

792361634Exotic Drop Rate Boosts GainedInitial Exotic drop rate boosts: {var:219516062}
1001677275BlastsCombatant splash damage is increased. Activates at the Midnight Depth.
2736800812FamineAll ammunition drops are significantly reduced. Activates at the Midnight depth.
3364538570MartyrExploder units have more health. Activates at the Midnight depth.
1696123305Air SuperiorityFlying units do increased damage. Activates at the Midnight depth.
160666887Hot ChampionsDefeating Champions creates a pool of fire. Activates at the Midnight Depth.
3729078713Chill TouchBeing hit by a melee attack slows you. Activates at the Midnight depth.
1436323507Void Threat{var:4005007457}% increase to incoming Void damage. Activates at the Midnight depth.
2835296134Exotic Drop Rate Boosts GainedInitial Exotic drop rate boosts: {var:219516062}


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Page built Sat, 07 Sep 2024 03:42:17 GMT.

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