

Showing first 100 definitions. View all 476.

721526335Warm Winter CloakSource: Earned during the seasonal Dawning event.
112817917Solstice Mask (Rekindled)Source: Earned during the 2018 Solstice of Heroes event.
752757178Solstice Grasps (Rekindled)Source: Earned during the 2018 Solstice of Heroes event.
458843318Solstice Vest (Rekindled)Source: Earned during the 2018 Solstice of Heroes event.
808049741Solstice Mask (Resplendent)Source: Earned during the 2018 Solstice of Heroes event.
379444234Solstice Grasps (Resplendent)Source: Earned during the 2018 Solstice of Heroes event.
350314257Solstice Cloak (Resplendent)Source: Earned during the 2018 Solstice of Heroes event.
387904179Inaugural Revelry GripsSource: Earned during the seasonal Revelry event.
201776556Solstice Mask (Renewed)Source: Earned during the 2019 Solstice of Heroes event.
346403698Solstice Strides (Majestic)Source: Earned during the 2019 Solstice of Heroes event.
269486677Solstice Grasps (Renewed)Source: Solstice of Heroes.
198910283Solstice Vest (Renewed)Source: Solstice of Heroes.
59570872Righteous StridesSource: Season Pass Reward
569274681Seventh Seraph StridesSource: Season Pass Reward
146684106Praefectus CuirassSource: Season Pass Reward
845874412Praefectus StridesSource: Season Pass Reward
103531966Celestial GripsEquip this ornament on any eligible Legendary armor item to change its appearance. Once you get a universal ornament, it's unlocked for all characters of the relevant class on your account.Source: Eververse
522914328Celestial StridesEquip this ornament on any eligible Legendary armor item to change its appearance. Once you get a universal ornament, it's unlocked for all characters of the relevant class on your account.Source: Eververse
387617078Pyrrhic Ascent GauntletsSource: Earned by completing challenges in the Trials of Osiris.
793696302Solstice Gauntlets (Rekindled)Source: Earned during the 2018 Solstice of Heroes event.
339485695Solstice Greaves (Resplendent)Source: Earned during the 2018 Solstice of Heroes event.
326972920Solstice Mark (Resplendent)Source: Earned during the 2018 Solstice of Heroes event.
10234574Inaugural Revelry MarkSource: Earned during the seasonal Revelry event.
732137144Solstice Helm (Renewed)Source: Earned during the 2019 Solstice of Heroes event.
49418723Solstice Gauntlets (Renewed)Source: Earned during the 2019 Solstice of Heroes event.
786434443Solstice Helm (Majestic)Source: Earned during the 2019 Solstice of Heroes event.
217796888Solstice Gauntlets (Majestic)Source: Earned during the 2019 Solstice of Heroes event.
172617625Solstice Greaves (Majestic)Source: Solstice of Heroes.
459721202Solstice Mark (Magnificent)Source: Solstice of Heroes.
408295988Seventh Seraph HelmetSource: Season Pass Reward
171607863Seventh Seraph GauntletsSource: Season Pass Reward
720517207Holdfast HelmSource: Season Pass Reward
829384012Holdfast GauntletsSource: Season Pass Reward
377461386Wild Hunt HelmSource: Season Pass Reward
154254253Praefectus HelmSource: Season Pass Reward
474350577Praefectus MarkSource: Season Pass Reward
542034264Legatus PlateEquip this ornament on any eligible Legendary armor item to change its appearance. Once you get a universal ornament, it's unlocked for all characters of the relevant class on your account.Source: Season Pass Reward
369362730Pyrrhic Ascent HoodSource: Earned by completing challenges in the Trials of Osiris.
223738155Solstice Hood (Scorched)Source: Earned during the 2018 Solstice of Heroes event.
614622671Solstice Bond (Scorched)Source: Earned during the 2018 Solstice of Heroes event.
220269419Solstice Boots (Rekindled)Source: Earned during the 2018 Solstice of Heroes event.
659389425Solstice Bond (Resplendent)Source: Earned during the 2018 Solstice of Heroes event.
646332566Inaugural Revelry RobesSource: Earned during the seasonal Revelry event.
816147425Solstice Hood (Renewed)Source: Earned during the 2019 Solstice of Heroes event.
386324805Solstice Gloves (Renewed)Source: Solstice of Heroes.
733551303Solstice Boots (Renewed)Source: Solstice of Heroes.
483263282Solstice Bond (Renewed)Source: Solstice of Heroes.
850863192Solstice Bond (Majestic)Source: Solstice of Heroes.
545066720Solstice Hood (Magnificent)Source: Solstice of Heroes.
864093714Substitutional Alloy BootsSource: Season Pass Reward
295009356Righteous HoodSource: Season Pass Reward
422062946Seventh Seraph RobesSource: Season Pass Reward
798065488Holdfast BondSource: Season Pass Reward
18519726Celestial BootsEquip this ornament on any eligible Legendary armor item to change its appearance. Once you get a universal ornament, it's unlocked for all characters of the relevant class on your account.Source: Eververse
341058159Foundational StructureEquip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Hard Light. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.Source: Eververse
583445784Pale RiderEquip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of The Fourth Horseman. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.Source: Eververse
255178622Buoyant ShellSource: Earned from a charity promotion.
74211517Overload Bow
74211518Unstoppable Pulse Rifle
74211519Anti-Barrier Scout Rifle
74211512Unstoppable Hand Cannon
74211513Overload Submachine Gun
795416951Bow Reloader
795416945Submachine Gun Loader
855700365Elemental ChargePicking up an elemental well grants energy to your ability with the lowest current energy. Picking up an elemental well whose element matches your subclass damage type grants energy to all of your abilities.Source: War Table
755123909Elemental LightPicking up an elemental well grants energy to your ability with the lowest current energy. Picking up an elemental well whose element matches your subclass damage type grants energy to all of your abilities.Source: War Table
169068147Font of MightPicking up an elemental well grants energy to your ability with the lowest current energy. Picking up an elemental well whose element matches your subclass damage type grants energy to all of your abilities.Source: War Table
358817684Adept Icarus GripSource: Flawless chest completion in the Trials of Osiris Lighthouse.
372674768Adept RangeSource: Flawless chest completion in the Trials of Osiris Lighthouse.
733828610Adept HandlingSource: Flawless chest completion in the Trials of Osiris Lighthouse.
355213622Adept ReloadSource: Flawless chest completion in the Trials of Osiris Lighthouse.
290895582Adept MagSource: Flawless chest completion in the Trials of Osiris Lighthouse.
739830278Adept TargetingSource: Flawless chest completion in the Trials of Osiris Lighthouse.
542024385A Vile QuarrySource: War Table
542024384Stalking ShadesSource: Season Pass Reward
542024388Contender's BannerSource: Season 13 Guardian Games
542024391The Next ChapterSource: Flawless completion of Presage Exotic Quest on Master difficulty.
542024390Shadow MarketSource: Umbral Engram Tutorial
848212218Lichen CrownEquip this shader to change the color of your gear.Source: Iron Banner Salvager's Salvo Armament
694298889Bloodline FeudEquip this shader to change the color of your gear.Source: Complete a flawless Trials ticket.
408573194Vizier RegaliaEquip this shader to change the color of your gear.Source: Complete a flawless Trials ticket.
740046432High GravitasSource: War Table
757226931Metropolitan CutterSource: Eververse
757226930Gigantes RoamerSource: Eververse
757226929Celestial HornSource: Eververse
757226928Synchrotron AcceleratorSource: Eververse
757226935Veloce CruiserSource: Eververse
757226934Taurus FirecrackerSource: Eververse
96571197Cartesian CoordinateSource: Open Legendary engrams and earn faction rank-up packages.
773388767Bottom DollarSource: Complete Gambit matches and earn rank-up packages from the Drifter.
135066349The Third AxiomSource: Complete strikes and earn rank-up packages from Commander Zavala.
389949034Multimach CCXSource: Iron Banner Salvager's Salvo Armament
677297227ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
390702606ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
255923188ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
708797143ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
690359716ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
212818076ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
658404036ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
526236001ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.

