

3508356703Scorched EarthGrenades are thrown significantly more often by combatants. Activates at the Abyss depth.
2335472130Arc Threat{var:4005007457}% increase to incoming Arc damage. Activates at the Abyss depth.
608792222IronCombatants are more resistant to stunning from damage. Activates at the Abyss Depth.
2218138543Chill TouchBeing hit by a melee attack slows you. Activates at the Abyss depth.
535530834Solar Threat{var:4005007457}% increase to incoming Solar damage. Activates at the Abyss depth.
1825276066Stasis Threat{var:4005007457}% increase to incoming Stasis damage. Activates at the Abyss depth.
1277060983Hot ChampionsDefeating Champions creates a pool of fire. Activates at the Abyss Depth.
2878853690MartyrExploder units have more health. Activates at the Abyss depth.

Page built Thu, 25 Jul 2024 12:00:57 GMT.

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