

2208550513EmpathEnhanced radar. Take increased damage from melee.
2139004924Fire PitWhen defeated, Acolytes spawn fire pools that cause damage over time.
1553444357MartyrExploder units have more health.
745014575Double Vanguard RankAll Vanguard Rank points earned are doubled.
1171597537Double Nightfall DropsAll Nightfall loot drops are doubled.
438106166Champion FoesYou will face [Shield-Piercing] Barrier and [Stagger] Unstoppable Champions. You must equip Anti-Barrier and Anti-Unstoppable mods to your arms armor to defeat them. These mods come from the Seasonal Artifact.
1806568190Champion FoesYou will face [Shield-Piercing] Barrier and [Stagger] Unstoppable Champions.
2060034565Hero ModifiersExtra Shields
2785286863PoleharmYou deal more damage with melee weapon attacks, but take more damage from foes that are far away.
3861383116Subtle FoesCertain foes are stealthy when at a distance. They become visible when near a Guardian.
3822538722Weight of WeaknessYour foes' grenades and abilities apply the weaken effect, which reduces speed and increases damage taken. When Guardians apply the suppression effect, it lasts 50% longer.
1598842522Equipment LockedYou will not be able to change your equipment after this activity starts.
2751349583Match GameEnemy shields are highly resistant to all unmatched elemental damage.
2421815503Legend ModifiersLocked Loadout Match Game Extra Shields
1651706850Shielded FoesYou will face combatants with [Arc] Arc, [Solar] Solar, and [Void] Void Shields.
2288210988Shielded Foes[Arc] Arc, [Solar] Solar, and [Void] Void Shields
965929096FamineAll ammunition drops are significantly reduced.
3629079662TogethernessBase health regen is reduced. If near another player, health regen is increased.
3346897368AttritionRegeneration is greatly impaired. Defeating enemies may create wells of Light.
3101164718ChaffRadar is disabled.
3788294071Master ModifiersChampions: Mob Locked Loadout Match Game Extra Shields
97112028Champions: MobThis mode contains additional Champions.
518117495Grandmaster ModifiersExtinguish Limited Revives Contest Join In Progress Disabled Champions: Mob Locked Loadout Match Game Extra Shields
3286396144Grandmaster ModifiersContest Join In Progress Disabled Champions: Mob Locked Loadout Match Game Extra Shields
4265630562ExtinguishIf your fireteam falls in a Restricted Zone, everyone is returned to orbit.
4239965093Limited RevivesLimited fireteam revives. Gain additional revives by defeating Champions.
3458905039Navôta's AbandonIncoming Arc and environmental damage increased.
3021161702Arach-NO!When defeated, Fallen Vandals spawn a web mine at their feet.
112345143Hot KnifeShanks now have Solar shields
703904464Scorched EarthEnemies throw grenades significantly more often.
1990363418Champion FoesYou will face [Shield-Piercing] Barrier and [Disruption] Overload Champions. You must equip Anti-Barrier and Anti-Overload mods to your arms armor to defeat them. These mods come from the Seasonal Artifact.
197794292Champion FoesYou will face [Shield-Piercing] Barrier and [Disruption] Overload Champions.
1703169663Sepiks's GazeIncoming Arc and splash damage increased.
258452800Acute Arc Burn+25% Arc damage dealt and +50% Arc damage received.
2833087500Shielded FoesYou will face combatants with [Arc] Arc and [Void] Void Shields. Activity modifiers may add more shield types.
2650740350Shielded Foes[Arc] Arc and [Void] Void Shields
2495620299Arc Burn+50% Arc damage dealt and received.
203094476Limited RevivesLimited fireteam revives. Gain additional revives by defeating Champions.
3230561446Shielded FoesYou will face combatants with [Arc] Arc and [Solar] Solar Shields. Activity modifiers may add more shield types.
3119632620Shielded Foes[Arc] Arc and [Solar] Solar Shields
2295785649Void Burn+50% Void damage dealt and received.
3538098588Shielded FoesYou will face combatants with [Void] Void Shields. Activity modifiers may add more shield types.
720259466Shielded Foes[Void] Void Shields
1158095755Champions: BarrierThis mode contains Barrier Champions, which cannot be stopped without an Anti-Barrier mod.
2116552995Master ModifiersExtra Champions Match Game Extra Shields
1535174577DenialTaken Vandals summon their shields significantly more often.
998275325EpitaphTaken combatants generate blight geysers when defeated.
