1372207424 |  | | |
2246450469 |  | | |
101636472 |  | | |
3427096445 |  | | |
3056678280 |  | Bait Count | Bait: {var:3758904843}/{var:1523938882} |
2711735579 |  | Anti-Barrier Auto Rifle | Your equipped Auto Rifles fire shield-piercing rounds and stun [Shield-Piercing] Barrier Champions. Additionally, Auto Rifles are always overcharged when the modifier is active. |
2711735576 |  | Unstoppable Hand Cannon | Aiming down the sights of a Hand Cannon for a short time loads a powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against [Stagger] Unstoppable Champions. Additionally, Hand Cannons are always overcharged when the modifier is active. |
2711735577 |  | Overload Scout Rifle | Landing consecutive hits on combatants with any Scout Rifle you are wielding causes disruption, delaying ability energy regeneration and lowering their damage output. Strong against [Disruption] Overload Champions. Additionally, Scout Rifles are always ove… |
3787074898 |  | | |
2711735582 |  | Overload Trace Rifles | Uninterrupted fire from your equipped Trace Rifles causes the beam to stun combatants, delaying ability energy regeneration and lowering their damage output. Strong against [Disruption] Overload Champions. Additionally, Trace Rifles are always overcharged… |
1668151225 |  | | |
2711735583 |  | Unstoppable Glaive | Glaives you wield fire a powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against [Stagger] Unstoppable Champions. Additionally, Glaives are always overcharged when the modifier is active. |
3335524232 |  | | |
189755662 |  | Authorized Mods: Arc | The armor energy costs of all armor mods affecting your Arc weapons are significantly discounted. |
189755661 |  | Authorized Mods: Void | The armor energy costs of all armor mods affecting your Void weapons are significantly discounted. |
189755660 |  | Authorized Mods: Strand | The armor energy costs of all armor mods affecting your Strand weapons are significantly discounted. |
189755659 |  | Authorized Mods: Melee | The armor energy costs of all armor mods affecting your melee are significantly discounted. |
189755658 |  | Multi-Siphon Mods | Grants access to Helmet armor mods that combine the effects of the Strand Siphon and Arc Siphon mods. |
2482799789 |  | Improved Unraveling | Increases the amount of damage dealt by unraveling a target. |
2482799790 |  | Deeper Origins | Greatly improves the benefits provided by the Unsated Hunger, Nanotech Tracer Rockets, Harmonic Resonance, and Noble Deeds traits. |
2482799791 |  | Unto the Breach | Defeating a Void debuffed target creates a Void Breach while your Void subclass is equipped. |
2482799784 |  | Amped Up | Stay amplified longer while your Arc subclass is equipped. |
2482799785 |  | Thunderous Retort | Grants bonus Arc Super damage if cast while critically wounded or while Amplified. Lasts until the end of the Super activation. |
1602976880 |  | Strand Soldier | Your Strand weapons gain Unraveling Rounds whenever you gain Woven Mail while your Strand subclass is equipped. |
1602976883 |  | Origin Hones | Weapons with the Unsated Hunger, Nanotech Tracer Rockets, Harmonic Resonance, and Noble Deeds traits are always overcharged weapons for you when that modifier is active. |
1602976882 |  | Protective Breach | Picking up a Void Breach gives you an overshield or refreshes your existing overshield. |
1602976885 |  | Counter Charge | Gain a stack of Armor Charge when you stun a Champion. |
1602976884 |  | Amplified Shielding | Gain damage resistance while amplified. |
4187005647 |  | Conductive Cosmic Needle | Targets affected by Strand debuffs take increased damage from Arc and Void abilities. |
4187005644 |  | Shock and Awe | Arc final blows while you are amplified summon a burst of lightning that damages and jolts targets. |
4187005645 |  | Supernova | Picking up a Void Breach causes your next source of Void damage to create a large weakening pulse. |
4187005642 |  | Squad Goals | Performing a finisher while you are amplified grants Amplified to nearby allies when your Arc subclass is equipped.
Performing a finisher while you have Woven Mail grants Woven Mail to nearby allies when your Strand subclass is equipped.
Performing a f… |
4187005643 |  | Lightning Strikes Twice | After throwing an Arc grenade, gain increased grenade recharge for a short time. Arc final blows extend the duration of this benefit. |
2557165014 |  | Forgotten Treasures | When you redeem a Salvage Key or a Deep Dive Key, you have a chance to earn an additional Deep Engram. |
4034340327 |  | Deep Sea Locksmith | When you redeem a Salvage Key, you have a chance to earn a Deep Dive Key. |
2493747060 |  | Mercy | First loss has been forgiven. |
3387380059 |  | | |
1242637506 |  | | |
726366789 |  | The Wanderer | Tangles that you throw attach to targets and detonate into a suspending burst.
Threadling final blows create a Tangle. |
1390648315 |  | | |
1131457603 |  | Threaded Specter | Activating your class ability leaves behind a decoy woven from [Strand] Strand matter that draws the attention of nearby combatants.
