | ||
2110811093 | Wayfinder's Compass Calibration Level | |
787753026 | Wayfinder's Voyage | |
1986079464 | Wayfinder's Compass | |
1276388202 | Barrier Breach | |
1276388201 | Astral Efficiency | |
1276388200 | Astral Abundance | |
1276388207 | Astral Harvester | |
1276388206 | Opportune Arms | |
1276388205 | Phase Breach | |
1276388204 | Enhanced Breach | |
955312677 | True Sight | |
955312678 | Parallax Focusing | |
955312679 | Sight Beyond Sight | |
955312672 | Vision of Splendor | |
955312673 | Ascendant Sight | |
955312674 | Unveiled Eyes | |
955312675 | Frequency Echoes | |
320831136 | Safe Passage | |
320831139 | Overcharged | |
320831138 | The Way Forward | |
320831141 | Trailblazer | |
320831140 | Unburdened | |
320831143 | Astral Focusing | |
320831142 | Astral Attunement | |
2921957383 | Noble Seal | |
2679574876 | Strand of Nobility | |
1425776985 | Parallax Trajectory | |
3731623410 | Paracausal Feather | |
1251085477 | Lure Mutation Finder | |
14811968 | Guardians United | |
88348293 | This Is Our Story | |
2576752991 | Guardians United | |
4091533576 | Our Crucible | |
3763475984 | Count to One Hundred | |
3174068458 | Return to Hawthorne | |
956899429 | All Right, All Right | |
3174068459 | Progress Report | |
1957318879 | Two Flames in the Dark | |
3174068456 | Final Check-In | |
14811990 | Guardians United | |
3570386371 | This Is Our Story | |
2225445033 | Guardians United | |
1246047974 | Our Crucible | |
3266551502 | Count to One Hundred | |
3841895008 | Return to Hawthorne | |
1671128831 | All Right, All Right | |
3841895009 | Progress Report | |
3219234253 | Two Flames in the Dark | |
3841895010 | Final Check-In | |
1017831990 | Deadly Venatics | |
980167526 | Bait and Kill Switch | |
980167527 | Bait and Kill Switch | |
1878559445 | Rewiring the Light | |
1883685153 | Complete Bounties | |
1883685152 | Complete Bounties | |
568252857 | ||
47189741 | Complete Bounties | |
47189740 | Complete Bounties | |
2354732752 | Europa Challenge | |
3719953927 | Europa Bounties | |
2674580587 | Rendezvous with Variks | |
181902788 | Exo Stranger Challenge | |
1983369203 | Mastering Stasis | |
1776097679 | Rendezvous with the Stranger | |
2080032434 | Splicer's Draw | |
2080032435 | Splicer's Spray | |
2080032432 | Splicer's Slug | |
2080032433 | Splicer's Sidearm | |
2080032438 | Splicer's Slice | |
2080032439 | Splicer's Volley | |
2080032436 | Splicer's Burst | |
2080032437 | Splicer's Fusion | |
2080032442 | Splicer's Detonation | |
2080032443 | Splicer's Barrage | |
3737570297 | Splicer's Arrow | |
3737570296 | Splicer's Range | |
3737570299 | Splicer's Scope | |
3737570298 | Splicer's Blast | |
3737570301 | Splicer's Bolt | |
3737570300 | Splicer's Slam | |
3737570303 | Splicer's Defrag | |
3737570302 | Splicer's Will | |
3737570289 | Splicer's Terminal | |
3737570288 | Malware Removal | |
3687237408 | Targeted Deletion | |
3687237409 | Mass Deletion | |
3687237410 | Data Leak | |
3687237411 | Big Data | |
3687237412 | Splicer Sphereology | |
3687237413 | Overwrite: Hobgoblins | |
3687237414 | Overwrite: Powerful Vex | |
3687237415 | Overwrite: Minotaurs | |
3687237416 | Overwrite: Fanatics | |