3307318061Champion FoesYou will face [Disruption] Overload and [Stagger] Unstoppable Champions. You must equip Anti-Overload and Anti-Unstoppable mods to your arms armor to defeat them. These mods come from the Seasonal Artifact.
40182179Champion FoesYou will face [Disruption] Overload and [Stagger] Unstoppable Champions.
4042323375Sedia's DuranceArc damage increased. Knockback damage and distance increased.
3566681029Raider ShieldScorn Raiders now have Void shields.
434011922Solar Burn+50% Solar damage dealt and received.
3958417570Shielded FoesYou will face combatants with [Solar] Solar and [Void] Void Shields. Activity modifiers may add more shield types.
1377274412Shielded Foes[Solar] Solar and [Void] Void Shields
838742970Stasis Burn+50% Stasis effectiveness.
4230548176PestilenceWhen defeated, Psions spawn Void grenades at their feet.
166293531EmpathEnhanced radar. Take increased damage from melee.
2931859389Acute Solar Burn+25% Solar damage dealt and +50% Solar damage received.
247677678Grask's BileIncoming environmental damage increased. Knockback damage and distance increased.
4162874069Arc SingeArc damage increases slightly from all sources.
1879607770Solar SingeSolar damage increases slightly from all sources.
2620827383Void SingeVoid damage increases slightly from all sources.
2432720046Stasis SingeStasis damage increases slightly from all sources.
1627799816PRISM DayAll collected Elemental Orbs contribute toward the elemental buff counter. Subclass choice determines which elemental buff is applied. Prismatic orbs from Taken combatants grant a random empowerment buff.
2050297303GrenadierGrenade abilities deal more damage and recharge much faster.
1376889134BrawlerMelee abilities deal more damage and recharge much faster.
1681061669HeavyweightPower weapons deal more damage, and more ammo is available.
1427917745BlackoutEnemy melee attacks are significantly more powerful, and radar is disabled.
261995644GroundedDamage taken while you are airborne is greatly increased.
317879233GlassHealth and shields are reduced by half, but recovery is twice as fast.
1463769380IronEnemies have more health and are not staggered by damage.
3139381566Shielded FoesYou will face combatants with [Arc] Arc Shields. Activity modifiers may add more shield types.
3171609188Shielded Foes[Arc] Arc Shields
1189236834Shielded FoesYou will not face any shielded combatants. Other activity modifiers may add shield types.
1270996828Shielded FoesNo shielded combatants.
1691458972Acute Void Burn+25% Void damage dealt and +50% Void damage received.
4023623132Red RoverA challenge awaits…
3361897360Copies of CopiesA challenge awaits…
201968501Of All TradesA challenge awaits…
191124900The Core FourA challenge awaits…
678087389Contest ModeThe activity is at a fixed difficulty. Test your might.
1201462052Champions: OverloadThis mode contains Overload Champions, which cannot be stopped without an Overload mod.
3398790191MartyrExploding units have more health.
1974619026Champions: BarrierThis mode contains Barrier Champions, which cannot be stopped without an Anti-Barrier mod.
321244196ShockerWhen defeated, Goblins spawn Arc pools that causes damage over time.
4123192267Legend ModifiersMatch Game Extra Shields
257258752Torment of FikrulArc and environmental damage increased.
927852079Torment of OmnigulArc and aerial damage increased.
3004169932Torment of CrotaVoid and environmental damage increased.
2337492140Torment of PhogothVoid damage increased. Knockback damage and distance increased.
202743790Torment of TaniksSolar and environmental damage increased.
1123473958Torment of SkolasSolar and environmental damage increased.
3171299084Torment of GhaulSolar and environmental damage increased.
68890788Air SuperiorityFlying units do increased damage.
1845735803Torment of ZydronVoid and aerial damage increased.
2349614593Contest ModeThe activity is at a fixed difficulty. Test your might.
584466411LeftoversA challenge awaits…
787678752A Link to the ChainA challenge awaits…
2626004713To the TopA challenge awaits…
4073197101Zero to One HundredA challenge awaits…
1553093202Shielded FoesYou will face combatants with [Solar] Solar Shields. Activity modifiers may add more shield types.
2965677044Shielded Foes[Solar] Solar Shields
2168175309Kargen's StratagemIncoming Void and environmental damage increased.
3684703806Modular AlgorithmIncoming Arc and environmental damage increased.
1771257491Thaviks's ImplantIncoming Arc and environmental damage increased.
2971213628Ignovun's ChallengeIncoming splash damage increased. Knockback damage and distance increased.
