

1312472018Split DecisionFires Stasis and Solar pellets quickly.
2552580315Harmonic ResonanceEquipping multiple weapons from this set grants this weapon increased reload speed and handling. It also deals increased damage versus Tormentors, Lucent Hive, and Guardians using their Supers.
1993387833Focused DarknessWhen you have Flux of Darkness, gain increased ability damage and mobility.
1993387832Focused LightWhen you have Field of Light, gain increased weapon damage and resilience.
1993387835Cabal ExtinguisherWhen an ally gains Flux of Darkness or Field of Light, deal increased weapon damage to Cabal combatants for a short time.
1993387834Release RecoverWhen you lose Flux of Darkness or Field of Light, begin recovering health.
2289450287Precise JoltsRapid precision hits with Arc weapons jolt the target. Must have an Arc subclass equipped.
364798618Radiant HeatPowerful combatant final blows with Solar weapons grants Radiant. Must have a Solar subclass equipped.
2872000161Volatile VolleysDefeating powerful combatants with a Void weapon gives your Void weapons Volatile Rounds. Must have a Void subclass equipped.
2123233600Chill OutDefeating a combatant with a Stasis weapon spawns a Stasis crystal. Must have a Stasis subclass equipped.
2690268647Tangled UpDefeating a combatant with a Strand weapon spawns a Tangle. Must have a Strand subclass equipped.

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