3687237417 | Focused Deletion | |
3704014995 | Overwrite: Harpies | |
2194989600 | Splicer's Strike | |
2194989601 | Defrag Out | |
2194989602 | Splicer's Wrath | |
2194989603 | Confirm Delete | |
2194989604 | Unshielded Splicing | |
2194989605 | Overclocked Splicing | |
2194989606 | Null Splicing | |
2194989607 | System Freeze | |
2194989608 | Solid-State Impact | |
2194989609 | Custom Firmware | |
371194307 | Splicer's Hardware | |
371194306 | Fried Circuits | |
371194305 | Heatsinker | |
371194304 | Full Reformat | |
2265497546 | Arc Power Awoken | |
2265497547 | Solar Power Awoken | |
2265497544 | Void Between Stars | |
2265497545 | Super Ascendancy | |
2265497550 | Shattered Orbs | |
2265497551 | Pump-Action Ascendancy | |
2265497548 | Ascendant Fast Draw | |
2265497549 | Astral Fusion | |
2265497538 | Auto Rifle Alignment | |
2265497539 | Shattered Sagittarius | |
1573252257 | Astral Heavy Grenadier | |
1573252256 | Constellation Crusher | |
1573252259 | Astral Grenadier | |
1573252258 | Astral Finisher | |
1573252261 | Thinning the Ranks | |
1573252260 | Alignment of Power | |
1573252263 | Shoot for the Stars | |
1573252262 | Taking the Ascendant Plane | |
1573252265 | Sporting for Scorn | |
1573252264 | Precision Wayfinding | |
1522919400 | Astral Kinesis | |
1522919401 | Astral Energy | |
1522919402 | Star Power | |
1522919403 | Keeping the Dream Alive | |
802323912 | Astral Archer | |
802323913 | Astral Shrapnel | |
802323914 | Ascendant Sniper | |
802323915 | Rapid Fire Alignment | |
802323916 | Linear Alignment | |
802323917 | Astral Sidearm | |
802323918 | Coronal Impact | |
802323919 | Void Ascendancy | |
802323904 | Arc Ascendancy | |
802323905 | Solar Ascendancy | |
291242843 | Void of Alignment | |
291242842 | Ascendant Arc | |
291242841 | Astral Kinesis | |
291242840 | Astral Specialist | |
291242847 | Powerful Alignment | |
291242846 | Stasis Alignment | |
3370146904 | Thin the Herd | |
3370146905 | The Great Equalizer | |
3370146906 | Conquer the Conquerors | |
3370146907 | Sharpshooter | |
3370146908 | Super Visible | |
3370146909 | Flotsam and Jetsam | |
2452709419 | Shoreline Scavenging | |
2452709418 | Patrol the Shore | |
2452709417 | Defend the Shore | |
2452709416 | Treasure Hunter | |
2452709423 | Orbital Drop | |
1316899175 | Lost on the Landing | |
1316899174 | Lost on the Edge | |
1316899177 | Lost in the Gulch | |
1316899176 | Lost in the Cut | |
1984480475 | WANTED: Drained Captain | |
1984480472 | WANTED: Metal Captain | |
453272449 | WANTED: Downpour Captain | |
42076730 | WANTED: Tattered Dusk Captain | |
2369362080 | WANTED: Shayotet Partisan | |
930330247 | WANTED: Pallas Siegebreaker | |
2756705552 | WANTED: Kurg, the All-Seeing Force | |
984614675 | WANTED: Sunless Captain | |
450241713 | WANTED: Consul Partisan | |
732003810 | WANTED: Prince of Yul | |
3584253096 | WANTED: Queenbreaker | |
2963333218 | WANTED: Zerz, the Unstoppable Weight | |
2963333219 | WANTED: Dust-Choked Thrag | |
1378463583 | WANTED: Phyzann, Drowned Captain | |
2672345035 | WANTED: Mazan, Lost Captain | |
971842471 | WANTED: Varghul, Fragment of Oryx | |
