

HashIconNameDescriptionMatchmakingDestinationPlacePGCR Image
1917776943The Devils' LairEnter into the Devils' Lair and weaken the Fallen presence within the Cosmodrome.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
3777220691Fallen S.A.B.E.R.Enter Rasputin's bunker in the Cosmodrome and discover the source of the security breach.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
1203950596Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptThe Devils' LairMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
1203950599Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroThe Devils' LairMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
1203950598Nightfall: The Ordeal: LegendThe Devils' LairMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
1203950593Nightfall: The Ordeal: MasterThe Devils' LairMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
1203950592Nightfall: The Ordeal: GrandmasterThe Devils' LairMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
2112435491The Ordeal: Grandmaster: The Devils' LairThe Devils' LairMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
3293630128Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptFallen S.A.B.E.R.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
3293630131Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroFallen S.A.B.E.R.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
3293630130Nightfall: The Ordeal: LegendFallen S.A.B.E.R.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
3293630133Nightfall: The Ordeal: MasterFallen S.A.B.E.R.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
3293630132Nightfall: The Ordeal: GrandmasterFallen S.A.B.E.R.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
676886831The Ordeal: Grandmaster: Fallen S.A.B.E.R.Fallen S.A.B.E.R.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
969982762The Devils' LairEnter into the Devils' Lair and weaken the Fallen presence within the Cosmodrome.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
3597990372Fallen S.A.B.E.R.Enter Rasputin's bunker in the Cosmodrome and discover the source of the security breach.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
3959604832Simulation: Safeguard HeroicSimulated skill set training: Test your defensive abilities amongst a mighty Vex onslaught.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaRathmore Chaos, Europa
184186581K1 Crew Quarters: LegendLegend Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment Fallen Champions: Barrier, Overload Fallen Modifier: Hot Knife Destination Modifier: +Void and Aerial damage taken Burn: ++Arc damageMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
184186578K1 Crew Quarters: LegendMaster Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment, Extra Champions Fallen Champions: Barrier, Overload Fallen Modifier: Hot Knife Destination Modifier: +Void and Aerial damage taken Master Modifier: Attrition Burn: ++Arc damageMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
567131512K1 Logistics: LegendLegend Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment Fallen Champions: Barrier, Overload Fallen Modifier: Hot Knife Destination Modifier: +Void and Aerial damage taken Burn: ++Void damageMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
567131519K1 Logistics: LegendMaster Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment, Extra Champions Fallen Champions: Barrier, Overload Fallen Modifier: Hot Knife Destination Modifier: +Void and Aerial damage taken Master Modifier: Chaff Burn: ++Void damageMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
2829206727K1 Communion: LegendLegend Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment Fallen Champions: Barrier, Overload Fallen Modifier: Arach-NO! Destination Modifier: +Void and Aerial damage taken Burn: ++Solar damageMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
2829206720K1 Communion: LegendMaster Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment, Extra Champions Fallen Champions: Barrier, Overload Fallen Modifier: Arach-NO! Destination Modifier: +Void and Aerial damage taken Master Modifier: Famine Burn: ++Solar damageMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
3911969233K1 Revelation: LegendLegend Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment Hive Champions: Barrier, Unstoppable Hive Modifier: Fire Pit Destination Modifier: +Void and Aerial damage taken Burn: ++Void damageMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
3911969238K1 Revelation: LegendMaster Difficulty: Extra Shields, Match Game, Locked Equipment, Extra Champions Hive Champions: Barrier, Unstoppable Hive Modifier: Fire Pit Destination Modifier: +Void and Aerial damage taken Master Modifier: Chaff Burn: ++Void damageMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
The MoonThe Moon
