

1593276329Total Pantheon ScoreCumulative score for The Pantheon.
293051010The Pantheon High ScoreHighest score achieved in a single run of any mode of The Pantheon.
3558562093Atraks Sovereign High ScoreHighest score achieved in a single run of The Pantheon: Atraks Sovereign.
3456282800Oryx Exalted High ScoreHighest score achieved in a single run of The Pantheon: Oryx Exalted.
3941004051Rhulk Indomitable High ScoreHighest score achieved in a single run of The Pantheon: Rhulk Indomitable.
994637526Nezarec Sublime High ScoreHighest score achieved in a single run of The Pantheon: Nezarec Sublime.
3875151813Thrall BreakerTotal number of Shadow Thrall defeated in Exotic mission "The Whisper."
3548965745Labyrinth RunnerTotal number of deaths in the TR3-VR maze room of Exotic mission "Zero Hour."
1495092373Zero to LegendaryFastest completion time for Exotic mission "Zero Hour" on Legend difficulty.
1709219951Hastened Zero HourFastest completion time for Exotic mission "Zero Hour."
1655111916Hastened WhisperFastest completion time for Exotic mission "The Whisper."
2116501558Horde BreakerTotal number of successful Grandmaster runs in Onslaught.

Page built Sat, 14 Dec 2024 02:34:57 GMT.

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