2006149364Champion FoesYou will face [Shield-Piercing] Barrier, [Disruption] Overload, and [Stagger] Unstoppable Champions. Your fireteam must equip Anti-Barrier, Anti-Overload, and Anti-Unstoppable mods to your arms armor to defeat them. These mods come from the Seasonal Artif…
4038464106Champion FoesYou will face [Shield-Piercing] Barrier, [Disruption] Overload, and [Stagger] Unstoppable Champions.
22073894A Challenge Awaits…Your current character has not yet completed this mission on Legendary difficulty. Completing all Legendary missions provides additional rewards per class.
1396678533MettleThe activity is at a fixed difficulty. Your effective Power is capped at 1350.
36103086LegendaryHeavily shielded and highly aggressive combatants appear in great numbers.
941999846GalvanizedCombatants have more health and are more difficult to stun.
1593143649MettleThe activity is at a fixed difficulty. Your effective Power is capped at 1350.
1108831612BrutalYour Power is significantly below the recommended level for this activity.
2874799584MettleThe activity is at a fixed difficulty. Your effective Power is capped at 1355.
4047923249MettleThe activity is at a fixed difficulty. Your effective Power is capped at 1405.
2203953934MettleThe activity is at a fixed difficulty. Your effective Power is capped at 1405.
3283187796MettleThe activity is at a fixed difficulty. Your effective Power is capped at 1425.
2768123075MettleThe activity is at a fixed difficulty. Your effective Power is capped at 1475.
1922761042MettleThe activity is at a fixed difficulty. Your effective Power is capped at 1485.
1009404927Contest ModeThe activity is set at a fixed difficulty. Test your might.
2672226122Swift DestructionA challenge awaits…
3425521520Base InformationA challenge awaits…
2255984700Defenses DownA challenge awaits…
2098788044Looping CatalystA challenge awaits…
1572570117Ensemble's RefrainA challenge awaits…
3135466059Wait For It…A challenge awaits…
3212721586Strangers in TimeA challenge awaits…
274420331The Only Oracle For YouA challenge awaits…
2814846409Out of Its WayA challenge awaits…
3620565640Contest ModeThe activity is at a fixed difficulty. Test your might.
4066301271Challenge ModeAll Encounter Challenges Enabled and Required
3787716856Daodan SurgeMelee abilities deal more damage and recharge much faster.
1931480264Keep It LoadedGuardians deal increased damage with Sidearms.
1926594730MA-75 MultipurposeGuardians deal increased damage with Auto Rifles and Grenade Launchers.
2471054449Avatara's PsycheSupers recharge more quickly.
3805176141Durandal's EdgeWhen you're holding a Sword, damage from nearby combatants is reduced.
2229025674Contestants: The Way of the HoofRound 1: Fallen Round 2: Hive Final Round: Zydron
3899751486Contestants: Disciples of the NeighRound 1: Hive Round 2: Vex Final Round: Valus Ta'aurc
2675177792Contestants: The Way of the HoofRound 1: Cabal Round 2: Taken Final Round: Crota
1902839616Contestants: Disciples of the NeighRound 1: Taken Round 2: Cabal Final Round: Zydron
377122366Contestants: The Way of the HoofRound 1: Hive Round 2: Fallen Final Round: Valus Ta'aurc
1456687498Contestants: Disciples of the NeighRound 1: Vex Round 2: Cabal Final Round: Crota
2533375223Melee Health IncreaseMelee units have increased health.
77928345Rank-and-File Damage IncreaseRank-and-file combatants deal increased damage.
4068824296Shielded FoesCombatants may vary each time you play this activity. You may face combatants with [Arc] Arc, [Solar] Solar, or [Void] Void Shields.
93790318Shielded FoesYou may face combatants with [Arc] Arc, [Solar] Solar, or [Void] Void Shields.
3874605433Double Crucible RankAll Crucible Rank point gains are doubled!
3224024504Longer RespawnsIncreased respawn times.
2841995557Gambit RulesTo win, be the first team to summon and defeat your Primeval. Motes: Defeated foes will drop Motes you can pick up. Watch out! If you die, you'll lose any Motes you're holding. Bank: Deposit Motes you're holding in the bank. Bank enough Motes, and…
3228023383Double Gambit RankAll Gambit Rank points earned are doubled.
1361609633Double Trials RankAll Trials Rank points earned are doubled.
2475764450Champion FoesYou will face [Stagger] Unstoppable Champions. You must equip an Anti-Unstoppable mod to your arms armor to defeat them. These mods come from the Seasonal Artifact.
