

2428985743Auto Rifle DexterityFaster ready and stow speed for Auto Rifles.
1641218161Bow DexterityFaster ready and stow speed for Bows.
2611962512Fusion Rifle DexterityFaster ready and stow speed for Fusion Rifles.
1343295170Grenade Launcher DexterityFaster ready and stow speed for Grenade Launchers.
2138475642Hand Cannon DexterityFaster ready and stow speed for Hand Cannons.
4264069269Machine Gun DexterityFaster ready and stow speed for Machine Guns.
3790396642Linear Fusion DexterityFaster ready and stow speed for Linear Fusion Rifles.
3625956609Pulse Rifle DexterityFaster ready and stow speed for Pulse Rifles.
1191517412Rocket Launcher DexterityFaster ready and stow speed for Rocket Launchers.
877722646Scout Rifle DexterityFaster ready and stow speed for Scout Rifles.
2572031835Shotgun DexterityFaster ready and stow speed for Shotguns.
2617616850Sidearm DexterityFaster ready and stow speed for Sidearms.
1690812396Submachine Gun DexterityFaster ready and stow speed for Submachine Guns.
1073907939Sniper Rifle DexterityFaster ready and stow speed for Sniper Rifles.
1247473855RecuperationReplenishes health each time you pick up an Orb of Power.
1063425490Better AlreadyYour health begins to regenerate immediately after picking up an Orb of Power.
3409205334InnervationReduces grenade cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.
251562460InvigorationReduces melee cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.
3440283041InsulationReduces class ability cooldown each time you pick up an Orb of Power.
3526655639AbsolutionReduces all ability cooldowns each time you pick up an Orb of Power.
4034817526Trace Rifle DexterityFaster ready and stow speed for Trace Rifles.
385218340Harmonic SiphonRapid weapon final blows with damage matching your subclass type create an Orb of Power.
3220818400Arc StaffForm a staff of pure Arc energy and acrobatically take out your foes. [Block] : Hold to deflect incoming projectiles with your Arc staff.
3220818401Gathering StormHurl your Arc Staff forward, embedding it into surfaces or large targets and jolting nearby targets. After a short time, a devastating lightning bolt strikes the staff, overcharging it with Arc energy. While overcharged, your staff discharges lightning at…
1692967798Fists of HavocSupercharge your fists and slam the ground with the force of a maelstrom. While active: [Light Attack] : Quickly charge forward, dealing damage to any impacted targets. [Heavy Attack] : Slam your fists to the ground, dealing damage in an area around you…
1692967799ThundercrashHurtle through the air like a missile and crash into targets to inflict meteoric damage.
1330059513StormtranceChain Arc Lightning from your hands to electrify targets with devastating streams of Arc Light that intensify over time. Casting Stormtrance creates a shockwave underneath you. [Sprint] : Teleport forward, consuming a small amount of Super energy.
1330059512Chaos ReachUnleash a long-range channeled beam of concentrated Arc energy. [Super] while active to deactivate your Super early, saving Super energy.
92233051Spark of BeaconsWhile you are amplified, your Arc Special weapon final blows create a blinding explosion.
3614912757Spark of ResistanceWhile surrounded by combatants, you are more resistant to incoming damage.
1126848537Spark of MomentumSliding over ammo bricks reloads your equipped weapon and grants a small amount of melee energy.
2577408324Spark of ShockYour Arc grenades jolt targets.
2215555215Spark of IonsDefeating a jolted target creates an Ionic Trace.
1912062104Spark of DischargeArc weapon final blows have a chance to create an Ionic Trace.
2433714563Spark of FrequencyMelee hits greatly increase your reload speed for a short duration.
3708945288Spark of FocusAfter sprinting for a short time, your class ability regeneration is increased.
111808813Spark of RechargeWhile critically wounded, your melee and grenade energy regenerates more quickly.
2087651129Spark of MagnitudeYour lingering Arc grenades (Lightning Grenade, Pulse Grenade, and Storm Grenade) have extended duration.
4234937511Spark of AmplitudeRapidly defeating targets while you are amplified creates an Orb of Power.
3086436755Spark of FeedbackTaking melee damage briefly increases your outgoing melee damage.
2999686023Spark of VoltsFinishers make you amplified.
1394352155Spark of BrillianceDefeating a blinded target with precision damage creates a blinding explosion.
1193482140Touch of ThunderYour Flashbang, Pulse, Lightning, and Storm Grenades have enhanced functionality. Flashbang Grenade: Emits an additional blinding flash on bounce. Pulse Grenade: Creates Ionic Traces periodically as it damages targets and increases in damage over time.…
1001465438JuggernautWith full class ability energy and after sprinting for a short time, you gain a frontal shield that blocks incoming damage. When the frontal shield breaks, your class ability energy is depleted. While amplified, the shield blocks significantly more damage…
1618655230KnockoutCritically wounding a target or breaking their shield infuses your melee attacks with Arc energy and increases your melee range and damage for a short time. Defeating targets with melee attacks starts health regeneration and makes you amplified.
3505915277Flow StateDefeating a jolted target makes you amplified. While you are amplified, your dodge recharges more quickly, you are more resilient while dodging, and your reload speed is greatly increased.
553672620Tempest StrikeWhile sliding, activate your charged melee ability to unleash a devastating uppercut attack that travels along the ground in front of you, damaging and jolting targets it hits.
2421579245Lethal CurrentAfter dodging, your next melee attack has increased lunge range, jolts the target, and creates a damaging aftershock. Damaging any jolted target with melee attacks also blinds them.
2395552111Electrostatic MindDefeating targets with Arc abilities or defeating jolted or blinded targets creates an Ionic Trace. Collecting an Ionic Trace makes you amplified.
