

3103683778Deadeye Seal GildingsThe number of times the Deadeye seal has been gilded. Tracks from Season 14 onward.
2262629303Season of the Lost RankHighest rank achieved for Season of the Lost. Tracks from Season 15 onward.
479416348Legendary Astral Alignment CompletionsLegendary Astral Alignment Completions
1448298030Fastest Astral Alignment CompletionThe fastest completion time achieved in the Astral Alignment activity.
4017051991Combatants Defeated in Season of the Lost ActivitiesThe number of combatants defeated in the Shattered Realm and Astral Alignment activities.
3523358957Season of the Lost Champions DefeatedThe number of Champions defeated during Season of the Lost.
175912632Flawless Shattered Realm CompletionsThe number of times the Shattered Realm activity was completed without dying.
3374253215Fastest Shattered Realm CompletionThe fastest completion time achieved in the Shattered Realm activity.
449969041Nightfall: "The Hollowed Lair" ScoreThe lifetime high score for "The Hollowed Lair" in Nightfall. Tracks from Season 15 onward.


1830928474Season 13: Challenger Chests (Weekly)
2423542041Season 13: Hammer Charges (Weekly)
3395083346Season 13: Exotic Quest: Presage Completions (Weekly)
3782656199Season 13: Presage Master Difficulty Fastest Time (Weekly)
3420211110Season 13: Presage Carries (Weekly)
359863504Season 14: Vex Conflux Chests (Weekly)
881819933Season 14: Override Flawless Runs (Weekly)
2384996128Season 14: Corrupted Vex Chests (Weekly)
2704570988Season 14: Expunge Time (Weekly)


1289569072Longest Glory Rank Win StreakView diff
3626149776Crucible Rank ResetsView diff
268448617Glory RankView diff
2872213304Crucible RankView diff
1963785799Gambit Rank ResetsView diff
250859887Gambit RankView diff

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