

2483172379Apothecary of House LightComplete Episode activities and earn rewards from tonics to increase your reputation with Eido.
958291857Act I FieldworkHelp Eido complete fieldwork to create more powerful tonics and a potential cure for Mithrax's paracausal curse. Tonic Recipes Discovered: {var:1285843804} / {var:2471929889}
341291861Tonic TableUsed to prepare reagents and ingredients for synthesis into tonics.
3853944829Volatile TonicsTonics that enchance your combat effectiveness through physical and paracausal enhancement.
3853944828Enriching TonicsTonics that alter the probabilities of earning certain gear.
3853944831Onslaught TonicsTonics that enable the acquisition of Onslaught rewards across the system.
3853944824World Gear TonicsTonics that enable the acquisition of World Gear across the system.
3853944827Shadestalker TonicsTonics that enable the acquisition of Shadestalker armor pieces across the system.
3853944826Resource TonicsTonics that enable the acquisition of resources, including Enhancement Cores, Ascendant Shards, Glimmer, and more.
958291858ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
958291859ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
3853944830ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
3853944825ClassifiedKeep it secret. Keep it safe.


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