226373526 | | Techeun's Regalia Set | | Collectibles Techeun's Regalia Mask Techeun's Regalia Grips Techeun's Regalia Vest Techeun's Regalia Strides Techeun's Regalia Cloak
| |
1007055953 | | Limitless Subversion Set | | Collectibles Limitless Subversion Casque Limitless Subversion Grips Limitless Subversion Vest Limitless Subversion Strides Limitless Subversion Cloak
| |
528890243 | | Thanatic Instinct | | Collectibles Thanatic Instinct
| |
575171989 | | Aspiring Challenger Set | | Collectibles Aspiring Challenger Mask Aspiring Challenger Grips Aspiring Challenger Vest Aspiring Challenger Strides Aspiring Challenger Cloak
| |
226719141 | | Thunderhead Suit | | Collectibles Thunderhead Mask Thunderhead Grips Thunderhead Vest Thunderhead Strides Thunderhead Cloak
| |
1874222447 | | Potentiate Treads | | Collectibles Potentiate Treads
| |
1488134547 | | Unyielding Favor Suit | | Collectibles Unyielding Favor Helmet Unyielding Favor Gauntlets Unyielding Favor Plate Unyielding Favor Greaves Unyielding Favor Mark
| |
1124936627 | | Techeun's Regalia Set | | Collectibles Techeun's Regalia Hood Techeun's Regalia Gloves Techeun's Regalia Robe Techeun's Regalia Boots Techeun's Regalia Bond
| |
2503471328 | | Technologic Set | | Collectibles Technologic Hood Technologic Gloves Technologic Robes Technologic Boots Technologic Bond
| |
1553434444 | | Astrotracts | | Collectibles Astrotracts
| |
669890868 | | Resolute Champion Set | | Collectibles Resolute Champion Hood Resolute Champion Gloves Resolute Champion Robes Resolute Champion Boots Resolute Champion Bond
| |
2026945746 | | Unyielding Favor Suit | | Collectibles Unyielding Favor Hood Unyielding Favor Gloves Unyielding Favor Robes Unyielding Favor Boots Unyielding Favor Bond
| |
1469373078 | | Thunderhead Suit | | Collectibles Thunderhead Cover Thunderhead Gloves Thunderhead Robes Thunderhead Boots Thunderhead Bond
| |
1074030956 |  | Neomuni Souvenirs | Trophies from Neomuna, Neptune. | Presentation nodes | |
1103043670 |  | Hunter | | Collectibles Winterbite Final Warning Deterministic Chaos Dimensional Hypotrochoid Iterative Loop Phyllotactic Spiral Volta Bracket Round Robin Circular Logic Basso Ostinato Synchronic Roulette Foremost Vimana Scintillant Trajectory Sanctuary of Nefele Terminal Circuit Thunderhead Mask Thunderhead Grips Thunderhead Vest Thunderhead Strides Thunderhead Cloak
| Neomuni Souvenirs
2552737299 |  | Warlock | | Collectibles Winterbite Final Warning Deterministic Chaos Dimensional Hypotrochoid Iterative Loop Phyllotactic Spiral Volta Bracket Round Robin Circular Logic Basso Ostinato Synchronic Roulette Foremost Vimana Scintillant Trajectory Sanctuary of Nefele Terminal Circuit Thunderhead Cover Thunderhead Gloves Thunderhead Robes Thunderhead Boots Thunderhead Bond
| Neomuni Souvenirs
2440219904 | | Season 20 | | Collectibles Tech Witch Shell Scribetrace Shell Guardian's Angel Shell Decadent Shell Mark II Shell Clean Lines Shell Kit Shell Sweeper Shell Astrologic Shell Tug-of-War Shell Gridiron Shell Padded Armor Shell
| Ghost Shells
2095782990 | | Season 20 | | Collectibles Foremost Vimana Brazen Spark Classified Gilded Prowler Slipstream i.3 SynthOwl Assembly Stinger Vestian Hawk Victor's Palanquin Stygian Courser Tropopause
| Ships
733308107 | | Glaives | | Collectibles Vermeil Spindle Virescent Spindle Aegean Spindle
| Weapon Ornaments
974009036 |  | Cloud Strider Legacies | | Triumphs The Stargazer Laminak Li The Bluejay Conrad Jain The Maelstrom Sedderik Assur The Strider Mikaela Julaha