After taking significant damage or when combatants approach, the decoy detonates, dealing damage and releasing Threadlings… |
1409009710 |  | | |
894450189 |  | | |
3914115190 |  | Flechette Storm | While sliding, activate your charged melee ability to leap into the air, knocking nearby targets away and dealing damage.
While airborne, activate your charged melee again to launch a cluster of damaging, Unraveling projectiles. Repeatedly activating mele… |
3042583938 |  | Methane Burst | Adds a methane burst appearance to your transmat effects. |
381528461 |  | Unspun Fate | Adds an unspun fate appearance to your transmat effects. |
381528460 |  | Resurrected Shadow | Adds a resurrected shadow appearance to your transmat effects. |
3369229133 |  | | |
2448228049 |  | Division Computed | Adds a division computed appearance to your transmat effects.
This effect will change to reflect your current Competitive Division in Crucible. |
226499337 |  | Halberdier's Reach | Improves Glaive melee. Glaive projectile final blows cause detonations. |
1890198747 |  | Barri-nade | Using your class ability grants a Barricade grenade. |
692394115 |  | | |
4085593937 |  | High Priority | Improves Trace Rifles. |
1322690461 |  | | |
3920748909 |  | Sonar Amplifier | |
2602830610 |  | Powerful Attraction | Automatically collects nearby Orbs of Power when you activate your class ability. |
1037519425 |  | Elemental Charge | Collecting a Firesprite, Ionic Trace, Stasis shard, or Void Breach, or destroying a Strand Tangle has an escalating chance to give you Armor Charge. |
1806106994 |  | Overcharge Capacitor | Sprinting, sliding, and firing build a charge. |
1611887337 |  | | |
3035580880 |  | Protective Weave | Fire at your allies to grant Woven Mail. |
3442766111 |  | Weft Cutter | Dealing sustained damage severs the target. |
3833900256 |  | Gordian Knot | Special reload and then fire to create a Grapple Tangle at the targeted point. |
3156460875 |  | Regenerative Motion | Sprinting gradually reloads this weapon. |
541591976 |  | | |
2921365132 |  | Static Buildup | While amplified, this weapon gradually gains overcharge. |
2120462471 |  | Explosive Pact | This weapon gains bonus stability and reload speed when activating a grenade ability. Healing grenades and grenade final blows grant additional stacks of the bonus. |
1302307267 |  | Unsated Hunger | Increased handling, reload speed, and stability when no abilities are fully charged.
Swords gain increased guard resistance and charge rate instead. |
2029562020 |  | Disaster Plan | Picking up ammunition increases this weapon's flinch resistance and range, which lasts until it is fired again.
Swords gain a large increase to charge rate instead. |
286264656 |  | Collective Action | Collecting elemental pickups or throwing a Strand Tangle grants a stacking period of increased damage.
Elemental pickups include Firesprites, Void Breaches, Stasis Shards, Ionic Traces, and Strand Tangles. |
4018643334 |  | Collective Action | Collecting elemental pickups or throwing a Strand Tangle grants a longer initial period of increased damage, and an improved stacking period of increased damage.
Elemental pickups include Firesprites, Void Breaches, Stasis Shards, Ionic Traces, and Strand… |
2807542359 |  | Discord | Final blows with another weapon grant this weapon increased speed for aiming down sights, accuracy, and airborne effectiveness for a short time. When Discord is active, final blows refund ammo. |
3786433991 |  | Discord | Final blows with another weapon grant this weapon increased speed aiming down sights, accuracy, and airborne effectiveness for a longer duration. When Discord is active, final blows refund ammo. |
2171206648 |  | | |
771047218 |  | Controlled Burst | Landing every shot in a burst grants this weapon increased damage and reduced charge time for a short duration. |
3290220052 |  | Controlled Burst | Landing every shot in a burst grants this weapon increased damage and reduced charge time for an improved duration. |
240787896 |  | Bipod | Increases Rocket Launcher ammo and reserves, but reduces damage, blast radius, and reload speed. |
2248062238 |  | Bipod | Increases Rocket Launcher ammo and reserves, but reduces damage. Blast radius and reload speed are slightly reduced. |
3695894033 |  | Invisible Hand | Repeatedly missing targets increases this weapon's stability for a short time. This buff lasts for a short duration after a target is hit. |
906982749 |  | Invisible Hand | Repeatedly missing targets increases this weapon's stability for a short time. This buff lasts for a longer duration after a target is hit. |
2202096694 |  | Eddy Current | Temporarily increases reload speed after sprinting. This effect is improved when you are amplified. |
1134041288 |  | Eddy Current | Temporarily increases reload speed after sprinting; increased reload speed has a longer duration. This effect is significantly improved when you are amplified. |
368160921 |  | Rapid-Fire Glaive | [Aim Down Sights] : Raise shield |
2726708666 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |
3779036825 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |
2756333602 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |
3255691015 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |
656925455 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |
656925452 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |
2467329576 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |
2467329579 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |
2988907973 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |
4268710891 |  | Classified | Keep it secret. Keep it safe. |