

3056678280Bait CountBait: {var:3758904843}/{var:1523938882}
2711735579Anti-Barrier Auto RifleYour equipped Auto Rifles fire shield-piercing rounds and stun [Shield-Piercing] Barrier Champions. Additionally, Auto Rifles are always overcharged when the modifier is active.
2711735576Unstoppable Hand CannonAiming down the sights of a Hand Cannon for a short time loads a powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against [Stagger] Unstoppable Champions. Additionally, Hand Cannons are always overcharged when the modifier is active.
2711735577Overload Scout RifleLanding consecutive hits on combatants with any Scout Rifle you are wielding causes disruption, delaying ability energy regeneration and lowering their damage output. Strong against [Disruption] Overload Champions. Additionally, Scout Rifles are always ove…
2711735582Overload Trace RiflesUninterrupted fire from your equipped Trace Rifles causes the beam to stun combatants, delaying ability energy regeneration and lowering their damage output. Strong against [Disruption] Overload Champions. Additionally, Trace Rifles are always overcharged…
2711735583Unstoppable GlaiveGlaives you wield fire a powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against [Stagger] Unstoppable Champions. Additionally, Glaives are always overcharged when the modifier is active.
189755662Authorized Mods: ArcThe armor energy costs of all armor mods affecting your Arc weapons are significantly discounted.
189755661Authorized Mods: VoidThe armor energy costs of all armor mods affecting your Void weapons are significantly discounted.
189755660Authorized Mods: StrandThe armor energy costs of all armor mods affecting your Strand weapons are significantly discounted.
189755659Authorized Mods: MeleeThe armor energy costs of all armor mods affecting your melee are significantly discounted.
189755658Multi-Siphon ModsGrants access to Helmet armor mods that combine the effects of the Strand Siphon and Arc Siphon mods.
2482799789Improved UnravelingIncreases the amount of damage dealt by unraveling a target.
2482799790Deeper OriginsGreatly improves the benefits provided by the Unsated Hunger, Nanotech Tracer Rockets, Harmonic Resonance, and Noble Deeds traits.
2482799791Unto the BreachDefeating a Void debuffed target creates a Void Breach while your Void subclass is equipped.
2482799784Amped UpStay amplified longer while your Arc subclass is equipped.
2482799785Thunderous RetortGrants bonus Arc Super damage if cast while critically wounded or while Amplified. Lasts until the end of the Super activation.
1602976880Strand SoldierYour Strand weapons gain Unraveling Rounds whenever you gain Woven Mail while your Strand subclass is equipped.
1602976883Origin HonesWeapons with the Unsated Hunger, Nanotech Tracer Rockets, Harmonic Resonance, and Noble Deeds traits are always overcharged weapons for you when that modifier is active.
1602976882Protective BreachPicking up a Void Breach gives you an overshield or refreshes your existing overshield.
1602976885Counter ChargeGain a stack of Armor Charge when you stun a Champion.
1602976884Amplified ShieldingGain damage resistance while amplified.
4187005647Conductive Cosmic NeedleTargets affected by Strand debuffs take increased damage from Arc and Void abilities.
4187005644Shock and AweArc final blows while you are amplified summon a burst of lightning that damages and jolts targets.
4187005645SupernovaPicking up a Void Breach causes your next source of Void damage to create a large weakening pulse.
4187005642Squad GoalsPerforming a finisher while you are amplified grants Amplified to nearby allies when your Arc subclass is equipped. Performing a finisher while you have Woven Mail grants Woven Mail to nearby allies when your Strand subclass is equipped. Performing a f…
4187005643Lightning Strikes TwiceAfter throwing an Arc grenade, gain increased grenade recharge for a short time. Arc final blows extend the duration of this benefit.
2557165014Forgotten TreasuresWhen you redeem a Salvage Key or a Deep Dive Key, you have a chance to earn an additional Deep Engram.
4034340327Deep Sea LocksmithWhen you redeem a Salvage Key, you have a chance to earn a Deep Dive Key.
2493747060MercyFirst loss has been forgiven.
726366789The WandererTangles that you throw attach to targets and detonate into a suspending burst. Threadling final blows create a Tangle.
1131457603Threaded SpecterActivating your class ability leaves behind a decoy woven from [Strand] Strand matter that draws the attention of nearby combatants. After taking significant damage or when combatants approach, the decoy detonates, dealing damage and releasing Threadlings…
3914115190Flechette StormWhile sliding, activate your charged melee ability to leap into the air, knocking nearby targets away and dealing damage. While airborne, activate your charged melee again to launch a cluster of damaging, Unraveling projectiles. Repeatedly activating mele…
3042583938Methane BurstAdds a methane burst appearance to your transmat effects.
381528461Unspun FateAdds an unspun fate appearance to your transmat effects.
381528460Resurrected ShadowAdds a resurrected shadow appearance to your transmat effects.
2448228049Division ComputedAdds a division computed appearance to your transmat effects. This effect will change to reflect your current Competitive Division in Crucible.
226499337Halberdier's ReachImproves Glaive melee. Glaive projectile final blows cause detonations.
1890198747Barri-nadeUsing your class ability grants a Barricade grenade.
4085593937High PriorityImproves Trace Rifles.
3920748909Sonar Amplifier
2602830610Powerful AttractionAutomatically collects nearby Orbs of Power when you activate your class ability.
1037519425Elemental ChargeCollecting a Firesprite, Ionic Trace, Stasis shard, or Void Breach, or destroying a Strand Tangle has an escalating chance to give you Armor Charge.
1806106994Overcharge CapacitorSprinting, sliding, and firing build a charge.
3035580880Protective WeaveFire at your allies to grant Woven Mail.
3442766111Weft CutterDealing sustained damage severs the target.
3833900256Gordian KnotSpecial reload and then fire to create a Grapple Tangle at the targeted point.
3156460875Regenerative MotionSprinting gradually reloads this weapon.
2921365132Static BuildupWhile amplified, this weapon gradually gains overcharge.
2120462471Explosive PactThis weapon gains bonus stability and reload speed when activating a grenade ability. Healing grenades and grenade final blows grant additional stacks of the bonus.
1302307267Unsated HungerIncreased handling, reload speed, and stability when no abilities are fully charged. Swords gain increased guard resistance and charge rate instead.
2029562020Disaster PlanPicking up ammunition increases this weapon's flinch resistance and range, which lasts until it is fired again. Swords gain a large increase to charge rate instead.
286264656Collective ActionCollecting elemental pickups or throwing a Strand Tangle grants a stacking period of increased damage. Elemental pickups include Firesprites, Void Breaches, Stasis Shards, Ionic Traces, and Strand Tangles.
4018643334Collective ActionCollecting elemental pickups or throwing a Strand Tangle grants a longer initial period of increased damage, and an improved stacking period of increased damage. Elemental pickups include Firesprites, Void Breaches, Stasis Shards, Ionic Traces, and Strand…
2807542359DiscordFinal blows with another weapon grant this weapon increased speed for aiming down sights, accuracy, and airborne effectiveness for a short time. When Discord is active, final blows refund ammo.
3786433991DiscordFinal blows with another weapon grant this weapon increased speed aiming down sights, accuracy, and airborne effectiveness for a longer duration. When Discord is active, final blows refund ammo.
771047218Controlled BurstLanding every shot in a burst grants this weapon increased damage and reduced charge time for a short duration.
3290220052Controlled BurstLanding every shot in a burst grants this weapon increased damage and reduced charge time for an improved duration.
240787896BipodIncreases Rocket Launcher ammo and reserves, but reduces damage, blast radius, and reload speed.
2248062238BipodIncreases Rocket Launcher ammo and reserves, but reduces damage. Blast radius and reload speed are slightly reduced.
3695894033Invisible HandRepeatedly missing targets increases this weapon's stability for a short time. This buff lasts for a short duration after a target is hit.
906982749Invisible HandRepeatedly missing targets increases this weapon's stability for a short time. This buff lasts for a longer duration after a target is hit.
2202096694Eddy CurrentTemporarily increases reload speed after sprinting. This effect is improved when you are amplified.
1134041288Eddy CurrentTemporarily increases reload speed after sprinting; increased reload speed has a longer duration. This effect is significantly improved when you are amplified.
368160921Rapid-Fire Glaive[Aim Down Sights] : Raise shield
2726708666ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
3779036825ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
2756333602ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
3255691015ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
656925455ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
656925452ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
2467329576ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
2467329579ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
2988907973ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
4268710891ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.