| Dusk and Dawn
384395031 |  | Last Days | | Triumphs Mr. Che Sehrish Tino Cais Adinew Magnolia Rihk Gwinnith Hazeema Phot0n
| Dusk and Dawn
1177466224 |  | The Beaten Path | | Triumphs Classified Classified Classified Classified
| Dusk and Dawn
916735071 |  | Warp and Weft | | Triumphs Strand Log I Carding Strand Log II Roving Strand Log III Spinning Strand Log IV Weaving
| The Darkness
1310980015 |  | The Vanguard | | Presentation nodes Guardians and Ghosts Enemies of Humanity The Vanguard Our Allies Sol, A History A New Age Guardian Directives Entities of Sol A Guardian's Ideals Becoming Legend
| Lore
1065625809 |  | Enemies of Humanity | | Triumphs The Threats We Face
| The Vanguard
2489706303 |  | The Vanguard | | Triumphs The Leaders Who Guide Us
| The Vanguard
2330213378 |  | Our Allies | | Triumphs The Friends We Made
| The Vanguard
397961704 |  | Sol, A History | | Triumphs The Golden Age The Collapse and The Dark Age The City Age
| The Vanguard
1085274707 |  | Entities of Sol | | Triumphs Unanswered Questions
| The Vanguard
2335220333 |  | A Guardian's Ideals | | Triumphs Guiding Light
| The Vanguard
99080377 |  | Becoming Legend | | Triumphs A Humble Thank You
| The Vanguard
638109944 | | General | | Triumphs Skeining Stars Handspun Crucible Decor: Ecliptic Distaff Gambit Decor: Ecliptic Distaff Vanguard Decor: Ecliptic Distaff Ascendant Scepter Power Defiant Levels Ascendant Scepter Mods
| General
1660103231 |  | Ritual | | Presentation nodes - Quests
- Gear
- Defiant Battlegrounds
- Exotic Mission
| Season of Defiance
1723339410 | | Gear | | Triumphs Unyielding Favor Ensemble Defiant Arsenal Defiant Shaper Scourge of Light
| Ritual
2363027913 | | Defiant Battlegrounds | | Triumphs Big Game Banisher Prison Breaker Sacrosanctifier Stratospheric Savior Death Defying Death Defying Fireteam Legendary Defiance Rapid Redeemer Legendary Trifecta
| Ritual
1964693686 |  | Neomuna | A hidden tech-metropolis, untouched by the Collapse. | Presentation nodes Activities World
| |
1218812945 |  | Activities | | Presentation nodes - Lightfall
- Ritual
| Neomuna
1391513288 | | Ritual | | Triumphs Keyed Up Emergency Rez-cue Terminal Treasures Hotspot Unraveling the VexNet All Tangled Up Disk Cleanup Fully Overloaded Overclocked Supernumerary Blitz Administrative Access
| Activities
530225423 |  | World | | Presentation nodes - Exploration
- Quests
- Secrets
- Strand
| Neomuna
1192509750 | | Exploration | | Triumphs Neptune's Bounty Neighborhood Watch Trouble-Shooter Action Hero Cartographer Honorary Cloud Strider Neptunian Champions Master of the Digital Frontier Hydroponics Delta Solo Legend Gilded Precept Solo Legend Thrilladrome Solo Legend Hydroponics Delta Solo Mastery Gilded Precept Solo Mastery Thrilladrome Solo Mastery Hydroponics Delta Flawless Solo Mastery Gilded Precept Flawless Solo Mastery Thrilladrome Flawless Solo Mastery
| World
2429963846 | | Quests | | Triumphs Citizen of the Year Unfinished Business Restored and Remembered The Final Strand
| World
376062746 | | Secrets | | Triumphs The City and the Mystery Ear to the Ground They're Not Dolls Concourse Repeaters Park Repeaters Harbor Repeaters Complex Repeaters Terminal Repeaters Imperator Repeaters Radiosonde Repeaters Retreat Repeaters Strange New Heights
| World
