1873974715 |  | | |
454745740 |  | | |
3201912234 |  | | |
2891076146 |  | | |
1249436513 |  | | |
3133057048 |  | | |
1325927714 |  | | |
3637562482 |  | | |
3651856876 |  | | |
266256247 |  | Grenade Kickstart | When your grenade energy is fully expended, you gain grenade energy. |
3674470921 |  | Melee Kickstart | When your melee energy is fully expended, you gain melee energy. |
501183345 |  | Stasis Resistance | Reduces incoming Stasis damage from combatants. |
4009849370 |  | Utility Kickstart | When your class ability energy is fully expended, you gain class ability energy. |
1766523310 |  | Restorative Finisher | When you use a finisher, you gain a portion of energy for your least-recharged ability. Requires one-tenth of your Super energy. |
545970982 |  | Power Preservation | Your Super final blows create extra Orbs of Power for your allies. |
726464443 |  | Orbs of Restoration | Picking up an Orb of Power grants a small amount of energy to your ability with the least energy. |
1997533862 |  | Auto Rifle Holster | Gradually reloads your stowed Auto Rifles over time. Multiple copies of this perk stack to reduce the time taken to fully reload. |
1413220071 |  | Fusion Rifle Holster | Gradually reloads your stowed Fusion Rifles over time. Multiple copies of this perk stack to reduce the time taken to fully reload. |
1374599517 |  | Grenade Launcher Holster | Gradually reloads your stowed Power Grenade Launchers over time. Multiple copies of this perk stack to reduce the time taken to fully reload. |
745812501 |  | Hand Cannon Holster | Gradually reloads your stowed Hand Cannons over time. Multiple copies of this perk stack to reduce the time taken to fully reload. |
2063747544 |  | Machine Gun Holster | Gradually reloads your stowed Machine Guns over time. Multiple copies of this perk stack to reduce the time taken to fully reload. |
2392304317 |  | Linear Fusion Rifle Holster | Gradually reloads your stowed Linear Fusion Rifles over time. Multiple copies of this perk stack to reduce the time taken to fully reload. |
2350201796 |  | Pulse Rifle Holster | Gradually reloads your stowed Pulse Rifles over time. Multiple copies of this perk stack to reduce the time taken to fully reload. |
52715601 |  | Scout Rifle Holster | Gradually reloads your stowed Scout Rifles over time. Multiple copies of this perk stack to reduce the time taken to fully reload. |
1972927570 |  | Shotgun Holster | Gradually reloads your stowed Shotguns over time. Multiple copies of this perk stack to reduce the time taken to fully reload. |
2029060589 |  | Sidearm Holster | Gradually reloads your stowed Sidearms over time. Multiple copies of this perk stack to reduce the time taken to fully reload. |
128221475 |  | Submachine Gun Holster | Gradually reloads your stowed Submachine Guns over time. Multiple copies of this perk stack to reduce the time taken to fully reload. |
1332270138 |  | Sniper Rifle Holster | Gradually reloads your stowed Sniper Rifles over time. Multiple copies of this perk stack to reduce the time taken to fully reload. |
2770125772 |  | Trace Rifle Holster | Gradually reloads your stowed Trace Rifles over time. Multiple copies of this perk stack to reduce the time taken to fully reload. |
1593005339 |  | Melee Wellmaker | Powered melee final blows spawn elemental wells matching your subclass energy type. |
3714185917 |  | Well of Striking | Picking up an Arc elemental well grants you additional melee energy. Multiple copies of this mod increase this effect. |
3714185916 |  | Seeking Wells | Elemental wells you create will move across the ground toward nearby players. |
966223524 |  | Well of Ordnance | Picking up a Solar elemental well grants you additional grenade energy. Multiple copies of this mod increase this effect. |
966223525 |  | Bountiful Wells | Elemental well mods that cause you to spawn elemental wells can now stack, spawning additional wells for each additional copy of the mod you have equipped. |
4134974795 |  | Well of Utility | Picking up a Void elemental well grants you additional class ability energy. Multiple copies of this mod increase this effect. |
4134974794 |  | Enduring Wells | Increases the lifespan of elemental wells you create. Multiple copies of this mod stack, further extending the lifespan. |
2419649838 |  | Supreme Wellmaker | Casting your Super spawns three Stasis elemental wells near you. |