2633199258 | WANTED: Calzar, Scarred Captain | |
687509824 | WANTED: Devourer Darg | |
687509827 | WANTED: Fortifier Yann | |
3516790604 | WANTED: Thyrdron | |
17342954 | WANTED: Nariks Reborn | |
146645456 | WANTED: Pakrion | |
2104923550 | WANTED: Disgraced Bracus | |
798882585 | WANTED: Irxis Partisan | |
2637670725 | WANTED: Saturn Survivor | |
921281661 | WANTED: Student of Beltrik | |
537635903 | WANTED: Arcane Mind | |
3990378187 | WANTED: Splendid Mind | |
1704959157 | WANTED: Silent Fang | |
4044330014 | Destination Threader | |
3982365118 | ||
592351739 | High Plains Blues | |
2593979872 | High Plains Blues | |
1041090389 | High Plains Blues | |
2048574700 | High Plains Blues | |
2816659278 | On the Trail | |
2399393855 | On the Trail | |
2680075877 | Earn Spider's Trust | |
3334589938 | The Spider | |
1459715074 | Petra Venj | |
85605754 | Scorned | |
3334589937 | Talk to Spider | |
1459715075 | Talk to Petra | |
1839128024 | Target: The Rider | |
2033751540 | Target: The Mad Bomber | |
2125764734 | Target: The Hangman | |
2173884170 | Target: The Trickster | |
1274758049 | Target: The Mindbender | |
2077251962 | Target: The Rifleman | |
3334589936 | Talk to Spider | |
2575679576 | The Machinist | |
1459715072 | Talk to Petra | |
3334589943 | Talk to Spider | |
2318511203 | Nothing Left to Say | |
3718149851 | Nothing Left to Say | |
2593979873 | Vanguard | |
1459715073 | Queen's Wrath | |
1459715078 | Queen's Wrath | |
2734374928 | Last Call | |
3527859163 | Vanguard | |
400841608 | Broken Awoken Talisman | |
4075185600 | Inert Awoken Talisman | |
3606459571 | Mended Awoken Talisman | |
4075185601 | Imbalanced Awoken Talisman | |
2288968667 | Semi-Charged Awoken Talisman | |
4075185602 | Visit the Spider | |
1532817854 | A Hum of Starlight | |
1375446505 | Awakening | |
2724725340 | The Cryptolith Lure | |
2724725343 | Charge the Lure | |
2724725342 | Configure the Lure | |
2724725337 | Eliminate the Wrathborn | |
2724725336 | Return to Crow | |
2410882276 | A Visit with Crow | |
3926234958 | In Pursuit of Vengeance | |
3926234957 | Unsavory Allies | |
632867341 | In Pursuit of Vengeance | |
545859415 | The Final Piece | |
4105463899 | Audience with the Spider | |
2343798200 | Coup de Grâce | |
2343798201 | A Fair Exchange | |
1781161156 | Open Season | |
975362892 | Path of the Vanguard | |
975362893 | Strikes and Strife | |
975362894 | Eyes on the Enemies | |
975362895 | One Way, Many Paths | |
2389922933 | Path of the Crucible | |
2389922932 | Valor and Victory | |
2389922935 | Eyes Downrange | |
2389922934 | One Way, Many Paths | |
3515720004 | Path of Gambit | |
3515720005 | Infamy and Invasions | |
3515720006 | Eyes on the Bank | |
3515720007 | One Way, Many Paths | |
1778793178 | Strike Rangemaster | |
1778793179 | Adored Adornment: Vanguard | |
2941813193 | Crucible Rangemaster | |
2941813192 | Adored Adornment: Crucible | |
842962210 | Gambit Rangemaster | |
842962211 | Adored Adornment: Gambit | |
3382362860 | Pulled Pins and Fragmentation | |
3382362861 | Circle Back | |
2251544109 | Destructive Deployment | |
2251544108 | With Weapon in Hand | |
130920797 | Mote-vated Bombing Run | |