1754609040Proving GroundDefeat Caiatl's Chosen aboard the Land Tank, Halphas Electus, on Nessus.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
2103025319Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptProving GroundMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
2103025316Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroProving GroundMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
2103025317Nightfall: The Ordeal: LegendProving GroundMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
2103025314Nightfall: The Ordeal: MasterProving GroundMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
2103025315Nightfall: The Ordeal: GrandmasterProving GroundMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
3418624832The Ordeal: Grandmaster: Proving GroundProving GroundMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
546528643Proving GroundDefeat Caiatl's Chosen aboard the Land Tank, Halphas Electus, on Nessus.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
1771176108H.E.L.M.Hub for Emergency Logistics and Maneuvers. The base for current Vanguard operations in the Sol system.Max 6 players
Party: 1 - 6 players
925348811Battleground: BehemothEmpress Caiatl has deployed a tank fortress to Nessus and opened an invitation to survivors of the Red Legion to vie for a seat on her War Council. Vanquish the Cabal and prove yourself in glorious combat against her Chosen.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
3458232326Battleground: HailstoneIn a bid to earn Empress Caiatl's favor, a Cabal force has descended on Europa to scour the icy moon for relics of the Golden Age including the secrets of the Exo contained in the Deep Stone Crypt. Travel to Europa and put a stop to this operation.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaRathmore Chaos, Europa
920521905Battleground: CleansingIn an act of vengeance for the destruction of their homeworld, the Cabal have struck out against a Hive nest dug deep into the Cosmodrome. Use this opportunity to hit the Cabal hard and show them that humanity will not back down.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
679234423Battleground: OracleA group of former Red Legion Psions are communing with Vex prediction engines deep within Nessus. They seek to gain tactical insights by analyzing simulations of future events against their own psychic foresight. Eliminate this threat before they can deli…Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
3207968872BattlegroundsRitualistic CombatMax 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Battlegrounds PlaylistStrike Playlist
3483704580Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
773708363Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
321143467Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
79546628Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
2777632632Battleground: CleansingIn an act of vengeance for the destruction of their homeworld, the Cabal have struck out against a Hive nest dug deep into the Cosmodrome. Use this opportunity to hit the Cabal hard and show them that humanity will not back down.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
1784138624Battleground: BehemothEmpress Caiatl has deployed a tank fortress to Nessus and opened an invitation to survivors of the Red Legion to vie for a seat on her War Council. Vanquish the Cabal and prove yourself in glorious combat against her Chosen.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
24843407Battleground: HailstoneIn a bid to earn Empress Caiatl's favor, a Cabal force has descended on Europa to scour the icy moon for relics of the Golden Age including the secrets of the Exo contained in the Deep Stone Crypt. Travel to Europa and put a stop to this operation.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
EuropaRathmore Chaos, Europa
1926676852Battleground: OracleA group of former Red Legion Psions are communing with Vex prediction engines deep within Nessus. They seek to gain tactical insights by analyzing simulations of future events against their own psychic foresight. Eliminate this threat before they can deli…Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Arcadian ValleyNessus
1418633249Guardian Games Strikes: HuntersHunters band together to take on Vanguard strikes.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Strike PlaylistStrike Playlist
420235875Guardian Games Strikes: TitansTitans band together to take on Vanguard strikes.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Strike PlaylistStrike Playlist
2816660150Guardian Games Strikes: WarlocksWarlocks band together to take on Vanguard strikes.Max 3 players
Party: 1 - 3 players
Strike PlaylistStrike Playlist
2124066889ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.Max players
Party: - players
4212753278ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.Max players
Party: - players


