

2262629301Season of the Haunted RankHighest rank achieved for Season of the Haunted. Tracks from Season of the Haunted onward.
1864866268Season of the Haunted: Nightmare Containment Tier CompletionsNumber of Containment waves completed.
3151143989Season of the Haunted: Nightmare Containment Bosses DefeatedNumber of Containment bosses defeated.
2651517177Season of the Haunted: Nightmare Containment BindingsNumber of Containment bosses bound.
1793853502Season of the Haunted: Dignified Effigies RecoveredCollection of dignified effigies obtained.
412897948Season of the Haunted: Nightmares DefeatedNumber of Nightmares defeated on the Derelict Leviathan.
2536355414Season of the Haunted: Haunted Alcove Chests UnlockedNumber of Haunted Alcove chests unlocked.
2203898888Season of the Haunted: Opulent Chests UnlockedNumber of Opulent Chests unlocked.
3862075762ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
1034442994ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
1084707005ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.


2262629300Season of the Risen Rank

Page built Thu, 12 Dec 2024 12:18:54 GMT.

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