Showing first 100 definitions. View all 476.


Showing first 100 definitions. View all 262.

424397526Substitutional Alloy Cloak
1094731546Righteous Strides
1061264715Righteous Cloak
1307880822Seventh Seraph Cowl
471431855Seventh Seraph Strides
1055890057Wild Hunt Strides
1506487742Holdfast Grips
1125927678Warm Winter Cloak
615703964Solstice Vest (Scorched)
1650368435Solstice Cloak (Scorched)
1450886337Solstice Grasps (Rekindled)
1576632167Solstice Strides (Rekindled)
1022689934Solstice Mask (Resplendent)
70941281Solstice Grasps (Resplendent)
251962031Solstice Vest (Resplendent)
155110151Solstice Strides (Resplendent)
128804420Solstice Mask (Drained)
960660871Solstice Grasps (Drained)
908860160Solstice Strides (Renewed)
54441955Solstice Strides (Majestic)
715233716Solstice Cloak (Majestic)
377620336Cunning Rivalry Cloak
797999157Solstice Mask (Renewed)
980030894Solstice Strides (Renewed)
756097777Solstice Cloak (Renewed)
1481144833Solstice Cloak (Majestic)
375640341Solstice Mask (Magnificent)
479905500Solstice Vest (Magnificent)
557568910Solstice Strides (Magnificent)
1443950717Substitutional Alloy Plate
28145073Substitutional Alloy Greaves
1647592350Righteous Greaves
1425988Seventh Seraph Mark
1204480959Wild Hunt Gauntlets
587583253Wild Hunt Greaves
1722298222Wild Hunt Mark
647114942Holdfast Plate
773266664Solstice Plate (Scorched)
168614094Solstice Greaves (Scorched)
690424419Solstice Greaves (Rekindled)
1465612596Solstice Mark (Rekindled)
1544842624Solstice Greaves (Resplendent)
660539673Solstice Mark (Resplendent)
575628686Inaugural Revelry Plate
1030695200Inaugural Revelry Greaves
1419847181Solstice Plate (Drained)
876815786Solstice Plate (Renewed)
154829734Solstice Helm (Majestic)
1009011763Solstice Helm (Renewed)
1012095100Solstice Greaves (Renewed)
1227265836Solstice Gauntlets (Majestic)
1630207092Solstice Plate (Majestic)
79693945Substitutional Alloy Hood
1014384044Substitutional Alloy Boots
1297668061Substitutional Alloy Bond
1686228825Righteous Gloves
1581386359Righteous Robes
117658847Righteous Boots
588195416Righteous Bond
323160999Seventh Seraph Hood
426908060Seventh Seraph Gloves
1149164106Seventh Seraph Boots
1612762237Wild Hunt Hood
1493499190Wild Hunt Vestment
610961528Wild Hunt Boots
1461111453Holdfast Boots
758358278Holdfast Bond
1564769791Festive Winter Bond
252687957Solstice Robes (Scorched)
1331464249Solstice Boots (Scorched)
1245775498Solstice Bond (Scorched)
821760440Solstice Boots (Rekindled)
405537507Solstice Robes (Resplendent)
1440201756Solstice Bond (Resplendent)
1177752307Inaugural Revelry Wraps
619925877Inaugural Revelry Robes
1613116586Inaugural Revelry Bond
526795930Solstice Gloves (Drained)
366071553Solstice Bond (Drained)
950151148Solstice Hood (Renewed)
176068143Solstice Gloves (Renewed)
285349521Solstice Robes (Renewed)
296960388Solstice Gloves (Majestic)
1560812210Solstice Boots (Majestic)
1405831219Sage Rivalry Bond
44897858Solstice Gloves (Renewed)
451597094Solstice Robes (Renewed)
1194045839Solstice Bond (Renewed)
231201537Solstice Hood (Majestic)
1069121048Solstice Gloves (Majestic)
865919818Solstice Gloves (Magnificent)
868162408Unstoppable Shotgun
868162412Thermal Blooming
870514178Unflinching Hand Cannon Aim
870514176Unflinching Scout Rifle Aim
1103302398Better Already
808368012Pyretic Embrace
1526779692Grenade Launcher Scavenger

Showing first 100 definitions. View all 262.