636476693Arc Synergy
2244555198Solar Synergy
1773329445Void Synergy
41093894Stasis Synergy
4156014763Strand Synergy
2081053592Current Synergy Bonuses
2081053595Current Synergy Bonuses
2081053594Current Synergy Bonuses
2081053597Current Synergy Bonuses
2081053596Current Synergy Bonuses
2081053599Current Synergy Bonuses
2081053598Current Synergy Bonuses
2081053585Current Synergy Bonuses
2081053584Current Synergy Bonuses
3696111736Current Synergy Bonuses


2794494793Assassin's BladeView diff
2070794926Conserve MomentumView diff
2253303044Planetary TorrentView diff
2364971387Nightmare FuelView diff
4197395956ResoluteView diff
3703952997TesseractView diff
2049097276Adamantine BraceView diff
649172688Crystalline TransistorView diff
4025092710RainmakerView diff
989028955MercyView diff
1349727737MercyView diff
1551708877WealthView diff
1208368075Heat SinkView diff
43648511Mobius ConduitView diff
74745228Shatter ShotView diff
1431797640Adaptive OrdnanceView diff
1362392838Rites of EmberView diff
1324352273Force MultiplierView diff
4030961232Shoot to LootView diff
2647129222Shoot to LootView diff
1971709241Echo of HarvestView diff
1327164913Nova WarpView diff
1950766035Spectral BladesView diff
1692967798Fists of HavocView diff
1330059513StormtranceView diff
1330059512Chaos ReachView diff
325570826Thunderous RetortView diff
194233190Ember of TemperingView diff
886120534Burning MaulView diff
1167548551Fragile FocusView diff
2157167895Fragile FocusView diff
186109978Widow's SilkView diff
2444676506SilkstrikeView diff
2808684870BladefuryView diff
2130277063NeedlestormView diff

Page built Sat, 14 Dec 2024 02:34:34 GMT.

Site once maintained (occasionally) by joshhunt. No copyright intended.