1810187964 | | Atavistic Idol Suit | | Collectibles Atavistic Idol Mask Atavistic Idol Grips Atavistic Idol Vest Atavistic Idol Strides Atavistic Idol Cloak
| |
209595940 | | Epialos Following Set | | Collectibles Epialos Following Mask Epialos Following Grasps Epialos Following Vest Epialos Following Strides Epialos Following Cloak
| |
956723103 | | Collimated Light Set | | Collectibles Sun's Apex Mask Sun's Apex Grips Sun's Apex Vest Sun's Apex Strides Sun's Apex Cloak
| |
4018887268 | | Cloak of Bakris | | Collectibles Cloak of Bakris
| |
3291541575 | | Phosphorescent Prism Set | | Collectibles Classified Classified Classified Classified Classified
| |
433530919 | | Eidolon Pursuant Suit | | Collectibles Eidolon Pursuant Mask Eidolon Pursuant Handguards Eidolon Pursuant Tunic Eidolon Pursuant Legguards Eidolon Pursuant Cloak
| |
310653088 | | Atavistic Idol Suit | | Collectibles Atavistic Idol Helmet Atavistic Idol Gauntlets Atavistic Idol Plate Atavistic Idol Greaves Atavistic Idol Mark
| |
4183582496 | | Epialos Following Set | | Collectibles Epialos Following Helm Epialos Following Gauntlets Epialos Following Plate Epialos Following Greaves Epialos Following Mark
| |
3088345259 | | Collimated Light Set | | Collectibles Radiant Breaker Helm Radiant Breaker Gauntlets Radiant Breaker Plate Radiant Breaker Greaves Radiant Breaker Mark
| |
1083613128 | | Mark of the Falling Star | | Collectibles Mark of the Falling Star
| |
1094241315 | | Candescent Prism Set | | Collectibles Classified Candescent Prism Gauntlets Classified Classified Classified
| |
478158963 | | Eidolon Pursuant Suit | | Collectibles Eidolon Pursuant Helm Eidolon Pursuant Gauntlets Eidolon Pursuant Plate Eidolon Pursuant Greaves Eidolon Pursuant Plate
| |
4025971741 | | Atavistic Idol Suit | | Collectibles Atavistic Idol Hood Atavistic Idol Gloves Atavistic Idol Vestments Atavistic Idol Boots Atavistic Idol Bond
| |
1141714209 | | Epialos Following Set | | Collectibles Epialos Following Hood Epialos Following Gloves Epialos Following Robes Epialos Following Boots Epialos Following Bond
| |
2553804222 | | Collimated Light Set | | Collectibles Dawn Singer Hood Dawn Singer Gloves Dawn Singer Robes Dawn Singer Boots Dawn Singer Bond
| |
3381313227 | | Bond of Battle Harmony | | Collectibles Bond of Battle Harmony
| |
4067284878 | | Scintillant Prism Set | | Collectibles Classified Classified Scintillant Prism Robes Classified Scintillant Prism Bond
| |
286120872 | | Eidolon Pursuant Suit | | Collectibles Eidolon Pursuant Veil Eidolon Pursuant Gloves Eidolon Pursuant Robe Eidolon Pursuant Pants Eidolon Pursuant Bond
| |
2144345506 | | Season 17 | | Collectibles Phantasmal Shell Eidolon Shell Souped-Up Shell Battle-Worn Shell Egregore Shell Hearthfire Shell Convertible Shell Hydrofoil Shell Sunny Vacation Shell Sea Shell Sweet Sprinkles Shell Horus Shell
| Ghost Shells
3006680600 | | Season 17 | | Collectibles Swing of the Scythe Classified Sharp Aim Perfect Catch Solar Snap
| Finishers
4171924500 | | Season 17 | | Collectibles Egregore Entrance Subjugator Entrance Ghost Purple Classified
| Transmat Effects
2079005404 | | Season 17 | | Collectibles Tymbal Lucidae Retrofitted Roadster Swift Persistence Exosporangion Wings of the Firebird Shining Cabriolet Classified Classified Classified Hushed Syrinx
| Ships
3030939318 | | Season 17 | | Collectibles Trauermarsch Pale Steed Hot Rod Havoc Wartorn Peregrine Cordyception Kindled Wanderer Open-Sky Tourer Seafoam Glide Classified Classified Falcon's Chase
| Sparrows
2692213777 | | Trace Rifles | | Triumphs Hollow Denial
| Special Weapon Patterns
| The Light
459849722 |  | Voices of the Haunted | | Triumphs Voices of the Haunted I. Temperament II. Death and Desertion III. Memento IV. To Forgive or Forget V. Regrets VI. Propaganda VII. Legacy
| Dusk and Dawn
239187336 |  | Season of the Haunted | Claim rewards by binding Nightmares for the Crown aboard the Derelict Leviathan. | Presentation nodes Nightmares General
| |
2078522690 |  | General | | Presentation nodes | Season of the Haunted
2551992318 | | General | | Triumphs Lead by Example Ornamental Branding Vanguard Decor: Chain of Command Crucible Decor: Chain of Command Gambit Decor: Chain of Command Harvested Power Nightmare Harvester Tuning Guardian of the Haunted
| General
2272665373 |  | Nightmares | | Presentation nodes - Quests
- Derelict Leviathan
- Sever
- Gear
| Season of the Haunted
1267192217 | | Quests | | Triumphs Severance Haunted Ghost in the Machine Vendor Upgrades Unlocked Vendor Rank Reset Opulent Avarice Nightmare Remains Harvester of Sorrows Nightmare Harvester #1 Fan
| Nightmares
1321501307 | | Derelict Leviathan | | Triumphs Nightmare Containment Completions Bound Perfection Tritainment Harvest Reaper's Blade Shadow's Return A Guardian Is a Guardian, Even in a Nightmare Fever Dream Get to Taking Out Their Commanders, One by One Controlled Burn Exile Ended Shared Fears At the Behest of the Empress Battle Lines Sporest of Beasts Nightmare Breached Drainage Ritual Under Shadow