Showing first 100 definitions. View all 2929.

113501927Cinder Pinion StridesView diff
56885974Cloak RelentlessView diff
78994752Notorious Sentry GripsView diff
151680818Kit Fox 2.1View diff
143714355War MantisView diff
82147931Qiao's HeartView diff
135010138Frostveil MaskView diff
84895254The Took OffenseView diff
152639570Reverie Dawn CloakView diff
26036745Scatterhorn MaskView diff
126052155Far Gone HoodView diff
39866533Cloak of Five Full MoonsView diff
137841002Wing DisciplineView diff
111441889Gauntlets of the ExileView diff
11350096Mark of the ExileView diff
173790728Illicit Collector GauntletsView diff
102922130Illicit Sentry PlateView diff
159246092Plate of NohrView diff
28595Helm of the Great HuntView diff
19426210Bulletsmith's Ire HelmView diff
166135138Greaves of AscendancyView diff
25229220Fortress FieldView diff
101833193Primal Siege Type 1View diff
15379740Sovereign GreavesView diff
68820086Winterhart GauntletsView diff
132643289Dragonfly Regalia PlateView diff
65397444Sunbreak GauntletsView diff
120397678Legs of OptimacyView diff
30770203Terra Concord PlateView diff
166783438Mimetic Savior PlateView diff
66891234Iron Truage VestmentsView diff
27494489Iron Fellowship BondView diff
164741648Iron Truage GlovesView diff
259041Iron Will StepsView diff
134440141Hood of the ExileView diff
6873844Outlawed Reaper GlovesView diff
129405546Outlawed Reaper RobesView diff
120933507Notorious Reaper HoodView diff
48440323Wraps of SekrisView diff
637236Hood of the Great HuntView diff
95569771Gloves of ExaltationView diff
29206418Temptation's BondView diff
85174799Aspirant BootsView diff
175445360Rite of RefusalView diff
100808518Omega Mechanos BondView diff
159766781Symmetrists' BalanceView diff
13615417Gloves of the Cormorant BladeView diff
43526254Xenos Vale IVView diff
27067459Exodus Down HoodView diff
171891134Philomath BondView diff
168278150Opulent Scholar HoodView diff
117301517Athrys's EmbraceView diff
4659035Astrocyte VerseView diff
24541428Izanagi's BurdenView diff
47014674SymmetryView diff
105153200Color Theory ShellView diff
105153201Blue Sky ShellView diff
105153202Cordial Diamond ShellView diff
105153203Trusty ShellView diff
105153204Painted Eye ShellView diff
105153205Triangle ShellView diff
105153206Skewed Orbit ShellView diff
105153207Freyja ShellView diff
105153208Spectral Circuit ShellView diff
105153209Eyeball ShellView diff
147128554Gambit LeatherView diff
147128555Gambit ChromeView diff
147128552Gambit SuedeView diff
146907943Crimson PassionView diff
146907942Crimson ValorView diff
181872824Leonine CarrackView diff
181872825Star ScionView diff
181872826Galactic HumView diff
181872827ArrowhawkView diff
181872828DragonquinView diff
181872829Nebula BloomView diff
181872830Rubente DextraView diff
181872831Andromeda GleamingView diff
181872816Edge of the WorldsView diff
181872817Sailing ShieldView diff
39133431The Platinum StarlingView diff
155612418Last Flight HomeView diff
51858605Polar VortexView diff
51858604Cardinal DirectiveView diff
90522691Nox Cordis IIView diff
53046014Elegy-49View diff
4646343Dark DeciderView diff
37988050Biting WindsView diff
133559652Finite ImpactorView diff
120446965Lamia HC2View diff
120446964Allegro-34View diff
38531280Standing TallView diff
38531281Psi Ferox IIView diff
38531282Psi Termina IIView diff
38531283Triumph DX-PRView diff
48108207Does Not ComputeView diff
41963268The ScholarView diff
152623661Drang (Baroque)View diff
171873651The Hero's BurdenView diff
166875863Tomorrow's Answer (Adept)View diff

Showing first 100 definitions. View all 2929.

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