130920796 | Hero's Welcome | |
1883296574 | Thrown, Launched, or Otherwise | |
1883296575 | To the Tower Crier | |
2691512830 | Battleground: Behemoth | |
3056543888 | The H.E.L.M. | |
3056543891 | The War Table | |
2249434687 | While the Iron Is Hot | |
1448440971 | H.E.L.M. Systems | |
3347884982 | Briefing | |
2249434686 | Battleground: Hailstone | |
2249434685 | H.E.L.M. Deployment | |
2249434684 | Precious Plunder | |
2249434683 | Gilded Conquest | |
2249434682 | Ransack the Hoard | |
2249434681 | Hammer Forged | |
2249434680 | Laid Claim | |
2249434678 | Debriefing | |
2543201192 | Battleground: Foothold | |
2543201193 | Precious Plunder | |
2543201194 | Gilded Conquest | |
2543201195 | Ransack the Hoard | |
2543201196 | Impasse | |
2543201197 | Hammer Forged | |
357701787 | Mission Briefing | |
1388039637 | Battleground: Oracle | |
1388039636 | Precious Plunder | |
1388039639 | Gilded Conquest | |
1388039638 | Ransack the Hoard | |
1388039633 | Through the Fog of Battle | |
1388039632 | Debriefing | |
2824903682 | Mission Briefing | |
1182336966 | Precious Plunder | |
1182336967 | Gilded Conquest | |
1182336964 | Ransack the Hoard | |
1182336965 | Predicted Missing | |
1182336962 | Thread Ripper | |
1182336963 | Recollection | |
1182336960 | Lucky Break | |
1182336961 | Clip Their Wings | |
1182336974 | A Caged Immitation | |
1182336975 | To Fell the Mighty | |
3079093877 | Debriefing | |
3029133082 | Vex Memory: Cabal Activity | |
3029133083 | Vex Memory: Cabal Activity | |
3147629491 | Cabal Consignment Manifest | |
3357277767 | Cabal Officer's Comms | |
1377637390 | Light-disruptor Device | |
2324386617 | Mission Briefing | |
4064109851 | Precious Plunder | |
4064109850 | Gilded Conquest | |
4064109849 | Ransack the Hoard | |
4064109848 | Tensions | |
4064109855 | Debriefing | |
3837609656 | Mission Briefing | |
2421639668 | Precious Plunder | |
2421639669 | Gilded Conquest | |
2421639670 | Ransack the Hoard | |
2421639671 | The Chosen Strategy | |
2421639664 | Debriefing | |
3193745399 | Mission Briefing | |
949663201 | Precious Plunder | |
949663200 | Gilded Conquest | |
949663203 | Ransack the Hoard | |
949663202 | Chosen of the Vanguard | |
949663205 | Chariot of Fire | |
949663204 | Parting Ways, For Now | |
949663207 | Debriefing | |
3880524846 | Mission Briefing | |
4053156227 | ||
4053156226 | ||
2636275908 | ||
2636275909 | Hero's Welcome | |
3964054933 | ||
3964054932 | ||
3657290124 | ||
3657290125 | ||
423748773 | ||
3001557651 | ||
3001557648 | ||
1283928689 | Mission Briefing | |
69652062 | ||
69652063 | ||
69652060 | ||
69652061 | ||
354834250 | Decrypting the Darkness | |
69652058 | ||
69652059 | ||
3067053766 | Mission Briefing | |
2823156409 | ||
2823156408 | ||
2823156411 | ||
2823156410 | ||
2823156413 | ||
3866267023 | ||
1931453100 | ||
1931453101 | ||
1931453102 | ||
1931453103 | ||
881792167 | ||
1931453096 | ||
639682932 | Mission Briefing | |
1036105303 | ||
1036105302 | ||
1036105301 | ||
346722224 | ||
1036105300 | ||
1036105299 | ||
1036105298 | ||
1036105297 | ||
2656931973 | Mission Briefing | |
1611168562 | ||
1611168563 | ||
1611168560 | ||
2769579697 | ||