1598783516Champion FoesYou will face [Stagger] Unstoppable Champions.
3030669610Guardian Games: GoldHealth, shields, and recovery are increased. Kinetic weapons deal more damage.
4241877551Guardian Games: SilverMelee abilities recharge faster. Elemental damage increased from Guardian sources. More Heavy ammo available.
3274509088Guardian Games: BronzeGrenade abilities deal more damage and recharge much faster. Elemental damage increased from Guardian sources.
573755249Power CycleDefeating combatants with class, grenade, and melee abilities has a chance of generating Orbs of Power.
822728913Guardian Games: Titan ChallengeCombatant melee attacks deal more damage.
4086984818Guardian Games: Titan ChallengeCombatant melee attacks deal significantly more damage.
3567154497Guardian Games: Warlock ChallengeRadar is disabled.
4086817134Guardian Games: Warlock ChallengeRadar is disabled and combatants don't flinch when damaged.
1071805655Guardian Games: Hunter ChallengeIncoming damage increased while airborne.
3322745302Guardian Games: Hunter ChallengeIncoming damage significantly increased while airborne.
2742259563Surge ProtectorSuper recharge rate is increased.
2378419670FrontlinerAbility recharge rate is increased.
2072906693Stasis Thermal SwapStasis final blows grant melee and grenade energy. Solar subclasses receive a lot; other subclasses receive a little.
1575279060Solar Thermal SwapSolar final blows grant melee and grenade energy. Stasis subclasses receive a lot; other subclasses receive a little.
1073070726Hot StepWhen defeated, challenging combatants drop fire at their location.
1572913484Chill TouchBeing hit by a melee attack slows you.
2668314242Prestige: MarksmanBase weapon damage is reduced. Consecutive precision shots grant a stacking damage buff.
2674660865Prestige: GladiatorMelee kills buff weapon damage, and weapon kills buff melee damage.
2562492496Prestige: ArsenalWeapons have no reserve ammo. Emptying the clip of a weapon refills the clips of your holstered weapons.
3274384593PrismAttacks matching the periodically rotating focused element do more damage. Other elemental damage is reduced. Incoming damage is unaffected.
1284339361ArmsmasterYou've been challenged to wield the following: Kinetic: Bow Energy: Sniper Rifle Power: Fusion Rifle
2355402709ArmsmasterYou've been challenged to wield the following: Kinetic: Shotgun Energy: Sniper Rifle Power: Fusion Rifle
463699805ArmsmasterYou've been challenged to wield the following: Kinetic: Rat King Energy: Anything Power: Anything
627468951ArmsmasterYou've been challenged to wield the following: Kinetic: Sidearm Energy: Sniper Rifle Power: Rocket Launcher
3878686414ArmsmasterYou've been challenged to wield the following: Kinetic: Sniper Rifle Energy: Scout Rifle Power: Grenade Launcher
2375661101ArmsmasterYou've been challenged to wield the following: Kinetic: Ace of Spades Energy: Anything Power: Anything
3496535125ArmsmasterYou've been challenged to wield the following: Kinetic: Bow Energy: Shotgun Power: Sword
4081758395ArmsmasterYou've been challenged to wield the following: Kinetic: Pulse Rifle Energy: Fusion Rifle Power: Rocket Launcher
1569679491ArmsmasterYou've been challenged to wield the following: Kinetic: Wish-Ender Energy: Bow Power: Anything
4185617123ArmsmasterYou've been challenged to wield the following: Kinetic: Auto Rifle Energy: Hand Cannon Power: Rocket Launcher
3892010899ArmsmasterYou've been challenged to wield the following: Kinetic: Anything Energy: Anything Power: Sword
4215654192ArmsmasterYou've been challenged to wield the following: Kinetic: Bow Energy: Shotgun Power: Fusion Rifle
4242441199ArmsmasterYou've been challenged to wield the following: Kinetic: Scout Rifle Energy: Sniper Rifle Power: Anything
1075003588ArmsmasterYou've been challenged to wield the following: Kinetic: Shotgun Energy: Fusion Rifle Power: Fusion Rifle
2718382297ArmsmasterYou've been challenged to wield the following: Kinetic: Anything Energy: Submachine Gun Power: Sword
3013956746ArmsmasterYou've been challenged to wield the following: Kinetic: Hand Cannon Energy: Bow Power: Rocket Launcher
4218937993Champions: UnstoppableThis mode contains Unstoppable Champions, which cannot be stopped without an Unstoppable mod.

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