

2948778191Enhanced CheerYou are using Enhanced Cheer to earn Dawning Essence at an increased rate. Your fireteam has an elevated chance of receiving additional Dawning Essence upon activity completion.
2103112570Enhanced CheerAn ally is using Enhanced Cheer, granting all members of your fireteam the chance to gain additional Dawning Essence upon activity completion.
3939377160Boon of FriendshipGrants a Dawning reward to your fireteam upon completion of a playlist activity, with additional rewards based on the number of players with Boons active. Effect lasts until a reward is earned. Only one Boon of Friendship may be active per player.
3753097467SouldrinkerGain an improved amount of health based on the number of hits before reloading.
2309764104Runneth OverReloading near allies overflows the magazine an improved amount.
2624379744Vex Incursion EntranceAdds a Vex incursion appearance to your transmat effects.
2624379745Swirling Leaf EntranceAdds a green petal appearance to your transmat effects.
4164018980Gift Stack EntranceAdds a tower of presents to your transmat effects.
2913904261Seraph Reboot EntranceAdds a seraphic reboot appearance to your transmat effects.
2500868582Grenade Launcher HolsterGradually reloads your stowed Grenade Launchers over time. Multiple copies of this perk stack to reduce the time taken to fully reload.
2500868581Legacy AmbushIncreases the duration and effectiveness of the Ambush Origin Trait and the Bray Inheritance Origin Trait.
2500868580In-Flight CompensatorIncreases the airborne effectiveness of all equipped weapons.
2500868579Bow DexterityFaster ready and stow speed for Bows.
2500868578Mobile RetrofitIncreases mobility by +5.
2339816965Hand Cannon TargetingImproved target acquisition, accuracy, and aim-down-sights speed for Hand Cannons.
2339816966Pulse Rifle LoaderIncreases reload speed of Pulse Rifles.
2339816967Energy Diffusion SubstrateGain a small amount of resistance to all damage dealt to you by combatants. Additional copies of this mod will increase this effect.
2339816960Sharp ShootingGreatly increases the duration and effectiveness of the Tex Balanced Stock Origin Trait and the Veist Stinger Origin Trait.
2339816961Resilient RetrofitIncreases resilience by +5.
3216710216Unstoppable Grenade LauncherWhen you ready or reload a Grenade Launcher, for a short period, that weapon stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against [Stagger] Unstoppable Champions.
3216710219Counter ChargeBecome Charged with Light whenever you or a member of your fireteam stuns any Champion.
3216710218Advance ScoutChampions you stun take additional damage from teammates.
3216710221Lord Kelvin's BasiliskVoid and Stasis grenades cause disruption, delaying ability regeneration and lowering combatant damage output. Strong against [Disruption] Overload Champions.
3216710220Low Entropy SuperconductorStasis and Arc melee abilities stun unshielded combatants. Strong against [Stagger] Unstoppable Champions.
3431943687Passive Aggressive GuardReceive less damage from combatants that are close to you while you are wielding a Glaive.
3431943684Weakened ClearWhen using a Grenade Launcher, damaging a boss, damaging a Champion, or breaking a combatant's shield reloads your stowed weapons and weakens the combatant.
3431943685Monochromatic MaestroDealing damage with elemental abilities grants increased damage to weapons of the same element for a short duration. Dealing damage with elemental weapons grants increased damage to abilities of the same element for a short duration.
3431943682Solo OperativeWhile you are the only member of your fireteam, you deal increased damage to all combatants.
3431943683Energy AccelerantYour Dragonfly, Chain Reaction, and Firefly explosions deal more damage.
846607713Seraph Sensor Array
1756747626Hunter's TracePrecision hits grant heavy rounds. Strong against [Shield-Piercing] Barrier Champions.
1931449098Guidance RingCharges and deploys a guidance system.
176722651Apollonic TangentArrows fired through a Guidance Ring release seeking projectiles, which do more damage based on distance traveled.
1594587932Panoptic TessellationDeploying a Guidance Ring or striking a target with a seeking projectile improves draw time and reload speed for a moderate duration.
3131692327Soaring FangGround damage charges; airborne extends.
4132641975Flying MonsterFinal blows with this weapon while airborne grant damage resistance.
3064182131Double FireHard-hitting twin-fire rounds.
104297121Aggressive Glaive[Aim Down Sights] : Raise shield
2563500676Häkke Light Burst FireFires a stable burst of four lightweight rounds.
117485265Häkke Heavy Burst FireFires a less stable burst of two high-damage, high-range rounds.
968242872Tex Balanced StockDamaging targets while firing from the hip increases handling, reload speed, and movement speed while aiming down sights.
1390623640Rasputin's ArsenalBreaking a target's shield partially reloads this weapon's magazine.
712749127AmbushImproves range, handling, and damage against combatants during the opening moments of an engagement.
3247483073Dawning SurpriseRapidly defeating targets awards a Dawning gift. Defeated powerful targets count as more than one.
3177387065Bray InheritanceDealing damage regenerates a small amount of ability energy.
3524518737Cascade PointFinal blows or sustained precision hits with another weapon increase this weapon's rate of fire for a short duration.
692451869Cascade PointFinal blows or sustained precision hits with another weapon increase this weapon's rate of fire for an improved duration.
1175315359Offhand StrikeFinal blows grant additional weapon range, stability, and accuracy when firing from the hip for a short duration.
4032282655Offhand StrikeFinal blows grant additional weapon range, stability, and accuracy when firing from the hip for an improved duration.
1783508802Perfect FloatBeing in combat for a moderate time increases airborne effectiveness and reduces flinch until you are out of combat.
3299335876Perfect FloatBeing in combat for a moderate time increases airborne accuracy and reduces flinch until you are out of combat for an extended duration.
4293990863Shot SwapFinal blows build and store charges which allow you to swap and stow this weapon at a faster rate.
2515548143Shot SwapFinal blows build and store charges which allow you to swap and stow this weapon at an additionally improved rate.
1777668990Close to MeleeGlaive projectile final blows improve Glaive melee damage. Glaive projectile or melee damage extends the duration.
3280076128Close to MeleeGlaive projectile final blows improve Glaive melee damage for an improved duration. Glaive projectile or melee damage extends the duration.
2112923143Swooping TalonsDealing damage while airborne increases this weapon's damage output.
1981262976Target LockDamage increases the longer this weapon remains on a target.
2702453718Target LockDamage increases by an improved amount the longer this weapon remains on a target.


1876322367Shield Disorient
4269815798Full Court
979632087Enhanced Cheer
2041917538Enhanced Cheer
3766813088Boon of Friendship
3115319597Scavenger's Boon


2087376865Grave RobberView diff
1012681949QuickdrawView diff
2453631107Timed PayloadView diff
18293965Explosive PayloadView diff
2554083231HeadseekerView diff
3658030702GenesisView diff
2305067049The FundamentalsView diff
941378694Ionic ReturnView diff
1497344756Target AcquiredView diff
715036282The Fate of All FoolsView diff
4182235491Release the WolvesView diff
2010576748Reign HavocView diff
3804434818Lightning RoundsView diff
2446171082Air AssaultView diff
1374764252Air AssaultView diff
2463318027Firing LineView diff
2879205504Explosive LightView diff
3453534266Vorpal WeaponView diff
3068403538JudgmentView diff
3505951177Rapid-Fire FrameView diff
43648511Mobius ConduitView diff
1584429898Chain ReactionView diff
2215341525ReconstructionView diff
396684356RecombinationView diff
3457651812RedirectionView diff
2067877643UnrelentingView diff
3023229557CorneredView diff
279392736Whisper of RendingView diff
335650286EncoreView diff
2465249008EncoreView diff
1414934400Cold SteelView diff
2776561348Charged with BlightView diff
2582690032Knock 'Em DownView diff
2065770806Bountiful HarvestView diff

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