| Nightmares
3212312368 | | Sever | | Triumphs Sever Completions Severing Scythe Hear, Don't Heed Sever - Shame Sever - Reconciliation Sever - Grief Sever - Forgiveness Sever - Rage Sever - Resolve
| Nightmares
4154823524 | | Gear | | Triumphs Paranormal Firepower CWU-27p Anti-Haunt Gear Malicious Haunt Nightmares Take Shape Shape Opulent Weapons Nightmarish Decryption
| Nightmares
2332062063 |  | Events | | | |
1321008458 |  | Haunted | Complete all Season of the Haunted Seal Triumphs and earn the title of Reaper. | Triumphs Severance Vendor Upgrades Unlocked Tritainment Harvester of Sorrows Malicious Haunt Reaper's Blade Opulent Avarice Shadow's Return Hear, Don't Heed #1 Fan
| |
2161171268 |  | Iron Banner | Complete all Iron Banner Triumphs. | Triumphs Jolder's Victory Gunnora's Seal Orimund's Taste Orewing's Spirit Frostmire's Will Crimil's Dedication Jorum's Howl
| |
2594486939 |  | | | Triumphs - No name
- No name
- No name
- No name
- No name
| |
3598951881 |  | | | Triumphs No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name
| |
2119135356 | | Season of the Risen | | Triumphs Light Reclaimer I Light Reclaimer II Light Reclaimer III Legendary PsiOperative I Legendary PsiOperative II Legendary PsiOperative III Operation Elbrus: Week 2 Operation Elbrus: Week 3 Operation Elbrus: Week 4 Psychogenic Decoder
| Past Challenges
1682180975 |  | Weekly | Complete limited-time challenges for Season rank, Bright Dust, and other rewards. | Presentation nodes - Seasonal
- Week 1
- Week 2
- Week 3
- Week 4
- Week 5
- Week 6
- Week 7
- Week 8
- Week 9
- Week 10
| Seasonal Challenges
797819882 | | Seasonal | | Triumphs Reaper Incarnate
| Weekly
3127313204 | | Week 1 | | Triumphs Sorrow Bound I Nightmare Containment I Vestiges of Dread I Sustained Fire Derelict Leviathan Activities Taking All Challenges Mid-Range Calibration Dredgin' Up Victory Momentum Crash Scorn Pest Control
| Weekly
1140727173 | | Week 2 | | Triumphs Sorrow Bound II Leviathan Chests Umbral Focusing I Harvest at Dawn Moon Activities Lost in the Legend Close-Range Calibration Bank, Kill, Repeat Iron Sharpens Iron Anti-Cabal Sweep
| Weekly
3127313206 | | Week 3 | | Triumphs Sorrow Bound III Nightmare Containment II Binding I Loadout II Throne World Activities Power Broker Long-Range Calibration Primeval Entourage Scorched Earth Ultimate Champion
| Weekly
3127313201 | | Week 4 | | Triumphs Sorrow Bound IV Crematory Fist Burning Shame Shape of Nightmares I Mod Collector Precision Calibration High-Value Hunter Flourish of Power Darkest Nightfall
| Weekly
3127313200 | | Week 5 | | Triumphs Sorrow Bound V Nightmare Containment III Empty Grief Umbral Focusing II Linking the Chain of Command Sunburn Leviathan Reaper - Cabal and Nightmare Bosses
| Weekly
3127313203 | | Week 6 | | Triumphs Sorrow Bound VI Sparking Rage Vestiges of Dread II Glean Cut Apex Armorer Absolutely Stunning Crucible Ornament
| Weekly
3127313202 | | Week 7 | | Triumphs Sorrow Bound VII Nullifying Reconciliation Binding II Shape of Nightmares II Beam Cannon Fleeting Glory Grandmaster
| Weekly
3127313213 | | Week 8 | | Triumphs Shocking Forgiveness Vestiges of Dread III Umbral Focusing III Pinnacle Widepoint Calibration Gambit Ornament
| Weekly
3127313212 | | Week 9 | | Triumphs Warm Resolve Cabal Tactics Armory-Wide Calibration Solar Gambit Trial by Firing Squad Solar Vanguard
| Weekly
2754218732 | | Week 10 | | Triumphs Haunting Cacophony Europa Activities Vanguard Ornament
| Weekly
1947164232 | | | | Presentation nodes | |
1167346410 | | | | Triumphs No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name No name Event Challenge 01 Event Challenge 02 Event Challenge 03 Event Challenge 04 Event Challenge 05 Event Challenge 06 Event Challenge 07 Event Challenge 08 Event Challenge 09 Event Challenge 10 Event Challenge 11 Event Challenge 12 Event Challenge 13 Event Challenge 14 Event Challenge 15 Event Challenge 16 Event Challenge 17 Event Challenge 18 Event Challenge 19 Event Challenge 20
| |
2649709888 | | Trace Rifles | | Craftables Hollow Denial
| Special
1439737750 |  | Destination | Destination Metrics | Metrics Classified Classified Classified
| |
1529342980 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. | | |
3682785080 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. | | |
777290225 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. | | |
3487512928 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. | | |
824885942 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. | | |
3577410962 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. | | |
1719250431 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. | | |
4032492628 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. | | |
854126634 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. | | |