2419649839 |  | Elemental Shards | Stasis shards count as Stasis elemental wells for you. |
2419649836 |  | Well of Restoration | Picking up a Stasis elemental well grants you additional energy for your ability that has the lowest energy. Multiple copies of this mod increase this effect. |
2419649837 |  | Elemental Time Dilation | Elemental well mods that grant you time-limited benefits can now stack, increasing the duration of the effect for each copy of the mod you have equipped. |
1203883119 |  | | |
1203883118 |  | | |
1650151289 |  | | |
1650151288 |  | | |
1198745728 |  | | |
1198745729 |  | | |
2153732935 |  | | |
2153732934 |  | | |
2761784378 |  | | |
2761784379 |  | | |
2558139364 |  | Thermoclastic Blooming | Defeating a combatant with a Solar or Stasis melee creates an Orb of Power. |
3191174538 |  | Fire and Ice | Defeating a Champion spawns a random array of Solar and Stasis wells. |
2005314844 |  | Well of Potency | Picking up a matching elemental well grants you Super energy. |
2550120000 |  | Thermoclastic Strike | Solar and Stasis melees disrupt combatants, stunning them, delaying ability regeneration and lowering combatant damage output.
Strong against [Disruption] Overload Champions. Refresh your melee ability whenever you or a member of your fireteam stuns an Ov… |
231267555 |  | | |
3548645908 |  | Unstoppable Fusion Rifles | Aiming down Fusion Rifle and Linear Fusion Rifle sights loads a high-impact burst that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against [Stagger] Unstoppable Champions. |
3987667392 |  | Withering Heat | Causing damage with a Solar ability weakens Champions for a short duration. |
4240459018 |  | Particle Deconstruction | Dealing damage to a combatant with a Fusion Rifle or Linear Fusion Rifle grants bonus damage with a Fusion Rifle or Linear Fusion Rifle against that combatant for a short duration. This effect stacks up to 5 times. |
2707615376 |  | Hands-On | Gain bonus Super energy on melee kills. |
4185860407 |  | Fusion Rifle Loader | Increases reload speed of Fusion Rifles. |
3082281731 |  | | |
2004759533 |  | | |
1446499335 |  | The Dance | Dodge multiple times in rapid succession. |
2054717271 |  | | |
1324352273 |  | Force Multiplier | Shotgun final blows activate Defensive Strike. |
1393548801 |  | | |
2326472624 |  | Scatter Charge | Enhanced Scatter Grenades. |
4184677186 |  | Lagrangian Sight | Targeting system |
574708570 |  | | |
574708569 |  | | |
574708568 |  | | |
292684180 |  | | |
2609784129 |  | Headstone | Precision final blows spawn a Stasis crystal at the victim's location. |
335650286 |  | Encore | Precision final blows grant a stacking range bonus to this weapon. Non-precision final blows remove range stacks but grant bonus accuracy and stability when all range stacks have been removed. |
4030961232 |  | Shoot to Loot | Shooting an ammo brick picks it up and automatically reloads all of your equipped weapons from reserves. |
4196339950 |  | Ensemble | Improved handling and reload speed when allies are nearby. |
3025026639 |  | EM Anomaly | A precision final blow with this weapon creates an implosion that pulls in nearby targets and damages them with an additional detonation. |
426157383 |  | | |
3006449488 |  | Jump Driver | Lorentz Driver gains an enhanced radar. Additionally, while this weapon has 3 telemetry patterns, EM Anomaly detonations no longer require a precision final blow. |
2155329523 |  | Adagio | After defeating a target, this weapon fires, charges, or draws more slowly and deals increased damage for a brief time. |
924005633 |  | Harmony | Final blows with other weapons improve this weapon's damage and performance for a short duration. |
2265407342 |  | Wayfinder's Entrance | Adds a Wayfinder's Compass appearance to your transmat effects. |
926072457 |  | Pyramid Entrance | Adds a pyramid appearance to your transmat effects. |
926072456 |  | Chrysallis Entrance | Adds a cocoon appearance to your transmat effects. |
2576850550 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |
2115116814 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |
1020586303 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |
3690601751 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |
3086904934 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |