2691200658 |  | Arc Surge | {var:2189146210}% bonus to outgoing Arc damage. |
426976067 |  | Solar Surge | {var:2189146210}% bonus to outgoing Solar damage. |
3196075844 |  | Void Surge | {var:2189146210}% bonus to outgoing Void damage. |
3809788899 |  | Stasis Surge | {var:2189146210}% bonus to outgoing Stasis damage. |
3810297122 |  | Strand Surge | {var:2189146210}% bonus to outgoing Strand damage. |
186409259 |  | Arc Threat | {var:4005007457}% increase to incoming Arc damage. |
3517267764 |  | Solar Threat | {var:4005007457}% increase to incoming Solar damage. |
3652821947 |  | Void Threat | {var:4005007457}% increase to incoming Void damage. |
2567927655 |  | Legend Modifiers | Extra Shields
Maximum Effective Level {var:1693239810} |
1057289452 |  | Overcharged Weapons | Weapon overcharges from the Seasonal Artifact are active in this activity.
Kinetic weapons do increased damage when your subclass element matches an active surge. |
4087563963 |  | Master Modifiers | Extra Champions
Extra Shields
Maximum Effective Level {var:3875023991} |
3154192663 |  | Contest Mode | Power Level: All combatants in this activity will be at least {var:1161168407} points over the player's current Power. |
1444852954 |  | Shielded Foes | You will face combatants with [Void] Void and Strand shields. |
2524382624 |  | Shielded Foes | [Void] Void and Strand Shields |
3792281695 |  | Notswap | Swapping Exotic armor drains all ability energy. |
1895965859 |  | Countdown Rules | To win, your team must detonate or defuse charges. Defeating the entire opposing team and being the last Guardian(s) standing will also grant victory.
Attackers: Arm the charge at one of two sites, and guard it until it detonates. Eliminating the defendin… |
48917747 |  | Heavy Ammo Rules (Alpha) | Spawn Cadence: Heavy ammo will spawn every round after a long duration. |
707305737 |  | Heavy Ammo Rules (Bravo) | Spawn Cadence: Heavy ammo will spawn on the third round only. |
3450476141 |  | Respawns Enabled | Defeated Guardians will respawn after a short time. |
2202470181 |  | Countdown: Rush Rules | To win, your team must detonate or defuse both charges.
Attackers: Arm the charge at one of two sites and guard it until it detonates.
Defenders (Arming Phase): Prevent the attacking team from arming any charges until the round ends.
Defenders (Defus… |
1637736524 |  | Consecrated Ground | Awoken Favors you've acquired are active in this activity. |
2205734154 |  | Hero Modifiers | Power Level: All combatants in this activity will be at least {var:3112783658} points over your current Power level. |
1139702033 |  | Legend Modifiers | Locked Loadout
Extra Shields
Maximum Effective Level {var:1693239810} |
1486810101 |  | Equipment Locked | You will not be able to change your equipment after this activity starts. |
795009574 |  | Overcharged Machine Gun | {var:1027206613}% bonus to Machine Gun damage. |
3398421092 |  | Multiplicity | Greater fireteam size scales combatant difficulty and adds limitations on revives. |
2563663188 |  | Mettle | The activity has a fixed difficulty. |
2169951222 |  | Grandmaster Modifiers | Extinguish
Limited Revives
Join In Progress Disabled
Extra Champions
Locked Loadout
Extra Shields
Maximum Effective Level {var:1607961440} |
791047754 |  | Grandmaster Modifiers | Extinguish
Limited Revives
Join In Progress Disabled
Extra Champions
Locked Loadout
Extra Shields
Maximum Effective Level {var:1607961440} |
2613685873 |  | Subtle Foes | Certain foes are stealthy when at a distance. They become visible when near a Guardian. |
1410302403 |  | Power Level Disabled | Combatant difficulty is set at a fixed level. |
158678773 |  | Ashes to Ashes | Dealing damage with a Solar weapon now applies scorch to your targets, but your foes also now apply scorch to you when they deal Solar or explosive damage. |
2626834038 |  | Overcharged Fusion Rifle | {var:1027206613}% bonus to Fusion Rifle damage. |
2743796883 |  | Overcharged Glaive | {var:1027206613}% bonus to Glaive damage. |
3132780533 |  | Overcharged Shotgun | {var:1027206613}% bonus to Shotgun damage. |
1282934989 |  | Overcharged Sniper Rifle | {var:1027206613}% bonus to Sniper Rifle damage. |
2178457119 |  | Overcharged Trace Rifle | {var:1027206613}% bonus to Trace Rifle damage. |
3758645512 |  | Overcharged Grenade Launcher | {var:1027206613}% bonus to damage for all Grenade Launchers. |
95459596 |  | Overcharged Rocket Launcher | {var:1027206613}% bonus to Rocket Launcher damage. |
1326581064 |  | Overcharged Sword | {var:1027206613}% bonus to Sword damage. |
3320777106 |  | Overcharged Linear Fusion Rifle | {var:1027206613}% bonus to Linear Fusion Rifle damage. |
85104725 |  | Master Modifiers | Extinguish
Extra Champions
Locked Loadout
Extra Shields
Maximum Effective Level {var:3875023991} |
3240131679 |  | Hero Modifiers | Extra Shields
Maximum Effective Level {var:608648777} |
3623371497 |  | Master Modifiers | Extra Champions
Locked Loadout
Extra Shields
Maximum Effective Level {var:3875023991} |
384012338 |  | A Challenge Awaits… | Your current character has not yet completed this mission on Legendary difficulty.
Completing all Legendary missions provides additional rewards per class. |
647676897 |  | Mettle | The activity is at a fixed difficulty.
Your effective Power is capped at 1600. |
1405912042 |  | Mettle | The activity is at a fixed difficulty.
Your effective Power is capped at 1605. |
1440774070 |  | Mettle | The activity is at a fixed difficulty.
Your effective Power is capped at 1635. |
154686562 |  | Mettle | The activity is at a fixed difficulty.
Your effective Power is capped at 1655. |
3260128830 |  | Mettle | The activity is at a fixed difficulty.
Your effective Power is capped at 1675. |
2927745316 |  | Mettle | The activity is at a fixed difficulty.
Your effective Power is capped at 1685. |
2967597120 |  | Mettle | The activity is at a fixed difficulty.
Your effective Power is capped at 1725. |
3045178556 |  | Mettle | The activity is at a fixed difficulty.
Your effective Power is capped at 1735. |
1174869237 |  | Legend Modifiers | Locked Loadout
Extra Shields |
501815068 |  | Master Modifiers | Extra Champions
Locked Loadout
Extra Shields |
512042454 |  | Stasis Threat | {var:4005007457}% increase to incoming Stasis damage. |
766975360 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |
138641527 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |
2070303007 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |
1616571513 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |
3303073618 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |
824516719 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |
1789323317 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |