

3861383116Subtle FoesCertain foes are stealthy when at a distance. They become visible when near a Guardian.
1262171714Champion FoesYou will face [Disruption] Overload Champions. You must equip an Anti-Overload mod to your arms armor to defeat them. These mods come from the Seasonal Artifact.
3461252634Champion FoesYou will face [Disruption] Overload Champions.
3147642230MettleThe activity is at a fixed difficulty. Your effective Power is capped at 1580.
3192928767Quickplay 6v6 RulesThis playlist contains Control and Clash. When you launch, it will randomly select one of the modes for you to play. Control: Capture the zones and defeat your opponents for points. The more zones you control, the more points you get for each opponent def…
1377045711Clash RulesTo win, defeat your opponents to score more points than them!
2201679031Control RulesCapture the zones and defeat your opponents for points. The team with the most points wins. Zone Advantage: The state when your team owns 2 zones. Your team gains +2 points for every Guardian you defeat while in this state. Power Play: The state when you…
3244996239Elimination RulesTo win, your team must become the last Guardian(s) standing by defeating the entire opposing team. Tiebreaker: A capture zone appears when a round reaches overtime. Win the round by capturing the zone before the other team.
2533933090To win, defeat your opponents to score more points than them! Your abilities recharge much faster in this mode, and final blows made with Power weapons or Supers grant additional points.To win, defeat your opponents to score more points than them! Your abilities recharge much faster in this mode, and final blows made with Power weapons or Supers grant additional points.
2327064309Momentum Control RulesCapture the zones and defeat your opponents for points. The team with the most points wins. This is a faster version of Control. Momentum: You can capture zones faster. Weapon damage is significantly increased. Abilities and Supers regenerate when you def…
1359116199Rumble RulesTo win, defeat your opponents to get the most points! This is a free-for-all mode where no one is an ally.
3388053151Showdown RulesWin the match by winning more rounds than your opponents. Defeat them to score points; the team with the most points wins a round.
636485977Survival RulesTo win, your team must become the last Guardian(s) standing by defeating the opposing team to exhaust their revives. Revives: Both teams are allocated a limited pool of revives. If a team runs out of their revives, they can no longer respawn.
3486817119Team Scorched RulesTo win, defeat your opponents to score more points than them! Every player is equipped with a Scorch Cannon. Scorch Cannon: A heavy-impact weapon borrowed from the Eliksni. Shots can detonate on impact or can be charged by holding and releasing the actuat…
3520387869Zone Control RulesTo win, score more points than your opponent by capturing and controlling zones. Zones: Score points for each zone your team controls.
738174153Competitive Division RulesThis playlist contains Rift, Showdown, and Survival. When you launch, it will randomly select one of the modes for you to play. Rift: To win, score more points than your opponents by collecting the Spark and igniting your opponents' Rift. Showdown: Win t…
1505377421Placement SeriesComplete placement matches to determine your starting position on the current Season's Ranked ladder. Matches played: {var:4027254163} of {var:2701182729}
2975928611Promotion SeriesWin 2 of the next 3 matches to be promoted to the next Rank. Match results (W-L): {var:3036110002}-{var:2130373872}
3993408768Relegation SeriesWin 2 of the next 3 matches to avoid relegation. Match results (W-L): {var:1550688411}-{var:3875673079}
3666600199Iron Banner: FortressTo win, score more points that your opponent by capturing and defending the zones. The Hunt activates twice per match. Zones: Gain 2 points for each zone your team controls at each time interval. Zone Advantage: The state when your team controls 2 zones.…
4263658911Trials RulesTo win, your team must become the last Guardian(s) standing by defeating the entire opposing team. Tiebreaker: A capture zone appears when a round reaches overtime. Win the round by capturing the zone before the other team.
22487155Trials: Capture Zone RulesTo win, your team must become the last Guardian(s) standing by defeating the entire opposing team. Your team can also win by capturing the single zone.
3226721939Playlist RulesPower Level: All combatants in this activity will be at least {var:3112783658} points over your current Power level.
1442903441Legend RulesPower Level: All combatants in this activity will be at least {var:1251211975} points over your current Power level.


1402958752Cosmic Superconductor
4042323375Sedia's Durance
2168175309Kargen's Stratagem


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3874605433Increased Crucible RankView diff
3228023383Increased Gambit RankView diff
1361609633Increased Trials RankView diff

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