1611168561 | ||
1611168566 | ||
2507401690 | Mission Briefing | |
1928707789 | ||
1928707788 | ||
1928707791 | ||
354141770 | ||
1928707790 | ||
1928707785 | Speak with Ikora | |
1928707784 | ||
1898794867 | Mission Briefing | |
3431289600 | ||
3431289601 | ||
3431289602 | ||
1779990731 | ||
3431289603 | ||
3431289604 | ||
1581337400 | Mission Briefing | |
1133258139 | ||
1133258138 | ||
1133258137 | ||
2162248468 | ||
2162248469 | ||
1133258136 | ||
1133258143 | ||
1133258142 | ||
2710742604 | ||
2512551906 | ||
1732487726 | ||
1732487727 | ||
1732487724 | ||
2849910537 | ||
2849910536 | ||
144163138 | ||
2436874574 | ||
2436874575 | ||
2436874572 | ||
549542117 | ||
3526142649 | ||
3542920239 | ||
3559697794 | ||
3576475509 | ||
871185566 | ||
854407976 | ||
904740833 | ||
887963150 | ||
3640647899 | ||
3657425585 | ||
3607092728 | ||
3707758346 | ||
2510499026 | ||
2493721471 | ||
2493721470 | ||
2493721469 | ||
2493721467 | ||
2476943756 | ||
2460166169 | ||
2443388582 | ||
2426610995 | ||
2409833280 | ||
2661497661 | ||
2644719946 | ||
1225091443 | ||
3127333451 | Ship Without and Anchor | |
3127333450 | Shattered Realm | |
3127333453 | Return to the H.E.L.M. | |
3127333455 | Interrogation | |
3127333454 | Speak with Ikora | |
3127333440 | Shifting of the Ley Lines | |
3077000688 | Summoned by Mara Sov | |
3077000689 | Astral Alignment | |
3077000690 | Ship Without and Anchor | |
3077000691 | Shattered Realm | |
3077000692 | Return to the H.E.L.M. | |
3077000694 | Interrogation | |
3077000697 | Shifting of the Ley Lines | |
3093778275 | Summoned by Mara Sov | |
3093778274 | Astral Alignment | |
3093778273 | Ship Without and Anchor | |
3093778272 | Shattered Realm | |
3093778279 | Return to the H.E.L.M. | |
3093778278 | Unauthorized Access | |
3093778277 | Interrogation | |
3093778276 | In the Shadow of the Past | |
3093778283 | Petra's Grievances | |
3093778282 | Shifting of the Ley Lines | |
3177666306 | Summoned by Mara Sov | |
3177666307 | Astral Alignment | |
3177666304 | Ship Without and Anchor | |
3177666305 | Shattered Realm | |
3177666310 | Return to the H.E.L.M. | |
3177666308 | Interrogation | |
3177666315 | Shifting of the Ley Lines | |
3194444021 | Summoned by Mara Sov | |
3194444020 | Astral Alignment | |
3194444023 | Ship Without and Anchor | |
3194444022 | Shattered Realm | |
3194444017 | Return to the H.E.L.M. | |
3194444019 | Interrogation | |
3194444028 | Shifting of the Ley Lines | |
3144111164 | Summoned by Mara Sov | |
3144111165 | Astral Alignment | |
3144111166 | Ship Without and Anchor | |
3144111167 | Shattered Realm | |
3144111160 | Return to the H.E.L.M. | |
3144111161 | Truth and Lies | |
3144111162 | Interrogation | |
3144111163 | The Past Comes Knocking | |
3144111157 | Shifting of the Ley Lines | |
3160888751 | Summoned by Mara Sov | |
3160888750 | Astral Alignment | |
3160888749 | Ship Without and Anchor | |
3160888748 | Shattered Realm | |
3160888747 | Awaiting Alignment | |
3160888745 | Interrogation | |
39711594 | The Plan | |
39711595 | Bridge Between Worlds | |
39711593 | Decrypting the Darkness | |
22934007 | Pointing in the Right Direction | |