842301675 | | Strand | | Triumphs Take a Strand Tangled Up Forces of the Universe Filamental Mastery Mission Headlong Time Trial: Bronze Mission Headlong Time Trial: Silver Mission Headlong Time Trial: Gold Mission Headlong Time Trial: Platinum
| World
1270675700 |  | Queensguard | Complete all Season of Defiance Triumphs. | Triumphs Unbowed, Unbent Defiant Keyholder Stand on the Table Country Radio Bend Toward Justice Grace Under Fire Zeal Appeal Big Game Banisher Legendary Trifecta Classified Classified Scourge of Light
| |
1771089205 |  | Weekly | Complete limited-time challenges for Season rank, Bright Dust, and other rewards. | Presentation nodes - Seasonal
- Week 1
- Week 2
- Week 3
- Week 4
- Week 5
- Week 6
- Week 7
- Week 8
- Week 9
- Week 10
| Seasonal Challenges
101130376 | | Seasonal | | Triumphs Total Defiance
| Weekly
1920499830 | | Week 10 | | Triumphs Ultimate Defiance Favored Liberator Europa Activities Defiant Vanguard Ornament
| Weekly
2485764221 | | New Light | Newly arisen, you've set forth to find a place in this unfamiliar world. | | Guardian Ranks
2329774788 | | Explorer | Learn more about being a Guardian on The Steppes of the Cosmodrome by aiding Shaw Han and other Guardians to develop your skills before continuing to explore the solar system. | Presentation nodes | Guardian Ranks
1661428704 | | Ranking Up | | Triumphs The Vanguard
| |
2334031483 | | Initiate | Venture forth and survey threats across the solar system as you continue to explore your skills as a Guardian. | Presentation nodes - Explore Neptune
- Explore EDZ
- Explore Nessus
| Guardian Ranks
1634098773 | | Explore Neptune | | Triumphs First Contact Point of Contact
| |
1299243076 | | Explore EDZ | | Triumphs Discover EDZ EDZ Public Events
| |
149091036 | | Explore Nessus | | Triumphs Explore Nessus Patrols Lost Sectors
| |
464627906 | | Scout | Grow your strength by enhancing your subclasses and expanding your arsenal. | Presentation nodes - Light Subclasses
- Gunsmith
- Gear Modification
| Guardian Ranks
2125973956 | | Light Subclasses | | Triumphs Learning Light Purchase Aspects Purchase Fragments Light Subclasses
| |
1992631833 | | Gunsmith | | Triumphs Meet Banshee-44 Glimmer Legendary Shards Enhancement Cores Arming Up
| |
297184034 | | Gear Modification | | Triumphs Shaders Upgrading Your Ghost
| |
1006170986 | | Playlists | | Triumphs Acquire Vanguard Bounties Vanguard Ops Complete Vanguard Bounties Commendations Meet Lord Shaxx Meet Drifter
| |
2386755644 | | Collections | | Triumphs Collect Weapons Collect Armor
| |
1136207523 | | Power | | Triumphs Soft Cap Vendor Challenges
| |
472859807 | | Trials | | Triumphs Trials Introduction
| |
861774511 | | Elite | Defend humanity and its allies by confronting emerging and challenging threats while fighting alongside your fellow Guardians. | Presentation nodes - Lightfall
- Season of Defiance
- Seasonal Artifact
- Nightfall
- Champions
- Commendations
- Lost Sectors
- Power
| Guardian Ranks
1574029529 | | Lightfall | | Triumphs Lightfall Campaign Earn the Respect of Nimbus Weekly Campaign Missions
| |
1635301565 | | Champions | | Triumphs Unstoppable Champions Barrier Champions Overload Champions
| |
1614697748 | | Commendations | | Triumphs Giving Gratitude Liked
| |
2064198093 | | Lost Sectors | | Triumphs Solo Legend Lost Sectors Flawless, Solo, & Legendary
| |
1890133162 | | Power | | Triumphs Powerful Cap Pinnacle Rewards
| |
2237910703 | | Season of Defiance | | Triumphs Season Rank Seasonal Challenges War Table Ranks War Table Upgrades Verglas Curve Seasonal Playlist Rewards