1310941740Lightning SurgeWhile sliding, activate your charged melee ability to blink forward, calling down lightning strikes that jolt targets as you rematerialize.
4008342766Arc SoulCast your Rift to create an Arc Soul that fires at targets in front of you. Allies can pass through your Rift to get an Arc Soul. Your Rift charges faster when allies are near. While amplified, your Arc Souls are supercharged and gain increased fire rate.
1056409089Machine Gun HolsterGradually reloads your stowed Machine Guns over time. Multiple copies of this perk stack to reduce the time taken to fully reload.
1056409095Bottomless Bounty IImproves the effect of the Right Hook and Runneth Over weapon Origin perks.
4180169220Glaive LoaderIncreases reload speed of Glaives.
4180169223Focusing StrikeGrants class ability energy when you cause damage with a melee attack.
4180169217Machine Gun ScavengerMachine Guns get bonus reserves when you pick up ammo.
4180169216Bottomless Bounty IIImproves the effect of the Soul Drinker and Hot Swap weapon Origin perks.
3767913289Overload Machine GunsUninterrupted fire from your equipped Machine Guns grants bullets that stun combatants, delaying ability energy regeneration and lowering combatant damage output. Strong against [Disruption] Overload Champions.
3767913290Anti-Barrier SnipersScout Rifles you are wielding fire shield-piercing rounds, which bypass combatant defenses. Strong against [Shield-Piercing] Barrier Champions.
3767913291Bad AmplitudeDamaging a Champion with an Arc ability causes the Champion to become jolted.
3767913292Surge DetonatorsArc grenades disrupt combatants, stunning them and delaying ability regeneration, and lower combatant damage output. Strong against Overload Champions.
3767913293Inferno WhipSolar melee abilities stun unshielded combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Champions.
325570826Thunderous RetortGrants bonus Arc Super damage if cast while critically wounded or while amplified. Lasts until the end of the Super activation.
325570825Amped UpStay amplified longer.
325570824Trace EvidenceDefeating combatants affected by Arc debuffs spawns an Ionic Trace.
325570831Lightning Strikes TwiceAfter throwing an Arc grenade, gain increased grenade recharge for a short time. Arc final blows extend the duration of this benefit.
325570830Sundering GlareRapid precision hits against distant combatants weaken them for a short duration.
3313693160Plunderer's Trappings
3630929311See Me, Feel MeGain bonus damage after being invisible. Finishers while invisible grant allies a reserve overshield.
2784828165Hammer of the GodsGain melee energy and create lightning strikes with Thunderclap.
3288402325Ionic ConductorImproved ionic traces
3566268937Traitor's VesselHip shots fire widespread. Final blows generate Ionic Traces.
3606023306Tempest CascadeIonic Traces load a jolting round.
1574214978Rocket TracersLand multiple hits to fire homing micro-rockets.
1247276361Grenade ChaserLanding multiple rockets loads a grenade. [Alternate Weapon Action] to switch into Grenade Launcher mode.
3467600862Touch of MaliceFinal round drains life force to deal extra damage.
2776561348Charged with BlightPrecision hits drain combatants' life force and charge up a ball of darkness. [Alternate Weapon Action] and then fire to unleash the blight projectile, shrouding combatants in darkness and temporarily blinding them.
818260022Return StrokeCausing a lightning strike with this weapon partially reloads the magazine from reserves.
621733145Ionic IntermentCollecting an Ionic Trace partially reloads the magazine from reserves.
1619009846Gutshot StraightAiming down sights increases body shot damage, decreases target acquisition.
4031332296Gutshot StraightAiming down sights increases body shot damage but decreases target acquisition slightly.
3190776072SlickdrawSignificantly increases handling, significantly decreases target acquisition.
481819342SlickdrawSignificantly increases handling, decreases target acquisition.
224975875Under-OverDeals bonus damage to targets with overshields. Deals a small amount of bonus damage to combatant shields.
395003715Under-OverDeals improved bonus damage to targets with overshields. Deals a small amount of bonus damage to combatant shields.
3192673030PugilistFinal blows with this weapon generate melee energy. Dealing melee damage briefly improves this weapon's handling.
2039655992PugilistFinal blows with this weapon generate improved melee energy. Dealing melee damage briefly improves this weapon's handling.
139007474VoltshotReloading this weapon after defeating a target overcharges this weapon for a short period of time, causing it to jolt on its next hit.
3730746196VoltshotReloading this weapon after defeating a target overcharges this weapon for an improved short period of time, causing it to jolt on its next hit.
2018421951Search PartyThis weapon is granted faster aim down sights speed and movement speed while aiming down sights when no allies are near.
2566539Hot SwapSwitching to this weapon while you are damaged strongly increases its handling for a short duration. Swords gain increased charge speed, guard resistance, and guard endurance instead.
4161687735Right HookDealing melee damage gives this weapon increased target acquisition and range for a short period of time. Dealing melee damage again extends the effect.
4226672317Cannon FodderAdds a cannon appearance to your transmat effects.
4226672316Dreaming ShimmerAdds an Awoken pointillistic appearance to your transmat effects.
237488778Pumpkin BombAdds a pumpkin appearance to your transmat effects.
57991602Thar Be Treasure!Adds a treasure chest appearance to your transmat effects.
246953873End of the RainbowAdds a rainbow appearance to your transmat effects.
2570757417Randomized PerksThis item comes with randomized perks.
2923744131Randomized Perks + 1This item comes with randomized perks, as well as an extra perk in the right trait column.
3371926948Randomized Perks + 1This item comes with randomized perks, as well as an extra perk in the left trait column.
3982839338Randomized Perks + 1This item comes with randomized perks, as well as an extra perk in a random trait column.
3620438805Randomized Perks + 2This item comes with randomized perks, as well as extra perks in both trait columns.
4183431670ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.

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