Showing first 100 definitions. View all 125.

1454880421Haunted ForestView diff
174131855The DisgracedView diff
2136458564Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptView diff
2136458567Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroView diff
1684420962The DisgracedView diff
1254422902The CorruptedView diff
2416314397Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptView diff
2416314398Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroView diff
723056533The CorruptedView diff
1258914202The Arms DealerView diff
1753547897Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptView diff
1753547898Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroView diff
1753547899Nightfall: The Ordeal: LegendView diff
1753547900Nightfall: The Ordeal: MasterView diff
1753547901Nightfall: The Ordeal: GrandmasterView diff
1446478334The Ordeal: Grandmaster: The Arms DealerView diff
3109193572Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptView diff
3109193575Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroView diff
207226563The Ordeal: Grandmaster: Lake of ShadowsView diff
2318521576Lake of ShadowsView diff
1813752023EuropaView diff
2226120409The GlasswayView diff
5517247Empire Hunt: The Technocrat: AdeptView diff
5517244Empire Hunt: The Technocrat: HeroView diff
2205920672Empire Hunt: The Dark Priestess: AdeptView diff
2205920675Empire Hunt: The Dark Priestess: HeroView diff
1343815931EuropaView diff
1070981430Perdition: LegendView diff
1070981425Perdition: MasterView diff
2580423606The Scarlet KeepView diff
66809865Nightmare Hunt: Insanity: AdeptView diff
66809866Nightmare Hunt: Insanity: HeroView diff
2195531046Nightmare Hunt: Anguish: AdeptView diff
2195531045Nightmare Hunt: Anguish: HeroView diff
1086094029Nightmare Hunt: Despair: AdeptView diff
1086094030Nightmare Hunt: Despair: HeroView diff
77280917Nightmare Hunt: Fear: AdeptView diff
77280918Nightmare Hunt: Fear: HeroView diff
1344110075Nightmare Hunt: Isolation: AdeptView diff
1344110072Nightmare Hunt: Isolation: HeroView diff
2055076379Nightmare Hunt: Rage: AdeptView diff
2055076376Nightmare Hunt: Rage: HeroView diff
1743972308Nightmare Hunt: Servitude: AdeptView diff
1743972311Nightmare Hunt: Servitude: HeroView diff
2497200493Garden of SalvationView diff
2047723007The Scarlet KeepView diff
1495545952Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptView diff
1495545955Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroView diff
2534103059The Insight TerminusView diff
1236031537Exodus CrashView diff
3029388708Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptView diff
3029388711Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroView diff
3029388710Nightfall: The Ordeal: LegendView diff
3029388705Nightfall: The Ordeal: MasterView diff
3029388704Nightfall: The Ordeal: GrandmasterView diff
554830595The Ordeal: Grandmaster: The Insight TerminusView diff
2599001915Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptView diff
2599001912Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroView diff
291911094The Insight TerminusView diff
2459768558Exodus CrashView diff
2587691997Warden of NothingView diff
2096861577The Hollowed LairView diff
265186829Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptView diff
265186830Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroView diff
557845330Nightfall: The Ordeal: AdeptView diff
557845329Nightfall: The Ordeal: HeroView diff
557845328Nightfall: The Ordeal: LegendView diff
557845335Nightfall: The Ordeal: MasterView diff
557845334Nightfall: The Ordeal: GrandmasterView diff
1493405720Warden of NothingView diff
663301842The Hollowed LairView diff
1666283939BroodholdView diff
2999697936AdventView diff
540869524ClashView diff
1717505396ControlView diff
929911366CountdownView diff
1957660400EliminationView diff
935998519Momentum ControlView diff
2259621230RumbleView diff
142028034ShowdownView diff
2081353834SupremacyView diff
2865450620Glory: SurvivalView diff
1481972458Freelance Glory: SurvivalView diff
559852413Private MatchView diff
1804061891Private MatchView diff
2923123473Private MatchView diff
2642713583Private MatchView diff
1543557109Private MatchView diff
3076038389Private MatchView diff
900558033Private MatchView diff
708182471Private MatchView diff
2143799792Private MatchView diff
135431604GambitView diff
2526740498Private MatchView diff
1683791010Iron BannerView diff
588019350Trials of OsirisView diff
521403014Legacy: Forsaken: Last CallView diff
1661734046Last Wish: NormalView diff
2812525063Scourge of the PastView diff
743628305Vanguard StrikesView diff

Showing first 100 definitions. View all 125.

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