1606982478 | Mission: Cocoon | |
1606982479 | Wayfinder's Voyage I | |
813561265 | Forewarned, Forearmed | |
813561264 | Clustered Shots | |
813561267 | Antipode | |
813561266 | The Final Lesson | |
813561269 | A Finely Tuned Instrument | |
1641108458 | ||
3914032600 | Voices in Light | |
3964365457 | Dream of a Dream | |
3947587902 | Paracausal Refit | |
3997920759 | Paracausal Refit | |
3981143044 | Further Interference | |
4031475933 | Further Interference | |
4014698346 | Further Interference | |
3796589267 | Hunting Party | |
3779811680 | Reforged in the Light | |
1682462146 | For a Purpose | |
4112759735 | Paracausal Feather | |
4112759734 | Paracausal Feather | |
4112759733 | Paracausal Feather | |
4112759732 | Paracausal Feather | |
4112759731 | Paracausal Feather | |
1256572565 | Paranoia | |
1273350147 | The Dreaming | |
1290127862 | The Neverwas | |
1306905449 | The Cursed | |
1323683036 | The Purpose | |
1340460623 | Stalk Thy Prey | |
2134434788 | Paracausal Feather | |
3556278688 | Paracausal Feather | |
1067661576 | Paracausal Feather | |
1096108202 | Paracausal Feather | |
2561127907 | Paracausal Feather | |
941327848 | Seek the Light | |
991660705 | Lightbringer | |
974883022 | Lightweaver | |
104199587 | ||
2269038921 | ||
2269038922 | ||
2269038923 | ||
2404052633 | The Voice on the Other Side | |
2404052632 | ||
2703740981 | At Your Fingertips | |
2703740980 | ||
3160888743 | Classified | |
643842480 | Classified | |
1641108456 | Classified | |
1641108457 | Classified |
Items | +1665 | -1027 | 7213 | |
InventoryBuckets | +1 | |||
SandboxPerks | +299 | -4 | 13 | |
PowerCaps | +1 | |||
PresentationNodes | +133 | -15 | 1158 | |
Triumphs | +290 | 1 | -119 | 494 |
Collectibles | +345 | -5 | 6 | |
Objectives | +964 | -1777 | 5349 | |
Checklists | 3 | |||
Vendors | +52 | -43 | 52 | |
VendorGroups | +1 | 4 | ||
Progressions | +9 | -9 | 10 | |
Milestones | +17 | -34 | 6 | |
Activities | +150 | -100 | 208 | |
ActivityModes | +1 | |||
ActivityTypes | +1 | |||
ActivityModifiers | +20 | -22 | ||
Lore | +116 | |||
Places | +2 | 1 | ||
Locations | +97 | -129 | 19 | |
Destinations | +4 | 4 | ||
Seasons | +3 | 1 | ||
SeasonPasses | +1 | |||
Artifacts | 1 | |||
Factions | +6 | -7 | 2 | |
Traits | +2 | 1 | ||
TraitCategories | 2 | |||
Metrics | +17 | -13 | ||
SocketCategories | +7 | -6 | ||
SocketTypes | +74 | -23 | 29 | |
Achievement | 2 | |||
Talents | 1 | |||
Stats | +1 | |||
StatGroups | +2 | 3 | ||
ActivityGraphs | +2 | -1 | 12 | |
PlugSets | +202 | -6 | 2303 | |
RewardItemList | +183 | -182 | ||
SackRewardItemList | +59 | -162 | ||
SandboxPatterns | +50 | |||
Unlocks | +2955 | 1 | -1897 | |
MaterialRequirementSets | +18 | -11 | 227 | |
ArtDyeReference | +828 | |||
ProgressionMapping | +3 | -5 | ||
UnlockValue | +1000 | -1735 | ||
RewardMapping | +802 | -1321 | ||
RewardSheet | +173 | -127 | ||
ActivityInteractable | +22 | -29 | ||
EntitlementOffer | +40 | |||
UnlockCountMapping | +1 | |||
UnlockEvent | +19 | -45 | 4 | |
UnlockExpressionMapping | +1719 | -1843 | ||
RewardAdjusterPointer | +2 |
Page built Sat, 14 Dec 2024 02:35:34 GMT.
Site once maintained (reluctantly) by joshhunt. No copyright intended.