| |
724209558 | | Justiciar | Challenge yourself by facing the strongest combatants in the solar system found in Nightfalls, raids, dungeons and more. | Presentation nodes - Lightfall
- Season of Defiance
- Nightfall
- Endgame
- Collections
- Commendations
| Guardian Ranks
2547167937 | | Nightfall | | Triumphs Legend Difficulty Legendary Platinum Rewards Legend Score
| |
1705890062 | | Lightfall | | Triumphs Lightfall - Legendary Part 1 Lightfall - Legendary Part 2 Deep Contacts Weekly Campaign Missions
| |
1854176989 | | Endgame | | Triumphs King's Fall Classified Duality Spire of the Watcher
| |
759794351 | | Collections | | Triumphs Exotic Arsenal Exotic Armorer Titles
| |
2117867809 | | Commendations | | Triumphs Raids, Dungeons, and Nightfalls Appreciated
| |
1056236424 | | Season of Defiance | | Triumphs Seasonal Ranks Seasonal Difficulty Seasonal Challenges
| |
1194500405 | | Vanquisher | Overcome adversity and build rapport among humanity's allies by fighting back against our foes, even those lurking in the darkest reaches of the Sol system. | Presentation nodes - Season of Defiance
- Nightfall
- Lost Sectors
- Dungeons
- Raids
- Power
- Commendations
- Collections
| Guardian Ranks
1715006394 | | Commendations | | Triumphs Giving Gratitude Respected
| |
153324004 | | Dungeons | | Triumphs Shattered Throne Pit of Heresy Prophecy Grasp of Avarice
| |
1680595431 | | Lost Sectors | | Triumphs Master Solo Lost Sectors Master Staying Alive
| |
607142094 | | Nightfall | | Triumphs Master Nightfall Nightfall Score
| |
107154916 | | Power | | Triumphs Pinnacle Cap Seasonal Artifact Power
| |
194243121 | | Season of Defiance | | Triumphs Seasonal Ranks War Table Upgrades Seasonal Challenges
| |
184846131 | | Exemplar | Become a paradigm of a leader among your fellow Guardians by earning their recognition and unlocking your full potential while defeating the most challenging foes. | Presentation nodes - Season of Defiance
- Grandmaster
- Darkness
- Collections
- Commendations
| Guardian Ranks
1995676814 | | Collections | | Triumphs Catalyst Collector Armor Collector Titles
| |
2177540076 | | Grandmaster | | Triumphs Grandmaster Nightfall Scoring Grandmaster
| |
198006370 | | Commendations | | Triumphs Cherished Coach
| |
562783996 | | Paragon | The stories of you grow in myth and legend. Secure your place in the upper echelons of the Tower by achieving feats deemed unachievable by most and earn exaltation through recognition from fellow Guardians. | Presentation nodes - Grandmaster
- Endgame
- Collections
- Commendations
| Guardian Ranks
1460726975 | | Commendations | | Triumphs Beloved Shepherd
| |
2190040502 | | Grandmaster | | Triumphs Conqueror Gilded Conqueror
| |
21319293 | | Collections | | Triumphs Titles
| |
335984516 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. | | |
2209770635 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. | | |
1968454484 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. | | |
1915833282 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. | | |
1181328254 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. | | |
889909851 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. | | |
1400207448 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. | | |
1976056830 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. | | |
993788472 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. | | |